
  • 网络Silicon surfactant;silicone surfactants;CPES
  1. 岩芯的X射线光电子能谱分析显示,纳米聚硅和表面活性剂能吸附在岩石表面上,改变岩石表面的润湿性,提高水相相对渗透率。

    According to the result of XPS , the nanometer polysilicon and the surfactant can adsorb on the rock surface , change its wettability , and enhance the water relative permeability .

  2. 利用硅烷偶联剂APS和活性硅作表面活性剂,采用种子包埋法,制备了纳米铁/SiO2核壳复合粒子。

    The Nano-SiO 2-coated-iron composite powder was prepared by the seeded growth process with 3-aminopropyl-trimethoxysilane ( APS ) and active silica as surfactant .

  3. 破乳条件为:醚型表面活性剂9901和含硅型表面活性剂SAE的复配物0.10g,无水碳酸钠0.10g,搅拌时间15min。

    The optimum emulsified conditions are : 0.10 g of sodium carbonate , 0.10 g of surface active agents which include polyether and silicon , and 15 minutes for stirring .

  4. 在碱性条件下,采用水热晶化法,以水玻璃为硅源,表面活性剂十六烷基三甲基溴化铵为结构模板剂,成功合成出全硅MCM-41中孔分子筛。

    Under the alkaline condition , the synthesis of mesoporous molecular sieves MCM-41 had been accomplished successfully in a hydrothermal system using sodium silicate as the source of silicon and surfactant C16H33 ( CH3 ) 3NBr as structural template .