  • fork;cross
  • work with a fork;fork

  • block up;jam

  • part so as to form a fork;fork

  • 见 "劈叉"
  • 交错:~腰。

  • 一头分歧便于扎取的器具:~子。

  • 挡住,堵塞住,互相卡住:一辆车~在路口。

  • 分开张开:~开两腿。


(用于扎取东西的器具) fork:

  • 餐叉

    (table) fork;

  • 干草叉

    hayfork; pitchfork;

  • 钢叉

    (steel) fork;

  • 鱼叉



(叉形符号, “×”) cross:

  • 在拼错的词上打一个叉

    mark the wrongly spelled word with a cross


(用叉取东西) work with a fork; fork:

  • 叉草上垛

    fork hay onto a stack;

  • 叉鱼

    spear [harpoon] fish


[方] (挡住, 卡住) block up; jam:

  • 河道被冰块叉住了。

    The river is blocked up with ice.

  • 游行队伍把路口全都叉住了。

    Traffic was completely held up by the procession [paraders].


(分开成叉 [chā] 形) part so as to form a fork; fork:

  • 叉着腿站着

    stand with one's legs apart

  1. 清除土中的杂草,然后叉入大量堆肥。

    Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost .

  2. 他用起来刀和叉仍然笨手笨脚,每餐都毁掉饭菜。

    He is still awkward with a knife and fork and drops food at each meal .

  3. 在表格上我打叉的地方签上你的名字。

    Sign your name on the form where I 've put a cross .

  4. 他们站在河里叉鱼。

    They were standing in the river spearing fish .

  5. 在适当的长方格里打叉号。

    Put a cross in the appropriate box .

  6. 他站在那里,两腿叉開。

    He stood with his legs wide apart .

  7. 我已在地图上打叉标出了旅馆的位置。

    I 've put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is .

  8. 答案正确打钩,错误打叉。

    Put a tick if the answer is correct and a cross if it 's wrong .

  9. 我叉了一块无骨牛排放进嘴里。

    I put a forkful of fillet steak in my mouth

  10. 波普叉着胳膊看着我们。

    Pop crossed his arms over his chest and watched us

  11. 挪威的捕鲸人说昨天他们用捕鲸叉捕获了一头雌性小须鲸。

    Norwegian whalers said yesterday they had harpooned a female minke whale .

  12. 叉状的闪电照亮了黑沉沉的天空。

    The black sky was illuminated by forked lightning .

  13. 安用叉子叉了点儿鱼肉放进嘴里。

    Ann forked some fish into her mouth

  14. 仅仅在答案上打叉号不会有助于学生做对日后的题目。

    Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the pupil to get future examples correct

  15. 他这次摔倒了,背部着地,两腿大叉。

    He fell over this time , flat on his back with his legs wide .

  16. 贝丝叉起一片黄瓜。

    Bess stabbed a slice of cucumber

  17. 他用叉子叉了个鸡蛋放在面包上,然后把面包片折起做成了三明治。

    He forked an egg onto a piece of bread and folded it into a sandwich .

  18. 在你喜欢的活动旁打钩,在不喜欢的活动旁画叉。

    Put a tick next to those activities you like and a cross next to those you dislike .

  19. 他们让我先在园子里干些杂活,挖土、叉粪肥之类的。

    They started me off in the gardens as a handyman . Digging , forking manure , that kind of thing

  20. 游行队伍把路口全都叉住了。

    Traffic was completely held up by the procession [ paraders ] .

  21. 我们在叉路口分手。

    We parted at the fork of a road .

  22. 河道被冰块叉住了。

    The river is blocked up with ice .

  23. 这农民用叉子叉干草。

    The farmer forked hay .

  24. 他用一只捕鳗叉捕鳗鱼。

    He used an eel spear to catch an eel .

  25. 接着,你叉起腿坐在绳结上,就像坐在座位里一样。

    Then you straddled the knot , so that it acted as a seat .

  26. 和合]你能用倒钩枪扎满它的皮,能用鱼叉叉满它的头吗

    NIV Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears ? 7 [

  27. 一种细长的叉状物,通常顶部有点缀,用作装饰,尤其在食品装饰中

    A slender skewer , usually ornamented at the top , used decoratively , especially in serving garnishes .

  28. BTCS:基于二叉遍历的XML文档编码模式

    BTCS : The Binary Traveling Coding Scheme for XML Document

  29. 随机N叉树形冲突分解算法研究

    Study on a Random N-Ary Tree Algorithm of Packet Conflict Resolution for Random Access Channels

  30. 基于二叉树编码遗传算法的SOA服务选择

    SOA services selection based on binary-tree-coding genetic algorithm