
luó màn shǐ
  • romantic story
罗曼史 [luó màn shǐ]
  • [romance] 富有传奇性的经历或浪漫婚恋情节

  1. 这是发生在现实中的童话般的罗曼史。

    It was a real storybook romance .

  2. 他们曾有过一段罗曼史。

    The two of them had a brief romance .

  3. 他跟他表妹有过一段罗曼史。

    He had a romance with his cousin .

  4. 莫妮卡这个角色在戏里有着一长串的罗曼史,包括她和客串明星汤姆·塞莱克(TomSelleck)扮演的眼科专家理查德·伯克(RichardBurke)之间引人注目的感情线。

    The character of Monica had a string of romances on the show , including a notable storyline that involved her and guest star Tom Selleck , who played ophthalmologist Richard Burke .

  5. 相信我,Paolo没有卖点。没人有兴趣翻325页,去看Paolo的罗曼史。他不过是个二等货,不过是最后被你终结的纠葛。

    Believe me , I cannot sell a Paolo.People will not turn three hundred twentyfive pages for a Paolo . C'mon , the guy 's a secondary character , a , y'know , complication you eventually kill off .

  6. 《拉尔夫124c41+:2660年罗曼史》,这是一部分成12部份在《现代电气》上连载完成的小说,它可以说是美国科幻小说的第一部大作。

    " Ralph 124c 41 + : a romance of the year 2660 " , a novel serialised in 12 parts in modern electrics , is arguably the first major work of American science fiction .

  7. 她申请这次调动显然跟罗曼史有关。

    Apparently she requested the transfer due to some romantic issues .

  8. 能与史考特匹敌的罗曼史作家并不多。

    Few writers can compare with Scott as creators of romance .

  9. 美国人的观念认为爱情和罗曼史是从约会开始的。

    The American concept of love and romance begins with dating .

  10. 这又是他用法文来讲的另一段暖昧的罗曼史。

    It was another of his shady love affair in french .

  11. 史密斯的确帮助过这个女孩,但是两人之间并没有什么罗曼史。

    Smith did befriend the girl but there was no romance .

  12. 你在替我编出一段罗曼史!

    You have been dreaming up a romance for me !

  13. 人们拒绝接受这就是他们罗曼史的结局。

    People REFUSE to believe this is the end of their romance .

  14. 他突然意识到他们那刚刚萌发的罗曼史到此结束了。

    He suddenly realizes that their tentative romance is over .

  15. 罗曼史对于戏剧。罗曼史最终转向政治。

    The romance versus the drama . Romance turns to politics eventually .

  16. 我看不久的将来,新的罗曼史会使你雀跃不已。

    I think a new romance will rev you up in the future .

  17. 那罗曼史持续六七个月之后就告吹了。

    The romance blossomed for six or seven months , and then wilted .

  18. 那是信仰的致命弱点,也是罗曼史的教训。

    That is the fatality of faith , and the lesson of romance .

  19. 如同罗曼史一般,脖子变形也有许多不同的原因。

    Like a romance , a neck can go wrong in many ways .

  20. 玛丽陶醉在罗曼史的美妙感受之中。

    Mary exuberated in the delicious sense of romance .

  21. 在此状态下常常会发生令人窒息的罗曼史。

    Romantic suffocation can often happen under these conditions .

  22. 绿色寓所:热带丛林罗曼史

    Green Mansions : A Romance of the Tropical Forest

  23. 作为罗曼史,那件事从没有发生过。

    As a romance , it never really existed .

  24. 他们有一段漫长的罗曼史。

    And they have this long , romantic history .

  25. 新一段罗曼史又在暗角处等着她。

    A new romance iay just around the corner .

  26. 马克:当然,我怎会忘记他们这段罗曼史。

    Mark : Sure . How could I forget the story of their romance ?

  27. 这使我们的罗曼史带上一点忧郁的味道。

    This gave our romance a gloomy tinge .

  28. 他在梦想着奇妙的罗曼史。

    He is dreaming of a wonderful romance .

  29. 她与霍启刚的罗曼史一直使得郭晶晶的名字位于头版头条。

    Her romance with Kenneth Fok has kept Guo 's name in the headlines .

  30. 这是好莱坞史上最动人的罗曼史。

    It was one of the greatest reai-life romances in the history of hoiiywood .