
yì tǐ zì
  • Variant character;a variant form of a Chinese character;doublet characters;modified character
异体字 [yì tǐ zì]
  • [variant form of a Chinese charaeter] 与规定的正体字同音同义而写法不同的字(如峯是峰的异体字)

  1. 比较的重点仍放在异体字上。

    Comparison of the emphasis is still on the variants .

  2. 再者,异体字在形体上的联系比较多样。

    Furthermore , variant words have varied ties in forms and structures .

  3. 异体字在水文中占据很高的比例。结论老年人抑郁症的检出率较高。

    Conclusions Elderly depression was in high proportion .

  4. 本文的研究主要有以下三个方面:一、异体字术语标注的研究。

    The main researches are as follows : 1 . Study on the terms .

  5. 由於汉字与它所记录的词之间存在特殊的对应关系,因此,研究简体异体字对於词汇的研究也有积极意义。

    There is a special relationship between the character and the word it represents .

  6. 第三章主要对东巴文异体字的结构类型进行了探讨。

    Discussion on Naxi variant structure types .

  7. 异体字关系字标注的研究。

    Study on the Related Character .

  8. 关于异体字分工作为汉字分化方式的探讨

    On the Discussion of the Division of Variant Characters As One Mode of the Characters Derivation

  9. 魏晋南北朝石刻文献材料中存在大量异体字。

    There are many variant characters on the Stone Inscriptions of Weijin South and North Dynasties .

  10. 《第一批异体字整理表》自发布以来在文字规范领域取得了有目共睹的成绩。

    Since it was announced the form gains the success in the area of the forming characters .

  11. 我们所做的工作主要是对异体字进行了分类,并对每个字进行了分析。

    Our work is mainly on the variant words are classified , and for each word are analyzed .

  12. 通假字、古今字、异体字,从理论上来说,应该是三个互不包容的术语。

    The three terms , interchangeable words , ancient and modern words , and variants should be uncontradictory .

  13. 本文主要作了以下三方面的工作。第一,对异体字的分类分析。

    We has mainly done the following three aspects of work . Firstly , the classification of the variant .

  14. 异体字的增长是汉字数量增长的一个重要原因。

    The growth of the variant forms is an important reason for growth in the number of Chinese characters .

  15. 西夏文中异体字、讹体字的大量存在,对研究和阅读文献带来诸多不便,因而很有必要对其加以整理和研究。

    The existence of numerous variants and errors in Xixia characters brings lots of inconveniences to studying its literature .

  16. 这些总结与探讨,可以为其它专书异体字的研究提供参考和借鉴。

    These discussion and summarization in this paper can help other people to research the variant forms of Chinese characters .

  17. 老实说,异体字和生僻字出现的频率比我的预期高。

    Honestly , this is easier than I expected , though the frequency of archaic and rare words is quite high .

  18. 《第一批异体字整理表》存在的主要问题及其原因

    Major Problems in The List of the First Series of Standardized Forms of Words with Non-Standardized Variant Forms and Their Causes

  19. 该系统从层次上可分为异体字系统、通假字系统、同族词系统三个子系统。

    This system can be divided into three subsystems : variant characters system , borrowed characters system , and cognate words system .

  20. 从异体字不同的声符入手来研究战国古音,也是比较值得肯定的办法。

    An extraordinary way is that we can study the ancient sound by use of the different vocal sign in the variant characters .

  21. 俗字主要有以下四个特点:第一,俗字都是异体字,但异体字不一定是俗字。

    Folk Characters have the following four characteristics : First , Folk Characters are Variant , but Variant is not necessarily Folk Characters .

  22. 对异体字产生的原因进行归纳总结,并概括本课题的研究对今后汉字简化和规范化的启示。

    The causes of variant forms are summarized , and summarized the researching simplified and standardization for the future implications of Chinese characters .

  23. 同源字与异体字在理论上有着明确的畛域,但事实上二者有一定交叉。

    Theoretically , paronyms and words with variant forms are clearly demarcated , but in practice , there are certain overlaps between the two .

  24. 本文首先强调单个汉字与单音语素之间的关系,以定位理论廓清异体字的界限;

    To achieve this , firstly , the relation between a single Chinese character and a single-sound morpheme must be located to confine the variants ;

  25. 这两章先把五版《新华》中的异体字分类,然后将每一类中的异体字进行横向和纵向的对比分析。

    At first , the two chapters classify the variants in five editions . Then , each type of variant is analyzed horizontally and vertically .

  26. 第二部分是对《第一批异体字整理表》的分析,是全文的重点部分。

    The second part is the most important part of the whole article . In this part , the characters in every group are analysed .

  27. 在古文字发展过程中,有时会出现两个或几个异体字的不同部件揉合在一个构形单位之中。从而构成一个新的异体的现象。

    In the course of the ancient Chinese characters'development , different parts of two or more variants might be mixed together to build a new form .

  28. 对这些规律造行总结,能使我们对秦简异体字有更深刻的认识。

    Carries on the summary to these rules , can make us have a more profound understanding of the Qin Bamboo Slips of variant forms of Chinese characters .

  29. 特别是《仪礼》的出土为研究这一时期的文字使用情况,诸如异体字、通假字、俗体字等提供了宝贵资料。

    The " yili " bamboo slips provided valuable information in the studying of the text in this period , such as variant , homophones , vulgar characters .

  30. 其实践意义在于对《第一批异体字整理表》所收的810组、1055个异体字做了穷尽性的分析和归类。

    The practical significance lies in the analysis and classification of the 810 groups , to be exact , 1055 variant forms of the same Chinese characters completely .