
bǎo diǎn
  • Baodian;a valuable book;a treasury of knowledge
宝典 [bǎo diǎn]
  • [valuable book] 极珍贵的书籍。也用做书名,如隋代杜台卿著有《玉烛宝典》

宝典[bǎo diǎn]
  1. 一种基于GA的自动谈判问题解决方案谈判宝典&避实就虚

    A Solution Based on GA for Automatic Negotiation Negotiation skill strike the weak point

  2. 《Vogue》在其少年版副刊《MissVogue》(《时尚小姐》)上刊登了这一榜单,该榜单详细介绍了2018年这本少年时尚宝典刊登过的年轻男子。

    Printed in the publication 's teenage supplement , Miss Vogue , the list details the young men the junior style bible is celebrating in 2018 .

  3. Jay-Z的说唱歌曲是一部“吹牛宝典”,涉及体育的比喻多种多样。

    Among Jay-Z 's thesaurus of boasts in his rap songs is a rich index of sports comparisons .

  4. 西班牙人,你们还在找葵花宝典?

    Spanish , are you still looking for the sacred scroll ?

  5. 有人认为这本书是猫科宝典。

    Some consider it the definitive work on cats .

  6. 这本笔记成了她的宝典。

    That notebook became her holy grail of sorts .

  7. 感谢收看“女孩约会宝典”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video How To Get Good At Dating For Girls .

  8. 这是英语学习的宝典!

    This is the Bible of learning english .

  9. 激活老品牌的葵花宝典

    Sunflower guide to activate " old " brands

  10. 还有,葵花宝典无敌的另一主要因素就是快!

    Still have , the another main factor with sunflower inapproachable jewel is fast !

  11. 那葵花宝典不可以有假的吗?

    Sacred scroll can also be faked too !

  12. 大足旅游宝典

    Guide Book for the Tourism in Dazu

  13. 有了这些网络上的省钱宝典支招,很多人已经深得节省花销、精明度日之道了。

    With these online tips , many people have become experts in cutting household expenses .

  14. 正如管理宝典中经常指出的那样,乐观主义者能推动员工实现非凡成就。

    As management literature often notes , optimists drive employees to exceptional levels of achievement .

  15. 夏季家电使用宝典

    The appliance user manual for summer

  16. 今天大家所看到的和所知道的,只不过是石油行业的葵花宝典神功初现而已!

    Today , everyone 's seen and knew was only the the beginning of petroleum industry !

  17. 大乘佛教的晚期经典《楞伽经》与印度古代的哲学宝典《奥义书》有着诸多相似之处。

    The later period Mahayana Sutra Lankavatara-sutra is similar with the ancient India philosophical classics Upanad .

  18. 装饰光源的设计宝典

    The Design Bible of decorative

  19. 冬日鞋靴选择与保养宝典

    Select and maintain boots

  20. 软件测试入门的学习宝典,介绍相当的全面,是入门的好资料。

    Software testing book entry to the study , presented fairly comprehensive , is the entry of good information .

  21. 您将发现您自己正在浏览大量描述这些控件是如何处理特定事件的宝典信息。

    You will find yourself reading through a lot of fun information that describes how the controls do certain things .

  22. 这个研究成果发表在最新一期的英国《经济杂志》上,对于外出度假的人们来说,它是一个“掌中宝典”。

    And the formula , published in the latest edition of the Economic Journal , will be invaluable to holidaymakers .

  23. 《易经》,由自然环境现象阐释生命意义的智慧宝典;

    The Book of Changes , as a precious book on wisdom , elucidates the significance of life through the natural environment .

  24. 不过上述“如厕宝典”也有一个问题:在耐心地排了这么久的队之后,观众欣赏影片时难道还会去频频看表吗?

    That raises the question : After waiting patiently in line , will viewers then spend the entire movie checking their watches ?

  25. 这也是第一部公开出版的,通过更多智能开发应对全球变暖的工具宝典。

    This is the first published toolkit for tackling global warming through more intelligent development , and it is free of hot air .

  26. 我喜欢了解有关某个行业规模的关键统计数据,而贸易协会往往是一部部专业知识宝典。

    I love to learn the vital statistics about the scale of a sector , and trade bodies are often repositories of expert knowledge .

  27. 布莱克的一位闺蜜告诉杂志,她说:“布莱克十分喜爱《约会宝典》

    A friend of Blake 's told Now Magazine : ' Blake loves dating book The Rules and has been following it to the letter . '

  28. 泽恩·马利克(25岁):单向乐队成员,泽恩曾被该时尚宝典称赞“永远都不会失去他的光芒”

    ZAYN MALIK , 25 : The member of One Direction , Zayn is applauded for ' never losing his sparkle ' by the fashion bible .

  29. 衡湘远古的养生文化,一直影响着历代皇室御膳的改良,给中华饮食文化宝典增添了厚重的墨香浓彩。奠定出寿岳衡山为我国饮食文化源头之地位。

    Hunan health value of ancient culture , history has been a royal palace on the improvement of Chinese food culture Baodianpian to add thick Mexican rich color .

  30. 所以,职场小说虽然能够反映现实问题,却不可完全作为现实的参照宝典,有理想和虚构的成分。

    Therefore , although the novel to reflect the real workplace problems , but not completely as practical reference Collection , cause they had many idealistic and imaginary components .