
  1. 手掌指骨折AO微型钛金属板内固定临床应用

    Clinical application of AO titanium micro-plate in treatment of metacarpal and phalanx fractures

  2. 目的探讨AO微型纯钛金属板钉内固定治疗掌骨骨折的技术及疗效。

    Objective To investigate the treatment outcome of internal fixation of the metacarpal fracture using the pure titanium mini plate .

  3. A型骨折首选闭合复位加石膏托外固定:对B型和C1型骨折在闭合复位不满意时首选切开复位T形纯钛金属板钉内固定;

    For the type B and C1 fractures , it was the open reduction and " T " titanium plate fixation when the close manipulation failed ;

  4. 钛金属板I期修补开放性颅脑伤所致颅骨缺损的探讨

    Exploration of Ti Mesh Repair in Patients with Open Craniocerebral Injury

  5. 钛金属板颅骨修复体数字化制造研究

    Research on the Digital Manufacture Technology in the Manufacturing of Titanium Cranioplasty Plate

  6. 她活了过来——医生在她的脑部植入了一块钛金属板——并继续开展活动。

    She recovered - she has a titanium plate in her skull - and her campaigning goes on .

  7. 方法对43例患者54处掌、指骨干骺端骨折,采用微型钛金属板钉进行内固定治疗,并针对各种类型的骨折选用不同的接骨板固定。

    Methods Forty-three cases of 54 metacarpus and phalange fractures in metaphysic were fixed with different kinds of Titanium mini-plate as to different sites .

  8. 她实施了一种叫作“钛金属板颅骨修补术”的手术(我现在学会了很多医学专用词汇),把一片特制定型的钛金属板嵌进我的头颅,再加上八颗螺丝,补全了能够保护我大脑的头骨。

    Instead she did something called a titanium cranioplasty ( I now know lots of medical terms ! ) and fitted a specially moulded titanium plate in my head with eight screws to do the job of a skull and protect my brain .

  9. 国家大剧院金属屋面面积逾3万m2,最外层挂钛金属复合装饰板。

    Metal roof area of the National Grand Theatre is beyond 30 000 square meters and on the exterior surface hang titanium composite panels .

  10. 钛、镍特种金属板带冷轧生产工艺及设备选择

    Cold Rolling Process and Major Equipment for Producing Titanium and Nickel Plates