
  • 网络Barium Titanate ceramics
  1. La-Mn共掺杂的钛酸钡陶瓷还原再氧化研究

    Investigation on Reduction and Oxidation of La-Mn Co-doped Barium Titanate Ceramics

  2. 钛酸钡陶瓷材料制备及介电性能研究进展

    Research progress on preparation and dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics

  3. Mg掺杂对钛酸钡陶瓷微结构和介电性能的影响

    Effect of Mg on microstructure and dielectric properties of barium titanate

  4. 掺Cr,Ni钛酸钡陶瓷的介质非线性效应

    Non-linear dielectric effect in cr , Ni doped batio_3 ceramics

  5. 溶胶凝胶法制备Nd2O3改性钛酸钡陶瓷的研究

    Study on Preparation of BaTiO_3 Ceramics Doped with Nd_2O_3 by Sol-Gel

  6. 施主掺杂的钛酸钡陶瓷的PTCR效应来源于晶界上的钡空位。

    Barium vacancy existed in grain boundary is responsible for the PTCR effect observed in donor doped barium titanate ceramics .

  7. 用低纯原料制备电冰箱起动器PTCR的重要途经&热敏钛酸钡陶瓷第二相结晶

    Important Way for Making Refrigerator Motor Starter PTCR from Raw Materials of Low Purity & Second Phase Crystallisation of Heat Sensitive BaTiO_3 Ceramics

  8. 同样的烧结条件下,钛酸钡陶瓷的PTCR效应随B2O3蒸汽掺杂源的浓度升高而升高。

    Given the same sintering condition , doping with higher level of the vapor B2O3 source results in the higher PTCR effect .

  9. 放电等离子烧结钛酸钡陶瓷的碳污染及脱碳工艺研究

    Study on carbon pollution and decarbonization process of spsed batio_3 ceramics

  10. 球磨工艺对钛酸钡陶瓷介电性能的影响

    Influence of ball milling processing on dielectric properties of barium titanate ceramics

  11. 掺镧钛酸钡陶瓷晶界的再氧化

    Grain boundary reoxidation of barium titanate ceramics doped with Lanthanum

  12. 钛酸钡陶瓷晶界结构、偏析与性能

    Grain-Boundary Structure , Segregation and Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics

  13. 镁掺杂钛酸钡陶瓷的溶胶-凝胶法制备及性能研究

    Dielectric properties of sol-gel derived magnesium doped barium titanate ceramics

  14. 微等离子体氧化法制备钛酸钡陶瓷膜

    Fabrication of Barium Titanate Thin Films by Microplasma Oxidation

  15. 改性钛酸钡陶瓷及其介电调谐性能

    Dielectric and Tunable Properties of Modified Barium Titanate Ceramics

  16. 镁掺杂钛酸钡陶瓷纤维的制备与表征

    Preparation and characterization magnesium doped barium-based titanate ceramic fibers

  17. 钛酸钡陶瓷电容器的研制及其表面改性自蔓延高温合成镧掺杂钡铁氧体改性研究

    The Research of the Preparation and Surface Modification of Ceramic Capacitor of BaTiO_3

  18. 掺钙-钛酸钡陶瓷缺陷化学的研究

    On the Defect Chemistry of Ca-Doped BaTiO_3 Ceramics

  19. 钛酸钡陶瓷烧结动力学曲线的研究

    Study on sintering kinetic curves of BaTiO_3 ceramics

  20. 掺杂钛酸钡陶瓷的显微结构及其电性能

    Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Doped BaTiO_3 Ceramics

  21. 采用冷压陶瓷处理技术制备了高介电率钛酸钡陶瓷材料。

    The cold-pressing ceramic processing technique was used to prepare high-permittivity Barium Titanate ceramics .

  22. 钛酸钡陶瓷材料的红外光谱研究

    Infrared Spectra Studies of Barium Titanate Ceramic Materials

  23. 得到了分散性较好的纳米粉体,并获得具有良好介电性能的钛酸钡陶瓷。

    The powders with well dispersibility and the ceramics with good dielectric property were obtained .

  24. 研究了热历史对四方相钛酸钡陶瓷弛豫性质的影响。

    The influence of heat - history on relaxation is studied for barium titanate ceramics .

  25. 高极化钛酸钡陶瓷中的赝热电电流

    Pseudo-pyroelectric current in HIGH-POLED barium titanate ceramics

  26. 钛酸钡陶瓷粉体的合成技术

    Synthesis Techniques of BaTiO_3 Ceramic Powders

  27. 锆钛酸钡陶瓷的溶胶凝胶法制备与性能

    Preparation and Dielectric Properties of Ba ( Zr_xTi_ ( 1-x )) O_3 Powders and Ceramics By Sol-Gel Process

  28. 二氧化铈掺杂锆钛酸钡陶瓷性能和结构的研究

    Study on the Properties and Structure of Ba ( Ti , Zr ) O_3 Ceramics Doping with CeO_2

  29. 当晶粒尺寸减小到纳米尺度时,钛酸钡陶瓷的晶体结构在不同的温度下出现了不同的多相共存。

    When particle size is reduced to the nanoscale , there are multiphase coexistences in nanocrystalline BaTiO_3 ceramics .

  30. 钛酸钡陶瓷因为其优异的性能应用广泛,被国内外广泛关注。

    Barium titanate ceramics have been the focus because of the excellent properties , and been applied in many fields .