
  • 网络construction mechanization;mechanization of building operation,mechanization of;mechanization of building operation,mechanization of construction
  1. 沥青混凝土心墙摊铺机是水利水电工程中沥青混凝土心墙施工机械化的关键设备,随着水电工程中沥青混凝土心墙坝的增多,这种机械设备的应用越来越广。

    The paver of asphalt concrete core is the key equipment of mechanization of construction of asphalt concrete core in water conservancy project . With the increasing of the dams of asphalt concrete core , the equipment will be very useful in extensive field .

  2. 龙滩碾压混凝土坝施工机械化配套决策研究

    Study on Decision Support of Construction Mechanization of Roller Compacted Concrete Dam in Longtan Project

  3. 浅谈瓦斯隧道施工机械化配套

    Mechanical Equipment Matching Mode for Tunnel Construction in Gas Bearing Ground

  4. 略谈公路工程施工机械化谈公路工程监理工作的几点体会

    Discussion on Highway Construction Mechanization Several experience of road engineering supervisal work

  5. 论我院农机化专业的教育改革略谈公路工程施工机械化

    The Reform in the Speciality of Mechanization Discussion on Highway Construction Mechanization

  6. 《筑路机械与施工机械化》2005年第22卷总目次

    Total contents of vol.22 of Road Machinery & Construction Mechanization in 2005

  7. 隧道无砟轨道道床施工机械化装备研究与配置

    Research and Configuration of Tunnel Unballasted Track Bed Construction 's Mechanization Equipment

  8. 重视机械维修管理保证施工机械化优势

    Pay Great Attention to Machinery Maintenance and repair Management Ensure the Supremacy of Building Mechanization

  9. 在此基础上建立了确定立井施工机械化配套最优方案的教学模型。

    The mathematical model to determine optimum scheme of shaft construction mechanization matching is established .

  10. 农村公路养护施工机械化

    Maintenance Construction Mechanization for Rural Highway

  11. 分析了我国煤矿基建系统采用井巷掘进设备现状及管理情况,指出提高煤矿基建井巷施工机械化具体措施

    Analyzed the drift heading equipment state and manage in coal mine construction system and pointed out the construction machinery should be improved

  12. 用分层嵌套遗传算法求解立井施工机械化最优配套方案

    Using Layer embedded Genetic Algorithm to Obtain the Optimal Plan of Complete Sets of Equipment in the Mechanizing Construction of Coal Shaft

  13. 高土石坝的建设周期、工程造价等问题都与施工机械化程度有着密切关系。要提高施工机械化的水平,必须把传统工艺中人力施工部分用机械施工来代替。

    The construction period and cost of a high embankment dam de - pends largely on the level of mechanization of construction .

  14. 滑轮,滑轮组安装在机械外壳中的滑轮或滑轮组隧道无砟轨道道床施工机械化装备研究与配置

    A pulley or a system of pulleys set in a casing . Research and Configuration of Tunnel Unballasted Track Bed Construction 's Mechanization Equipment

  15. 由对公路工程机械化概念的理解,引伸了施工机械化的评价指标,并进一步对当前如何提高公路工程施工机械化水平,如何发展公路工程机械化施工发表了见解。

    This paper presented the appraise norm of construction mechanization , and expressed the author 's idea about how to improve highway construction mechanization level .

  16. 随着隧道施工机械化程度的提高,在特长小断面隧道工程中采用钻爆法掘进施工时,机械配套是制约掘进速度的重要条件。

    With the increase of mechanization level in tunnel construction , matching of machine becomes an important condition that determines tunneling speed in the construction of extra-long and small cross section tunnel .

  17. 本文从什么是机械化开始,介绍《设备综合工程学》与《系统工程》等现代化管理方法,以及怎样将它运用于施工机械化中,以获得最优的效益。

    Starting by mechanized construction , terotechnology , system engineering and other modernized management approach are introduced . The application of these approaches in mechanized construction to acquire optimal benefit is also studied .

  18. 本文总结山西大宁煤矿主斜井采用先进的斜井施工机械化作业线,科学治水,合理组织劳动,实现快速掘进,取得工程进度快、质量优的效果。

    This article describes the advanced mechanized driving line used by Shanxi Daning Coal Mining Company for main slope construction , that controles water scientifically organizes work suitably , then gains fast driving and good quality result ?

  19. 施工机械化程度低,大量需要人工作业。同时,人工作业技术简单,容易操作,可以吸纳大量农民工就地就业,增加农民收入。4、养护方便,成本较低。

    At the same time , the artificial work technology is simple , easy to operate , may employ the massive peasant laborers and increase their income . 4 , the maintenance is convenient , the cost is low .

  20. 中联重科说,销售额上升原因在于购买者升级旧设备、小城市需求增长,以及随着劳动力成本上升,建筑施工的机械化程度加深。

    Zoomlion said the increased sales were due to buyers upgrading old equipment , increased demand from smaller cities and the rising mechanization of construction as labor costs rise .

  21. 内焊机的显著特点是根焊速度快、确保焊接质量,是管道施工实施机械化、高效化焊接的关键设备之一。

    The marked character of inner welder is its high jointing speed and can confirm welding quality . It is one of the most important instruments in mechanization and efficiency in pipe construction .

  22. 1998年工务工作仍以既有线提速为重点,强化改造京广线的线桥设备,加快施工作业机械化进程,加快企业管理科学化步伐。

    The key points of the permanent way work in 1998 are to raise train speeds on the existing lines , strengthen the upgrading of the equipment of the tracks and bridges on the Beijing-Guangzhou line , speed up the construction mechanization and quicken the pace of scientific enterprise management .

  23. 目前,碾压混凝土坝的规模和高度正在日益扩大,300m级的碾压混凝土重力坝和200m级的碾压混凝土拱坝的研究正方兴未艾,对碾压混凝土筑坝技术、施工工艺和机械化程度的要求也更高。

    The scale and height of rolling-concrete are spread increasingly , such as the technique studied recently that the 300 meters high gravity dam and the 200 meters high arch dam , which requires more experience in the damming technique , construction crafts and mechanization .

  24. 施工中采用机械化配套施工工艺和成熟先进的立井短段掘砌混合作业方式,严格管理、科学施工,2003-04-01~2003-04-30实现基岩掘砌月成井202m,工程质量全优。

    In the construction , mechanical and advanced well digging way are used , strict , management and scientific construction , realize digging rock 202m in April , 2003 .

  25. 而随着混凝土结构物向大型化、高层化方向发展,现代施工更趋于机械化,任何混凝土都首先满足建筑施工要求。

    Moreover , concrete structures become larger and taller , which brings on modern construction of mechanisation .

  26. 还介绍了基岩段施工时的机械化作业线,光面爆破,揭煤工艺等。

    Mechanized working line for the construction of the bedding rock section , blast of the grain side , technology of coal exposure etc.

  27. 就砌壁工序如何精心组织、科学管理,采用先进的施工工艺,实施机械化配套作业,加快井筒砌壁的速度,创造基岩段月成井218.8m高水平。

    It adopted advanced construction craft , improved building cliff speed , created 218.8m high level in a month .

  28. 施工机械技术状况劣化的原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Deterioration of Technical Conditions of Construction Machinery

  29. 施工企业机械租赁规范化管理

    Standardized management of equipment leasing in construction enterprises

  30. 实践证明,该法施工速度快、机械化程度高、经济效益明显。

    It proves that the mentioned methods have advantages of fast construction speed , high mechanization degree and obvious economical effect .