
  • 网络andrew lo
  1. 比如说,我们可以看看麻省理工学院(mit)教授罗闻全(andrewlo)所做的一些有趣的研究。

    Take a look , for example , at some fascinating research by Andrew Lo , a finance professor at MIT .

  2. 或许,最突出的是,麻省理工学院金融创新实验室(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology'sFinancialInnovationLaboratory)的负责人罗闻全(AndrewLo)利用达尔文生物论,已经将行为理论和有效市场理论结合起来了。

    Perhaps most prominently , Andrew Lo , head of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 's Financial Innovation Laboratory , has merged behavioural and efficient markets theory using Darwinian biology .

  3. 罗闻全相信,价格反映的不仅是市场信息,而且反映了根深蒂固、发展缓慢的人类偏见。

    Prof Lo believes that prices reflect not just information in the market place , but also deep-seated and slowly evolved human biases .

  4. 罗闻全认为,这不是一种机能失常,而是一种适应环境的技巧,数千年来人类凭借这种技巧对周遭环境做出反应,并从错误中学习。

    Lo does not consider this a malfunction , but part of the adaptive techniques that have allowed humans to react to our environment and learn from mistakes over millennia .

  5. 罗闻全最初接受的是经济学的系统训练,但他在工作后将部分时间用来试图将心理学家、神经科学家、生物学家和经济学家的工作结合起来。

    Lo trained initially as an economist , but he has also spent part of his career trying to knit together the work of psychologists , neuroscientists , biologists and economists .

  6. 罗闻全认为,一些在较简单模型中没有得到正确评价的人类行为特征比如厌恶损失、过分自信、过度反应及其它行为偏差实际上是理性的。

    Prof Lo believes that some of the features of human behaviour such as loss aversion , overconfidence , overreaction and other behavioural biases that are underappreciated by simpler models are , in fact , rational .

  7. 实际上,罗闻全对待这种进化过程的态度是认真的:他喜欢向听众指出,他们都拥有可以在不同时刻使用的“哺乳动物”和“爬虫类”大脑。

    Indeed , he takes this evolutionary process seriously : he is fond of pointing out to his audiences that they have both " mammalian " and " reptilian " brains that can be employed at different moments .

  8. 但就我个人而言,在目睹受到牛顿物理学影响的理论统领金融业几十年之后,看到有罗闻全这样的研究者正试图跳出现有的理论框架、引入其它学科的研究成果,我觉得很宽慰。

    But , personally , after several decades in which finance has been dominated by theories influenced by Newtonian physics , I find it very cheering that researchers such as lo are trying to hop across other academic silos .