
  1. XRD分析可知复合粒子中含有钛酸钡晶体和炭黑。

    XRD indicates that CB and barium titanate were existed in the compound particle .

  2. 用这些软模花样说明了钛酸钡晶体冷却时发生具有a畴和c畴结构的铁电相变。

    These soft modes were used to explain the phenomenon that barium titanate crystal has the structure of a domain and c domain in ferroelectric phase transition when temperature is reduced .

  3. 在自由边界条件下解出了钙钛矿结构有限尺寸晶体的简谐振动方程,发现许多简谐振子软模.用这些软模说明了钛酸钡晶体冷却时发生具有a畴和c畴结构的铁电相变。

    The soft modes in a finite perovskite with free boundary were calculated , and they can be used to explain why that barium titanate crystal has a and c domain structures in ferroelectric phase transition while temperature reduces .

  4. 钛酸钡晶体压电性能的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Piezoelectric Properties of Single Crystal Barium Titanate

  5. 四钛酸钡晶体的结晶习性与光性特征干酪根的光性特征

    The crystal habit and the characteristic optical properties of barium titanate crystal

  6. 四方相钛酸钡晶体的晶格动力学

    Lattice Dynamics of Barium Titanate Crystal in the Tetragonal Phase

  7. 45°切割的钛酸钡晶体的光折变性能

    Photorefractive Performances of 45 ° - Cut BaTiO_3 Crystals

  8. 钛酸钡晶体生长研究

    Study on the Growth of BaTiO_3 Crystal

  9. 掺铈钛酸钡晶体的铁电性

    Ferroelectricity of Cerium doped Barium Titanate Crystal

  10. 钛酸钡晶体的光学性质

    Optical Properties of BaTiO_3 by TSSG

  11. 钛酸钡钙晶体的生长及其光学性能研究

    Study on the Growth and Optical Properties of Barium Calcium Titanate Crystal

  12. 结果表明:纯钛酸钡铁电晶体可以在BaOTiO2Al2O3SiO2凝胶中通过调整热处理条件而控制析晶,钛酸钡晶体的析晶活化能为657kJ/mol。

    The results show that pure BaTiO_3 crystallites can be derived from BaOTiO_3Al_2O_3SiO_2 gel by controlling the heat treatment conditions . Activation energy of crystal growth for BaTiO_3 is about ( 657 kJ / mol ) .

  13. 当晶粒尺寸减小到纳米尺度时,钛酸钡陶瓷的晶体结构在不同的温度下出现了不同的多相共存。

    When particle size is reduced to the nanoscale , there are multiphase coexistences in nanocrystalline BaTiO_3 ceramics .