
  1. 随着网上Web服务资源的日益膨胀,使得用户逐渐陷入了信息过载的困境中。

    With the increasing prosperity of the online Web service resources , users slide into the plight of " information overload " .

  2. 漂,漂流;逐渐陷入他看着船向下游漂去。

    drift vi. He watched the boat drift downstream .

  3. 随着第二次世界大战的爆发,欧洲逐渐陷入战火之中。

    With the outbreak of the Second World War , Europe gradually go to war .

  4. 传统中医的传授则逐渐陷入困境。

    On the contrary , the teaching of traditional Chinese medicine gradually ran into dilemma .

  5. 她逐渐陷入昏迷状态。

    She lapsed into a coma .

  6. 但经济转型以来,西部农村合作医疗制度逐渐陷入困境,疾病成为西部农民致(返)贫的重要原因,并影响了西部农村的经济发展和社会稳定。

    But since the economic distribution , western rural cooperation medical system gradually ran into dilemma .

  7. 由于形势逐渐陷入困境,法国外长朱佩呼吁北约采取更多行动。

    With the bogging down , French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe called on NATO to do more .

  8. 到了第三个月,我逐渐陷入抑郁,健康和精神状态面临严重挑战。

    By the third month , I was sinking into a depression that threatened my health and sanity .

  9. 实际上,高考所包含的个体与群体利益,正在形成一种稳固的利益链,在利益的纠葛下,高考制度批评逐渐陷入了多重利益困境中。

    In fact , the individual and group interests contained in college entrance examination are forming as a solid chain .

  10. 到了18世纪末,清王朝的统治开始衰落,逐渐陷入严重的社会危机。

    In the end of the 18th century , the governance of Qing Dynasty began to decline and gradually fell into the serious social crisis .

  11. 随着个体和私营运输业户的无节制增长,国有道路运输企业在市场竞争中逐渐陷入困境。

    However , following the boundless increase of personal and private transportation dealer , the state-owned enterprises of creep into hard condition in the marketing competition .

  12. 及至太平天国战乱平复,两淮积极致力于夺回其原有引地,四川井盐随之逐渐陷入沉寂。

    War to calm down , until the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom , the Huai River is actively committed to recapture its original lead to Sichuan well salt , gradually fell silent .

  13. 我指出,英国在1912年达到了峰值水平,而英国的生活仍然十分舒适,因此我对自己的国家已开始逐渐陷入衰退并不是太担心。

    I pointed out that England peaked in 1912 and life in the UK was still quite pleasant so I was not too worried about my own country having begun a gradual decline .

  14. 孩子渐渐的长大,凯西却没有感到丝毫的幸福可言,相反的,她却逐渐陷入许多的幻觉与梦靥。

    Children have grown up gradually , Casey did not feel any happiness at all , on the contrary , she has started to fall into the illusion and the dream of many dimple .

  15. 不管今年还是明年,经济减速的原因将是我们已经熟知的一些担心:消费者与政府逐渐陷入更深的债务,以及金融机构的信贷风险。

    An economic slowdown , this year or next , would be due to now well-ventilated fears : of consumers and governments getting further into debt , and of credit risk by financial institutions .

  16. 政治经济体制的变化使以政治支配行政为基本特征,以动员、任务和命令为主要方式和手段的传统行政机制逐渐陷入困境,难以为继,这种情况促使了乡村行政的法治化转型。

    The Changes in political and economic systems gradually drives the traditional administrative mechanism , whose basic characteristic is " politics-dominant-e conomics " and the main methods or means are mobilization , tasks and orders , into trouble .

  17. 于此同时企业越来越感到自身的经营活动逐渐陷入了两难的境地:拓展下游渠道,企业缺乏资金;开发上游设计,企业又缺乏技术与人才。

    At the same time , the company was feeling increasingly that the business activities gradually were sank into a dilemma : starved for funds in developing downstream channels ; starved for techniques and specialists in developing upstream designs .

  18. 面对系统的复杂性,传统方法已经逐渐陷入困境,寻找一种适合大规模并行且具有智能特征的优化算法已成为有关学科的一个主要研究目标。

    To deal with such complexity of system , conventional techniques have become incapable , and to seek an optimization algorithm , which adapt to large-scale parallel with intelligent characteristics , has been a primary research target of related subjects .

  19. 中国现行的科学成果评价体系中,评价标准和方法过于简单化,与科学活动及评价工作的复杂性实质相背离,因而存在不少问题和矛盾,也使中国科学研究及成果评价工作逐渐陷入尴尬局面。

    As the standard and method in present evaluation system of China is oversimplified , it is deviated from the complexity of scientific activity and evaluation work in nature . There are many problems and contradictories in practice of evaluation .

  20. 1840年鸦片战争以后,外国侵略者纷纷侵入中国,不仅使得中国逐渐陷入半殖民地半封建化社会,而且还极大地撼动了以中华帝国为中心的宗藩体制。

    After the Opium War , the foreign aggressors invaded in China , and China became to be a semi-colonial , semi-feudal society gradually . Moreover , the aggression also shook the Zong Fan system which takes the Chinese empire as center enormously .

  21. 在过去的15年中,崔老太生活的大部分时间都是在照顾老伴,近几年,老伴病情不断恶化逐渐陷入植物人状态,崔老太感觉压力与日俱增。

    Over the past 15 years , Cui spent most of her time taking care of her husband . In the last couple of years , she felt increasing pressures as her husband 's condition worsened and eventually left him in a vegetative state .

  22. 公共景观建筑发挥的良好景观效应或景观辐射作用大大提高了城市的整体形象与公共空间的品质,但与此同时,一味追求高大、新奇的现象使之发展逐渐陷入了窘境。

    In China , the good effect of public landscape architecture and landscape radiationeffect have improved the overall image of the city and quality of the public space . However , the blind pursuit of building novelty and taller construction has set thedevelopment of landscape architecture in a dilemma .

  23. 不少有过和他同样梦想的青年(虽然也许他们的追求不如他热烈吧),到头来都逐渐地陷入了他们的长者所墨守的那种平静和奢华的陈规当中去了。

    He had seen enough of other young men who had dreamed his dream , though perhaps less ardently , and who had gradually sunk into the placid and luxurious routine of their elders .

  24. 在每一起案件中,在急剧现代化的城市与被城市逐渐侵吞的陷入困境之中的保守乡村文化之间都存在着暴力冲突。

    In each case there has been an explosive clash between the rapidly modernizing city and the embattled , conservative village culture upon which the capital increasingly encroaches .

  25. 那个项目逐渐叫停,哈里陷入了困境。

    The project evaporated and Harry was left high and dry .

  26. 在这一背景下,我国在政治、经济、文化等方面的社会深层次矛盾逐渐显露,社会陷入非稳定状态。

    In this context , the political , economic , culture and other aspects of the social contradictions gradually revealed , our country deeper into the nonsteady stage .

  27. 1891年,当她还在襁褓中的儿子雅各布夭折后,奥克塔维亚悲痛不已,一病不起。她逐渐病重,并陷入了昏迷。

    After her infant son Jacob passed away in January 1891 , Octavia went into a bedridden depression where she gradually became very ill and slipped into a coma .

  28. 多元论是后现代哲学最本质特征之一,它的出现是西方文化思想界、西方传统形而上学一元论在现代主义运动中逐渐弊端弥生、陷入困窘之后的一个反动。

    Pluralism is one of the essential characteristics of post-modern philosophy , whose occurance is a reaction of monism of west culture in west traditional metaphysics when getting involved in difficulty in post-modernism because of its many defects .