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  1. (他和妻子凯茜(Cathy)育有三子,其中一子也是主教练。)前门将埃德温范德萨(EdwinvanderSar)回忆道:你可以与他讨论任何问题。

    ( He and his wife , Cathy , have three sons , one now also a manager . ) You could discuss anything with him , recalls former goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar .

  2. 说明三子养阴汤具有改善高血压患者的血脂、血糖、血尿酸水平的作用,尤其在降低TC、血糖和血尿酸,升高HDL-C方面,效果明显。

    Nourish " Yin " soup that has improved third hypertension in blood sugar , blood lipid levels , the role of serum uric acid level , especially in lower TC , blood sugar and blood uric acid , rise HDL-C , effect is obvious . 5 .

  3. 为了提高声纳的探测性能,近年来,在传统的三子阵定位法基础上,出现了一些新的定位方法&目标运动分析(TMA)和匹配场处理(MFP)。

    Recently , considering the restriction of passive ranging from time delay , the new passive localization methods : target motion analysis ( TMA ) and matched field processing ( MFP ) are proposed for improving the performance of sonar system .

  4. 简要回顾了CZ-3系列运载火箭三子级推进剂箱体外绝热结构材料工艺的研制过程、取得的成就,展望了未来的发展。

    In this paper , the research process and achievements on material and processing technology used for the outer cryogenic insulation system of the third-stage tank of CZ-3 series launch vehicles are reviewed , and the future development is forecasted .

  5. 三子孔径算法在米波雷达仰角测量中的应用

    Application of Elevation Measurement in VHF Radar Using Three Sub-apertures

  6. 二人育有三子&杰西卡、尼可拉斯和马库斯。

    The couple have three children – Jessica , Nicholas and Marcus .

  7. 三子养阴汤治疗老年单纯收缩期高血压的临床研究

    Three Sub-Yangyin Decoction for Elderly Isolated Systolic Hypertension Clinical Research

  8. 某火箭三子级剩余推进剂汽化研究

    Study on Residual Propellant Vaporized in Tank of Some Launch Vehicle Third Stage

  9. 结论以此工艺制备三子胶囊质量符合相关要求。

    Conclusion : The optimum process is established .

  10. 便雅悯的长子比拉,次子亚实别,三子亚哈拉。

    Benjamin fathered Bela his firstborn , Ashbel the second , Aharah the third .

  11. 目的:研究中药热三子方的药理学作用。

    Objective : To investigate the pharmacological action of a Chinese medical compound Resanzi .

  12. 而三子孔径算法是针对该难题而提出的一种有效算法。

    However , the three subaperture algorithm is very efficient to deal with the problem .

  13. 他都结婚,育有三子了

    He 's married with three kids .

  14. 萨科奇的母亲安德烈及其父亲帕尔•萨科奇育有三子,分别是:纪尧姆、尼古拉和弗朗西斯。

    Sarkozy 's mother Andree and Pal Sarkozy had three sons : Guillaume , Nicolas and Francois .

  15. 提出一种由九个子镜构成的复合三子镜稀疏孔径结构。

    A sparse-aperture design named dual three sub-apertures , which is composed of nine sub-apertures , is proposed .

  16. 三子散择时敷贴防治哮喘临床研究

    Clinical study on prevention and treatment of asthma by application of San Zi Powder according to selection of time

  17. 亚悉兄弟以设的长子是乌兰,次子耶乌施,三子是以利法列。

    The sons of Eshek his brother : Ulam his firstborn , Jeush the second , and Eliphelet the third .

  18. 三子一行,同时没有形成五连,加一子可形成活四。

    A row with four stones to which you can add one more stone to attain five in a row .

  19. 针对某火箭三子级剩余推进剂的汽化过程,建立了一个零维的数学物理模型。

    A zero-dimensional model was proposed to study on residual propellant vaporized in tank of some launch vehicle third stage .

  20. 三子汤散剂中的微量元素含量与其抗炎作用有一定的内在联系。

    There is a certain internal connection between the content and antiphlogosis of the trace elements in Mongolian Medical Sanzitang .

  21. 希伯伦的子孙里有长子耶利雅、次子亚玛利亚、三子雅哈悉、四子耶加面。

    And the sons of Hebron ; Jeriah the first , Amariah the second , Jahaziel the third , Jekameam the fourth .

  22. 约西亚的长子是约哈难,次子是约雅敬,三子是西底家,四子是沙龙。

    The sons of josiah : johanan the firstborn , Jehoiakim the second son , Zedekiah the third , Shallum the fourth .

  23. 仿真结果表明,氧化剂泵后温度升高是导致此三子级发动机故障最可能的原因。

    The result showed that the most possible reason of the fault for the three-stage engine was the temperature rising behind oxidant pump .

  24. 佟佳芷洛,康熙的舅舅佟国纲唯一的孙女,是他的第三子夸岱的女儿。

    Tong Jia Tse Lok , Emperor Kangxi 's uncle Tong Kunitsuna the only granddaughter , was his third son Kwame Dai 's daughter .

  25. 他是闪、和雅弗的父亲,整个人类种族再由诺亚三子繁衍下来。

    Noah was the father of Shem , Ham , and Japheth , from whom the entire human race is supposed to have descended .

  26. 根据月球研究和行星际飞行任务的需要,为了提高火箭的推重比,要为运载火箭新安装一个第三子级。

    Missions for study of the Moon and interplanetary flight required re-equipping the launch vehicle with a third stage to increase its power-mass characteristics .

  27. 三子押沙龙是基述王达买的女儿玛迦生的。四子亚多尼雅是哈及生的。

    2 the third , Absalom the son of Maacah daughter of Talmai king of Geshur ; the fourth , Adonijah the son of Haggith ;

  28. 结论:三子消淋丸配合微波治疗前列腺增生效果优于单纯微波治疗。

    Conclusion : The effect of Three seeds pill to treating gonorrhea combined with microwave has better effect on prostate hyperplasia was better than microwave .

  29. 奥巴马政府是迈克尔(阿尔•帕西诺饰演的教父第三子,后继任教父)沉着,冷静,搞笑,如果需要可以无情,总是进行长效博弈。

    The Obama administration is Michael Corleone : calm , cool , efficient , ruthless when it needs to be , always playing a long game .

  30. 三子系统统计能量分析模型的算法仿真验证了算法的正确性,而且识别参数的精度非常好。

    The result of simulation on three-subsystem statistical energy analysis model validates the correctness of method and the accuracy of identification of the parameters very well .