
wō niú; guō niú
  • snail
蜗牛 [wō niú]
  • [snail] 软体动物,头部有两对触角,壳略呈扁圆形或圆锥形,有螺旋纹。吃草本植物的表皮

蜗牛[wō niú; guō niú]
  1. 蜗牛壳呈螺旋形。

    A snail 's shell is spiral in form .

  2. 火车这会儿走得跟蜗牛一样慢。

    The train was moving now at a snail 's pace

  3. 这些蜗牛体宽不超过1厘米。

    The snails are no larger than one centimetre across .

  4. 伊丽莎白一直在为完成学校的一份课题作业收集蜗牛。

    Elizabeth had been collecting snails for a school project

  5. 蜗牛当然会是道主菜。

    Snails would , of course , be the main dish .

  6. 大多数蜗牛背上有壳。

    Most snails have shells on their backs .

  7. 蜗牛把触角缩了回去。

    The snail drew in its feelers .

  8. 但是,蜗牛还是这个项目地当务之急。

    But the snail has given the project greater urgency .

  9. 但是,塞拉特说,这些蜗牛在继续向新的领地迈进

    But the snail continues its march to new territory , says Serrat .

  10. 到目前为止,巨头苹果蜗牛在欧洲仅存在于埃布罗河三角洲。

    For now , the giant apple snail 's foothold in Europe is limited to the Ebro Delta .

  11. 短期内与蜗牛作战,中远期内抵御气候变化。

    " The short-term fight against the snail , and a mid - to long-term fight against climate change . "

  12. 与此同时海水也杀死了贪婪的巨头苹果蜗牛,这种外来害虫以水稻幼苗为食。

    At the same time , this sea-water also kills off the greedy giant apple snail , an introduced pest that feeds on young rice plants .

  13. 这些蜗牛原产自南美洲,由全球水产技术公司意外地带入了埃布罗河三角洲,该公司曾为淡水水族馆饲养这些蜗牛,却不慎让它们逃脱了。

    Originally from South America , the snails were accidentally introduced into the Ebro Delta by Global Aquatic Technologies , a company that raised the snails for fresh-water aquariums , but failed to prevent their escape .

  14. 西班牙的埃布罗河三角洲因曾为西班牙内战期间的战场而出名,现在又成为另一场战争的所在地,那就是稻农们正面临两大敌人的挑战:以水稻为食的巨头苹果蜗牛,以及持续上升的海平面。

    The Ebro Delta , in Spain , famous as a battleground during the Spanish Civil War , is now the setting for a different contest , one that is pitting rice farmers against two enemies : the rice-eating giant apple snail , and rising sea levels .

  15. 法国人每年吃4万吨蜗牛!

    French people eat 40,000 tons of snails every year !

  16. 蜗牛也是这里的必备品。

    Snails are also a must-have here .

  17. 但是用10000只死海蜗牛只能生产出一克紫色染料…还有一股很难闻的味道!

    But10.000 dead sea snails got you just one gram of purple dye … as well as a very bad smell !

  18. 蜗牛是一种软体草食动物。

    Snail is a small plant-eating creature with a soft body .

  19. 蜗牛在镶木地板上留下一道黏液。

    The snail left a trail of slime along the parquet floor .

  20. 不过让人有些意外的是,“蜗牛信件”这个词早在1982年时就被收录进常用语言词条了。

    Slightly surprisingly , snail mail entered the language as far back as 1982 .

  21. 我羞愧地忏悔了——冷冰冰地退缩,像个蜗牛。

    I confess it with shame -- shrunk icily into myself , like a snail .

  22. 我想我午餐要尝一下蜗牛——我今天很想冒险

    I think I 'll try the snails for lunch — I 'm feeling adventurous today .

  23. “蜗牛报纸”这个词是对“蜗牛信件”一词的演绎,蜗牛信件指通过人工投递的信件、账单等,比电子邮件肯定慢很多。

    The word " snailpaper " is a play on snail and therefore much more slowly than e-mail .

  24. 男孩子听到了蜗牛发出的嘘声,便说:“你们这些连命都快没有的家伙,怎么还能有心情在窝里着火时吹口哨呢?”

    When the boy heard it , he said , " You abandoned creatures , how can you find heart to whistle when your houses are burning ? "

  25. 各类屏幕已赢得不同派别的集体支持,而纸质报纸正在变成“蜗牛报纸”。报纸送到我们门口的时候,那上面的新闻我们12小时前就已经知道了。

    The screens are winning adherents left and right . Print newspapers are turning into " snailpapers " that arrive at our doorsteps with news that is 12 hours late .

  26. 一个乡下少年到处寻找蜗牛,当他双手都塞满了蜗牛后,就准备点火烤着吃。

    A farmer 's boy went looking for snails1 , and , when he had picked up both his hands full , he set about making a fire at which to roast them ;

  27. 火点着了,蜗牛也开始感觉到热了,他们纷纷退向坚壳的深处,同时还发出“咝咝”的噪音。

    for he meant to eat them . When it got well alight and the snails began to feel the heat , they gradually withdrew more and more into their shells with the hissing2 noise they always make when they do so .

  28. 用蜗牛酶提取和提纯隐球菌DNA

    Using snail enzymes to extract and purify the DNA of Cryptococcus

  29. 来自世界各地的100多位研究人员已经解除了传播寄生虫的蜗牛的DNA秘密。

    More than 100 researchers from around the world have unlocked the DNA secrets of a snail that transmits the parasite .

  30. 实验以新鲜蜗牛肝脏为材料,经匀浆、盐析、氯仿-乙醇处理、透析和SephadexG-75柱层析等步骤、纯化得到超氧化物歧化酶。

    Superoxide dismutase was isolated and purified from snail liver by salting out , chloro-form-ethanol treatment dialysis and Sephadex G-75 column chromatography .
