- 网络andrew lo

Take a look , for example , at some fascinating research by Andrew Lo , a finance professor at MIT .
Perhaps most prominently , Andrew Lo , head of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 's Financial Innovation Laboratory , has merged behavioural and efficient markets theory using Darwinian biology .
Prof Lo believes that prices reflect not just information in the market place , but also deep-seated and slowly evolved human biases .
Lo does not consider this a malfunction , but part of the adaptive techniques that have allowed humans to react to our environment and learn from mistakes over millennia .
Lo trained initially as an economist , but he has also spent part of his career trying to knit together the work of psychologists , neuroscientists , biologists and economists .
Prof Lo believes that some of the features of human behaviour such as loss aversion , overconfidence , overreaction and other behavioural biases that are underappreciated by simpler models are , in fact , rational .
Indeed , he takes this evolutionary process seriously : he is fond of pointing out to his audiences that they have both " mammalian " and " reptilian " brains that can be employed at different moments .
But , personally , after several decades in which finance has been dominated by theories influenced by Newtonian physics , I find it very cheering that researchers such as lo are trying to hop across other academic silos .