
  • Grilled Squid;Roast squid;sleeve-fish
  1. 那儿的食物基本上都是烧熟的,如美味的黄鱼汤,油炸虾串和碳烤鱿鱼等等。

    Food there is basically cooked , like a tasty yellow croaker soup , fried shrimps on a stick , grilled squid and so on .

  2. 在你变成烤鱿鱼之前给我离开。

    Quit now , before you 're calamari .

  3. 让那个老家伙去烤鱿鱼吧。

    Let the geezer roast some squid .

  4. 你每次外出十五分钟都会带着你的零食:干芒果,李子或烤鱿鱼。

    These snacks are always dried and include dried plums , mango , ginger , and squid .

  5. 首先,我们品尝了烤鱿鱼和油炸鱿鱼,这是餐厅的招牌菜。

    First we savoured the Calamari Griglia ( grilled ) and the Calamari Fritti ( fried ), which is the restaurant 's signature dish .

  6. 握寿司有许多种,最常见的是顶部盖有金枪鱼、虾、烤鳗鱼、鱿鱼、章鱼和煎鸡蛋的。

    There are countless varieties of nigirizushi , some of the most common ones being tuna , shrimp , eel , squid , octopus and fried egg .