
  • 网络coulomb law of friction;Coulomb's laws of friction
  1. 其次是以含有碰摩故障的简化对称刚性支撑转子-轴承系统为对象,其中一个转子圆盘与静子发生局部碰摩,转子与静子之间的摩擦力符合库仑摩擦定律。

    Second model is rub rotor-bearing system . Force of friction between deck of rotor and stator accords with the coulomb law of friction .

  2. 库仑摩擦定律在一个基本问题中的适用范围

    The Applicable Range of Coulomb 's Friction Law in a Fundamental Problem

  3. 关于聚四氟乙烯的摩擦特性及其对欧拉&库仑摩擦定律的冲击

    On the Friction Characteristics of PTFE and the Euler Coulomb 's Classic Friction Law

  4. 金属材料的塑性成形工艺可以使用“平均摩擦系数”的概念,但是不应该使用库仑摩擦定律。

    Average friction coefficient should be used in metal plastic deforming process , rather than Coulomb theory .

  5. 这是一种假定服从库仑摩擦定律的计算摩擦力的有限元分析显式计算法,称为防御节点法。

    The algorithm is based on an explicit finite dement method with the Coulomb 's friction law assumed .

  6. 用修正的罚函数法和库仑摩擦定律分别对接触点的法向接触力和切向摩擦力进行计算,并根据接触单元的形状实现了接触力从被接触点到接触单元节点的转化。

    The modified penalty function method and coulomb friction law is used for evaluating normal contact force and tangent friction force respectively . In addition , the transformation of the contact force from contact point to nodes of contact elements is accomplished according to their shape .

  7. 本文根据力学概念和库仑摩擦定律,建立了空间结构支座摩擦力问题的精确数学模型并提出了两种解法,即数学规划法和弹簧约束法;

    In this paper , an accurate mathematical model of pedestal forces of a general space structure is established according to the Coulomb 's law of friction and mechanical concepts . Two methods of solving , which are named the method of mathematical programming and spring restraint , are presented .