
  • 【生态】zonal climate
  1. 黄土是一种典型的地带性气候环境景观。

    The loess is a kind of typical zonal climate environment landscape .

  2. 这种差异主要来自对不同类型土壤母质成份的的继承和受到不同的地带性气候影响所致。

    These differences are the results of the diversity of parent materials from various soil types and the climates influences of different regions .

  3. 结果表明,决定江苏麦田杂草发生、分布和危害的主要因素是地带性气候+土壤性质因素。

    The main factors determined the weed communities and infestations in the wheat fields of this region were geographic climate and property of soil .

  4. 并在专家认可的基础上,针对山西玉米春播特早熟区垂直地带性气候特点,提出生态类型亚区及规范应用建议。

    Based on opinions of specialists and the vertical climate of spring planting in the northwest of Shanxi the subzone of ecological types and advice of the regular application were presented .

  5. 依据试验结果及其与之相关的因素分析,表明在安徽林区因受所处地带性气候的影响,不论在冬季或春季用白僵菌防治马尾松毛虫越冬代幼虫的效果均不理想。

    According to the experimental results and relevant analysis , it was found that at the forest regions of Anhui province , affected by the regional climate , the control effect of Beauveria on Dendrolimus punctatus over-winter larva both in winter and spring were not promising .

  6. 我国自然植被生产力功能和地带性结构的气候耦合

    Climatic coupling between natural vegetational productivity function and zonality structure in China

  7. 生态地理区域较高级单位的划分依据侧重考虑生物气候的差异,先注意水平地带性,由于气候台站的有限性,所划分出的界线往往用植被界线去修正;

    Division of higher class of eco geographical regions focuses on biological and climatic differences , first of all on horizontal zonality . Because of limitation of number of climatic stations , the boundary is always modified with vegetation .

  8. 荒漠草原是内蒙古第二大地带性草原类型,气候变化和过度放牧等造成内蒙古荒漠草原普遍退化,固碳能力持续下降。

    The desert steppe is the second largest zonal grassland types in Inner Mongolia . Climate change , overgrazing and so on result in widespread degradation and carbon sequestration capacity continued to decline of Inner Mongolia desert steppe .

  9. 红壤是江西省主要地带性土壤,由于气候因素及不合理的利用,江西水土流失较为严重,造成生态环境恶化、土壤肥力衰退,严重制约了当地农业生产和社会经济的可持续发展。

    Red soil is the main regional in Jiangxi province . Serious soil and water loss , caused by climate and unreasonable use , has induced degeneration of the eco-environment and soil fertility , seriously restricted the sustainable development of agriculture and social economy .