
  • 网络Heterogeneous computing;heterogeneous compute;Michael Houston, AMD
  1. 网络并行方式的PVM异构计算环境

    PVM Heterogeneous Computing Environment for Networked Parallel Computing

  2. FreeRADIUS是来自开放源码社区的一种强大的Linux上的RADIUS服务器,可用于如今的分布式和异构计算环境。

    FreeRADIUS is a powerful RADIUS server on Linux from the open source community which can fit in today 's distributed and heterogeneous computing environment .

  3. 本文从体系结构出发,通过对传统集群以及GPU特点的分析,总结了GPU集群体系结构特点,并指明了GPU集群中独特的异构计算特点以及强大的多层次并行计算能力。

    The paper points out heterogeneous computing characteristic and the powerful capability of multi-level parallel computing in GPU clusters .

  4. 提出了一种基于用户指导法的异构计算的动态实现工具,称为粗粒度异构预编译器(CHP)。

    A dynamic implementation tool for heterogeneous computing called CHP ( Coarse grained Heterogeneous Pre compiler ) based on user directed approach was proposed .

  5. 研究了在异构计算系统(HCS)中利用表调度式算法进行任务映射与调度。

    This paper describes how to carry out task mapping and scheduling in heterogeneous computing system ( HCS ) using list scheduling algorithms .

  6. Pasadena创建的,它支持地理上分布式的透明整合、异构计算以及通过元数据中间件实现的数据源。

    Pasadena , OODT allows transparent integration of geographically distributed and disparate computing and data resources via metadata middleware .

  7. Globus的资源管理模块(GRAM)支持异构计算资源的联合分配,但是没有提前预留、缺少对其它异构资源如网络、磁盘等资源类型的支持。

    Globus Resource Allocation Management ( GRAM ) supports co-allocation of computing resources , without advance resource reservation and support with other heterogeneous resources , such as network , disk etc.

  8. 文章对异构计算环境下的元任务调度算法进行了分析,针对Min-min算法可能引发的负载不平衡问题,结合网格计算环境的特点,提出了一种适用于网格计算环境中的任务调度算法。

    We first analyze the scheduling of meta-tasks in the heterogeneous environment , and then according to the load imbalance question in the Min-min algorithm , propose an improved algorithm that suits to be used in the grid environment .

  9. 在网格环境下,资源状况和用户行为相当复杂,是一个异构计算环境,元任务(meta-task)调度比传统并行调度更为复杂。

    In Grid environment which is a Heterogeneous Computing ( HC ) environment , resource status and user behavior are very complicated , so scheduling heuristics for meta-task are more complicated than traditional parallel scheduling heuristics .

  10. 基于异构计算平台的网上评卷系统结构研究

    Research of Network Marking System Architecture Based on Heterogeneous Computing Platform

  11. 异构计算,是未来高性能计算领域发展的主要趋势。

    Heterogeneous computing is the main trend of high performance computing .

  12. 异构计算环境下任务调度模型的启发式算法研究

    Task Scheduling Algorithms in a Classical Model of Heterogeneous Computing Environment

  13. 异构计算系统中独立任务调度的混合遗传算法

    Hybrid genetic algorithm for independent tasks scheduling in heterogeneous computing systems

  14. 本文从我国反洗钱的现状出发,提出分布式异构计算环境下基于数据挖掘技术的洗钱侦测系统体系结构。

    This paper presents anti-money laundering system architecture under distributed heterogeneous environment .

  15. 异构计算&求解超级问题的新途径

    Heterogeneous Computing : A New Method for Solving Supercomputing Problems

  16. 异构计算系统的表调度式任务映射与调度算法

    Task Mapping and Scheduling Algorithms Based on List Scheduling for Heterogeneous Computing System

  17. 并行计算模型在异构计算环境中的研究

    Study of parallel computing model in heterogeneous computing environment

  18. 异构计算的一种可移植编程模型及实现

    A Portable Programming Model and Implementation for Heterogeneous Computing

  19. 考虑系统特征的异构计算负载平衡

    Load Balancing of Heterogeneous Computing Based on System Characteristics

  20. 异构计算系统的三元模型与性能分析

    Triplet Model and Performance Analysis for Heterogeneous Computing Systems

  21. 分布式异构计算环境下的洗钱侦测系统体系结构&基于数据挖掘技术

    Anti-Money Laundering System Architecture Under Distributed Heterogeneous Environment

  22. 一种异构计算环境下基于复制的调度算法

    Duplication Based Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Computing Environments

  23. 异构计算环境中基于移动代理的负载监控

    Load Monitoring Based on Mobile Agents in HCE

  24. 计算机性能与异构计算异构数据库的分布式访问法

    The capacity of computer and Heterogeneous Computing A METHOD OF ACCESSING DATABASES ACROSS SERVERS

  25. 计算机性能与异构计算

    The capacity of computer and Heterogeneous Computing

  26. 提出了一种对异构计算系统进行任务分配与调度的遗传算法。

    Here , a genetic algorithm for task matching and scheduling in HCS is proposed .

  27. 该文提出了异构计算负载共享的一种方案。

    In this paper , a scheme for load sharing in heterogeneous computing is presented .

  28. 一种异构计算系统中考虑通信冲突的有效任务调度算法

    An Efficient Task Scheduling Algorithm in Heterogeneous Computing System Taking Account of Link Access Conflict

  29. 异构计算中的负载共享

    Load Sharing in Heterogeneous Computing

  30. 网格计算环境是一种异构计算环境,在此环境下的任务调度的决策直接影响应用程序的运行性能。

    The grid computing environment is a kind of heterogeneous computing environment , the dispatch for tasks in the environment can straightly influence performance of applications .