
  • 网络greenland;greenland island
  1. 这些作为实验的DNA样本取自于大约33000年前的狗,还有大约1000年前住在格陵兰岛的狗。

    Some of the oldest DNA samples were taken from dogs that were living alongside humans around 33000 years ago and were traced through to dogs that lived in Greenland about 1000 years ago .

  2. 它指出,如果全球气温较工业化之前的水平上升2°C,将可能造成毁灭性后果:格陵兰岛冰原迅速融化,多达三分之一的动植物物种面临灭绝。

    It pointed out the potentially devastating effects of rapid melting of the Greenland ice sheet and the likely extinction of up to a third of plant and animal species if global temperatures increased by 2 ° C above pre-industrial levels .

  3. 对格陵兰岛永久冻结带中4000年前的一绺头发进行的DNA分析,揭开了有关北方严寒地区人类居民起源的谜底。

    DNA analysis of a4,000-year-old clump of hair preserved in Greenland 's permafrost has solved a mystery about the original human inhabitants of the frozen north .

  4. 丹麦周一在联合国(UN)对格陵兰岛海岸线以外的约90万平方公里土地提出了主权要求,格陵兰岛是丹麦境内的自治领土。

    Denmark presented a claim at the United Nations on Monday to about 900,000 square kilometres beyond the coast of Greenland , an autonomous territory within Denmark .

  5. 当北半球极涡面积大时,欧亚大陆中、高纬度至北美洲中东部气温偏低,非洲北部和格陵兰岛气温偏高,AO异常则相反。

    When polar vortex area in the northern hemisphere is larger , it is colder from high latitudes of Eurasia to middle-east North America , and warmer in northern Africa and Greenland . However , the corresponding relationship is opposite for AO anomaly .

  6. 这次探险的主要目的是为俄罗斯的一项主张提供支持。俄罗斯日益坚定地主张,从格陵兰岛至西伯利亚的水下山脉罗蒙诺索夫海岭(LomonosovRidge)的一部分是俄罗斯领土的延伸。

    The expedition 's main goal is to back the claim of an increasingly assertive Russia that part of the Lomonosov Ridge , an underwater mountain range stretching from Greenland to Siberia , is an extension of its own territory .

  7. 对流层下部(850hPa)全年位涡高值区主要分布在阿拉斯加和加拿大以及格陵兰岛东部区域,位置十分稳定,只是中心强度在变化。

    In the low troposphere , the high value of potential vorticity maintain in Alaska , Canada , and eastern Greenland area over the whole year .

  8. 当前一轮如火如荼的争论与罗蒙诺索夫海岭(lomonosovridge)相关,它是一座蛇形的海底山脉,呈弧形环绕在地球的顶端,一头指向俄罗斯,另一头指向加拿大以及丹麦的格陵兰岛自治区。

    One high-profile existing dispute relates to the rights to the Lomonosov ridge , a snaking undersea mountain chain that arcs over the top of the world , pointing towards Russia at one end and Canada and the Danish autonomous territory of Greenland at the other .

  9. 极地到格陵兰岛附近、西南欧洲到地中海地区、贝加尔湖到日本海以及北美洲东南部地区是500hPa高度场上环流异常的主要发生地区;

    The regions of from polar to Greenland , from Southwest Europe to Etesian , from Baikal lake to the Japanese Sea and the Southeastern of North America are the major occurring areas of 500 hPa circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere .

  10. 分布在北美洲北部;格陵兰岛;欧洲中部和北部。

    Northern North America ; Greenland ; northern and central Europe .

  11. 古新世的格陵兰岛西海岸;

    Paleocene , the west coast of Greenland ( Fig. 1-5 );

  12. 特朗普取消了丹麦之行只因格陵兰岛是非卖品

    Trump Cancels Denmark Trip Because Greenland Is Not for Sale

  13. 就当作去格陵兰岛之前的休整吧。

    Think of it as a layover on your way to Greenland .

  14. 并说服一些人与他一起回到格陵兰岛。

    He persuaded some people to go back with him to Greenland .

  15. 格陵兰岛的融冰已威胁着海水的上涨。

    Melting ice in Greenland threatens to raise sea levels .

  16. 格陵兰岛被人类发现没有借助于磁罗盘。

    GREENLAND was discovered without the use of magnetic compasses .

  17. 格陵兰岛和南极洲有着地球上现存的最后冰原。

    Greenland and Antarctica hold the Earth 's last remaining ice sheets .

  18. 问题20:关于格陵兰岛,文章讲了些什么?

    Question 20 . What does the passage say about the Greenland ?

  19. 那个其实格陵兰岛大概就七八个人

    There is , like , eight people in Greenland .

  20. 格陵兰岛位于加拿大北极以东,是丹麦的自治领土。

    Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory located east of the Canadian Arctic .

  21. 格陵兰岛给我们一个气候变化的好例子。

    The island of Greenland gives us a good example of climatic change .

  22. 格陵兰岛[字面义为绿岛]与它的名字不同格陵兰岛以白色为主

    Despite its name , Greenland is mostly white ,

  23. 这是格陵兰岛西南的康克鲁斯瓦格河。

    This is the Kangerlussuaq River in southwest Greenland .

  24. 与格陵兰岛地区以及西伯利亚的东北地区,他们被看作是一个原始的部族。

    And parts of Greenland and northeast Siberia and are considered a primitive tribe .

  25. 分布于欧亚大陆、格陵兰岛和北美洲。

    Of Eurasia and Greenland and North America .

  26. 丹麦领土包括北极圈内的法罗群岛和格陵兰岛。

    Denmark 's territory includes the Faeroe Islands and Greenland in the Arctic Circle .

  27. 恩。我想最刺激的是格陵兰岛之旅。

    Mm . I think the most exciting one is the trip of Greenland .

  28. 世界上最大的岛屿是格陵兰岛。

    The world 's biggest island is Greenland .

  29. 这相当于海平面上20英尺,和格陵兰岛一样。

    That 's equal to 20 feet of sea level , as is Greenland .

  30. 与更多的幸存者取得联系,直到抵达格陵兰岛

    making contact with as many survivors as possible , until I hit Greenland .