
biǎo bái
  • Confession;express;profess;declaration;vindicate;statement;profess one's devotion;give voice to;justify oneself
表白 [biǎo bái]
  • (1) [profess one's devotion]∶提供证据或为其辩白

  • 犯罪者总是为自己表白

  • (2) [justify oneself]∶说明。向人进行解释

  • 表白诚意

  • (3) [express]∶佛教的唱导

  • 赵员外表白宣疏

表白[biǎo bái]
  1. 以表白我的爱或者你的真价?

    That may express my love or thy dear merit ?

  2. 这时查理才能够把心中的情感表白出来。

    Charles found words at last to express his feelings .

  3. 她需要时间来适应克莱夫的表白。

    She needed time to adjust to Clive 's declaration .

  4. 她没有勇气表白。

    She didn 't have the courage to confess .

  5. 他口口声声表白不知道这件事。

    He glibly professed his ignorance of the affair .

  6. 我们看一个人,不是根据他的表白,而是根据他的行动。

    We judge a person not by what he says but by what he does .

  7. 他向他的同学玛丽表白了他的友情。

    He made a profession of friendship to his classmate mary .

  8. 如果女方发现自己对男闺蜜产生感情,一般不会表白,因为怕会失去这个好朋友。

    Females who do fall for their guy best friend usually keep it quiet in fear of losing their best friend .

  9. 转基因白桦中GUS基因表达的定量分析藕节炭中3-表白桦脂酸含量的测定

    Content Determination of 3-Epibetulinic Acid in Nodus Nelumbinis Rhizomatis Charcoal

  10. 拒绝表白的理由往往都是,咱俩不是一个世界的人分歧适,岂非我TM是火星来的?跟地球人分歧适?

    Only reason often refused to is , we are not a world fitness differences , not me that TM is Mars ? With the earth person differences comfortable ?

  11. 尽管Elena还是选择Stefan,但是毫无疑问的是,记起Damon对自己的表白会使Elena心生萌动。

    While Elena may have chosen Stefan , there was no denying that remembering the time Damon told her he loved her got to her .

  12. 所以你十年也没向她表白。

    Then , you don 't tell her for a decade .

  13. 因为我特地在情人节这一天对你表白。

    Because I chose specially to assert my love to you .

  14. 他似乎对她的爱情表白感到困窘。

    He seemed to be embarrassed by her declaration of love .

  15. 是可以表白的,但是表白出来了,就不是那恒常的「名」。

    The names that can be named are not unvarying names .

  16. 我知道你永远不会向我表白你的爱意。

    I know you can never show your love for me .

  17. 还是宁愿撒谎,不愿表白;跑开并躲起来?

    Or would you lie ? Would you run and hide ?

  18. 喜欢古典而含蓄的爱,不用表白。

    The classical and implicit love don 't need to confess .

  19. 我不能不向你表白我对你的似海深情。

    I can 't help showing you my oceans of love .

  20. 你紧张得不敢当面向她表白。

    You 're too nervous to tell her face to face .

  21. 我该怎么向我最亲密的朋友表白?

    How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend ?

  22. 向她表白的风险非常高。

    The risks of my confessing my feelings are quite high .

  23. 你觉得他有没有听你的建议向她表白?

    Do you think he took your advice and told her ?

  24. 可他从未向她表白过爱慕之情。

    But he had never spoken to her about his love .

  25. 但是,他还是因为太害羞而没有向女孩表白。

    But he was still too shy to ask her out .

  26. 你对路茜表白过你对她的爱了吗?

    Have you spoken to Lucie about your love ? '

  27. 对于表达爱意你是比较保守的,不会轻易对人表白。

    You are reserved about showing your affections and not very demonstrative .

  28. 表白了之后不是成了男女朋友。

    After the confession had not become a male and female friends .

  29. 但他向你表白过了,是不是?

    But he 's made advances , hasn 't he ?

  30. 纸及纸浆猎表白度测定法

    Testing method for brightness of paper and pulp by hunter