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  • 网络graf;Grave;Graff Diamonds
  1. 格拉夫不像往常那样顺从远见和理想。

    Graff was not so amenable to vision and ideals as usual .

  2. 66张赌桌的最小赌注将为5000港元,在大厦内的格拉夫珠宝(GraffDiamonds)门店和其他奢侈品牌门店购物将需要预约。

    The smallest bets on its 66 gaming tables will be HK $ 5000 and shopping at the Graff Diamonds store and other luxury outlets in its mall will be by appointment only .

  3. 最后,格拉夫高兴得挥动着拳头,脸上笑开了花。

    At the end , Graf punched the air in delight , a huge grin on her face .

  4. 格拉夫GAV型包针布机的使用和分析

    Application and Analysis of GAV Card Clothing Mounting Machine from Graf

  5. 瑞士格拉夫(Graf)公司是世界著名的针布制造公司。生产金属针布、弹性针布、梳棉机部件等。

    Graf Company , Switzerland , a famous card clothing manufacturing firm in the world , produces metalic card clothing , flexible card clothing , card parts etc.

  6. 总部位于伦敦的格拉夫钻石,预期在2011年将实现大约8亿美元的销售额。该公司的唯一拥有人劳伦斯格拉夫(LaurenceGraff)已聘请罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)为预期将在明年进行的上市提供咨询。

    Laurence Graff , sole owner of the London-based company which is expected to make sales of about $ 800m in 2011 , has hired Rothschild to advise on a listing expected next year .

  7. 知情人士透露,以向超级富豪销售百万英镑级珠宝著称的格拉夫钻石(GraffDiamonds)在香港上市时,估值将达30亿美元至40亿美元。

    Graff Diamonds , known for selling multimillion-pound jewels to the super rich , will be valued between $ 3bn and $ 4bn when it lists in Hong Kong , according to people familiar with the process .

  8. 在爱达荷州太阳谷度假时,艺术顾问WillKopelman用格拉夫戒指向德鲁•巴里摩尔求婚了。

    Drew Barrymore and Will KopelmanArt consultant Will Kopelman popped the question to Drew Barrymore while vacationing in Sun Vally , Idaho with a ring by Graff .

  9. 依据上述品酒结果,这些2004年酿造的红葡萄酒多数应该最早从2011年或2012年推出10年期或更久的,但玛尔戈、格拉夫和pomerol出产的一些葡萄酒可能会更快推出。

    On the basis of this tasting , most of these 2004 red Bordeaux should be at their best from about 2011 or 2012 for 10 years or more , although some of the Margaux , graves and Pomerol could be broached sooner .

  10. 格拉夫的地理位置就在波尔多小镇的外围。

    Graves appellation is located just outside the town of Bordeaux .

  11. 格拉夫的命名来自于它的土壤。

    The area of graves gets its name from the soil .

  12. 瑞士格拉夫公司金属针布制造技术与设备

    MCC Manufacturing Techniques and Equipment of Grat co , Switzerland

  13. 格拉夫的墓地被打开了,遗体散落各处。

    Graves had been opened in the cemetry and remains scattered about .

  14. 格拉夫:所以,弗罗斯特小姐不像外表那么简单。

    Graves : So * Ms. Frost is not all she seems .

  15. 格拉夫公司并不涉足资本密集型的钻石开采业务。

    Graff is not involved in capital-intensive diamond mining .

  16. 为什么搜索格拉夫的最终结果是网球的一般项目?

    Why searching on Graf results in Web pages on general subject of tennis ?

  17. 瑞士格拉夫金属针布生产线调速性能的改进

    Improvement for Speed Change of the MCC Production Line Introduced from Graf , Switzerland

  18. 拉古利庄园被誉为富有庞马洛区和格拉夫区风格的葡萄酒。

    The style of La Lagune has been described as both Pomerol-like and Graves-like wine .

  19. 她其后获奖学金,在萨尔斯堡莫扎特音乐学院进修,师承格拉夫教授。

    She was awarded a scholarship to study at the Mozarteum in Salzburg with Maestro Hans Graf .

  20. 决赛的胜利将使塞莱斯取代格拉夫,成为世界网球一号选手。

    Victory in the final could see seles displace Graf as the worm number one tennis player .

  21. 格拉夫:是的,但你找到在朝鲜出卖你的人了吗?

    Graves : Yes . But the way , did you find out who betrayed you in North Korea ?

  22. 有消息称赛琳娜·戈麦斯、莉顿·梅斯特、尼克·安德森以及米兰达·卡斯格拉夫都有参与试镜来争夺这个白雪公主的角色。

    Selena Gomez , Leighton Meester , Nicole Anderson and Miranda Cosgrove have all been rumored to have auditioned for various Snow White roles .

  23. 格拉夫花了4万美元购得这架客机的两张商务舱机票。他说:“我为能成为历史的一部分感到激动。”

    Graaff paid $ 40000 for two business-class tickets on the jet . " I 'm excited about being a part of history . "

  24. 过去3年间,格拉夫最重要的单一客户每年均占其销售额的13%至19%。

    Its single most important customer has accounted for between 13 and 19 per cent of sales in each of the past three years .

  25. 大不列颠队的柔道巨星萨莉•康威在击败澳大利亚选手伯纳黛特•格拉夫后收获一枚铜牌,她不仅武艺高超,一鸣惊人,连发型都奇特异常,惊艳四座。

    Team GB judo star Sally Conway , who impressed on the mat by winning bronze after defeating Austrian Bernadette Graf , led the pack .

  26. 格拉夫公司将用上市所得资金在亚洲开设新店,扩大高端首饰的生产,并建立更大的稀有宝石库存。

    Graff would use the capital to open new stores in Asia , expand production of high-end pieces and finance a larger inventory of rare gemstones .

  27. 格拉夫红酒的标志是石榴红、口味浓郁、诱人,比其他梅铎克更加浓烈。

    The red wines of Graves are recognizable by their garnet-red color , rich , attractive and more robust than the other M é doc wines .

  28. 我没有时间和精力来品尝格拉夫的干白葡萄酒了,这很遗憾,因为对它们而言,2004年是非常成功的酿造年份。

    I had neither time nor stamina to taste the dry white graves , which was unfortunate as 2004 was a very successful Vintage for them .

  29. 常州纺器厂1986年引进瑞士格拉夫公司金属针布制造技术及关键设备,两年内投产。

    In 1986 . Changzhou Textile Accessories Factory imported the technology and key equipment for MCC manufacture from Graf , Switzerland and put them into production within two years .

  30. 据索罗斯身边的人传出消息,订婚戒指是一枚格拉夫钻戒,钻石镶在白金戒托上,戒圈为玫瑰金。

    The engagement ring Soros gave Bolton , according to a person close to him , is a Graff diamond in a platinum setting on a rose gold band .