
  • 网络fruit wine;fruit punch;sangria
  1. 请给我二个汉堡及一大杯水果酒。

    Two hamburgers and one large fruit punch , please .

  2. 水果酒和奶乳酪比萨饼。

    Fruit punch and cheese pizza .

  3. 给她来一杯水果酒。

    She 'll have the punch .

  4. 开发水果酒的对策措施

    Methods of Developing Fruit Wines

  5. 酒精残留物暗示了许多史前欧亚的水果酒,蜂蜜酒,啤酒(大麦和小麦)和发酵饮料都产自于乳制品。

    Alcoholic residues suggest many prehistoricEurasians drank fruit wines , mead , beer ( from barley and wheat ) and fermenteddrinks made from dairy products .

  6. 值得庆幸的是,政府已经制订了一个强有力的反酗酒法律,包括对酒后驾车的高额罚款和禁止自制水果酒。

    Thankfully , the government has instituted a strong anti-alcohol program , including heavy fines for drunk driving and a ban on homemade fruit wines .

  7. 农场主克里斯蒂和基什·基斯勒经营了一个小型有机农场。他们在新建的苹果汁酿造场的品尝室里,自豪地倒出一些发酵苹果汁和水果酒样品。

    Farmers Crystie and Keith Kisler proudly pour samples of their hard cider and fruit liquors in the tasting room of the new cidery on their small organic farm .

  8. 而另外高达30.9%的酒精消耗量属于其他酒类--也许是水果酒和自制的伏特加,这由该国的170000名酗酒者保持着纪录。

    A disturbingly high 30.9 percent of alcohol consumed was simply listed as " other " - probably referring to the discount fruit wines and homemade vodka beloved by the nation 's 170000 recorded alcoholics .

  9. 午餐很丰盛,有肉、蔬菜、奶酪、酸奶、水果,酒无限量供应。

    Lunch was a feast of meat and vegetables , cheese , yoghurt and fruit , with unlimited wine

  10. 保持水果,酒,蜂蜜和糖用。

    For preserving fruits , liquor , honey and sugar were used .

  11. 发挥资源优势发展水果蒸馏酒

    Full Play to Resource Advantages to Develop Fruit Distillate Liquor

  12. 魔术师送阿拉丁的妈妈一些水果和酒。

    The magician gave some fruit and wine to Aladdin 's mother .

  13. 水果蒸馏酒的开发及工业化生产

    Development and Industrial Production of Fruit Distillate Liquors

  14. 用电子搅拌机来混合新鲜水果,酒,果汁和冰而不是摇。

    Use an electric blender to mix fresh fruit , liquor , juices and ice instead of using a shaker .

  15. 出产以后几个月内就用于干的水果餐桌酒饮料;出产于法国南部勃艮底。

    Dry fruity red table wine drunk within a few months after it is made ; from southern Burgundy in France .

  16. 加强科技创新,以人为本,研制出多品种、多类型的水果蒸馏酒,丰富和提高我国烈性酒产品的结构;

    Strengthening technical innovation and depending on intellectuals is the base for developing multiple fruit distillate liquor products , which could enrich and perfect liquor products structure in China .

  17. 发展水果蒸馏酒具有资源丰富、可塑性强、成本低、税赋低、产品利润空间大等优势。

    The development of fruit distillate liquor has the advantages such as abundant resources , strong compliance , low production costs and low taxation , and great potential benefit .

  18. 由高糖分冰酒饮料和水果制成的酒。这种红葡萄酒不含酒精而且果味浓。

    Tall sweetened iced drink of wine or liquor with fruit . This red wine is soft and fruity .

  19. 她往汤里加味精调味。柠檬的叶子,用于汤药、汤或水果五味酒中。

    She flavoured the soup with gourmet powder . lemony leaves used for a tisane or in soups or fruit punches .

  20. 酒类酒精饮料,如鸡尾酒或高杯酒由高糖分冰酒饮料和水果制成的酒。

    An alcoholic beverage , such as a cocktail or highball . tall sweetened iced drink of wine or liquor with fruit .

  21. 葡萄酒是由发酵的葡萄汁制成的酒精饮料,一些人也说其它水果酿制的酒也算葡萄酒(但不包括米)。

    Wines are alcoholic beverages made from fermented grape juice , and some expand that definition to include any and all fruit .

  22. 每位农业生产者都是一名化学家,要为不同的土壤选择适当的作物,要将水果酿造成酒,将牛奶提炼成奶酪;

    Every agriculturist is a chemist , matching soil types with the right crops , transforming fruit and milk into wine and cheese ;

  23. 入口生动、优雅,有成熟的水果香味,酒体展现出诱人的圆润和单宁之间的均衡。

    The attack is lively and elegant , on ripe fruit , and the body offers an attractive balance between roundness and tannic structure .

  24. 有糖膏的坚果或水果片。苹果酒是用苹果酿造的。

    Nuts or fruit pieces in a sugar paste . Cider is made out of apples .