
  • 网络Oppose liberalism;Against Liberalism
  1. 十九世纪英国国教内部的一场反对自由主义倾向的运动。

    19th-century movement in the Church of England opposing liberal tendencies .

  2. 坚持党的纪律,反对自由主义。

    Abide by Party discipline ; do not pursue liberalism .

  3. 反对自由主义是长期的,党内自由主义也还不少。

    To combat liberalism is a long-term task , and it exists even in the Party to no small extent .

  4. 在反对新自由主义的浪潮中必将诞生能够代表大多数人民利益的新的社会发展模式。

    In the struggle of anti-neoliberalism , a new social mode of development which can be on behalf of the interests of most people , will surly be given to birth .

  5. 战时内阁业已成立,由5位阁员组成,其中包括反对党的自由主义者,代表了举国一致的团结。

    A War Cabinet has been formed of five Members , representing , with the Opposition Liberals , the unity of the nation .

  6. 新保守主义是美国国内一股比较新的政治思潮,其兴起于20世纪60年代末,是反对当时极端自由主义的结果。

    Neo-conservatism , emerging in the middle of the 1960s , is a new kind of political trend in the United States , which is a result of against the liberalism .

  7. 同性恋婚姻是一个敏感的政治和宗教信仰问题,保守派通常反对它,而自由主义者通常支持它。

    Same-sex marriage is a delicate political and religious issue , with conservatives usually opposing it and liberals usually supporting it .