
yì cháng chǔ lǐ
  • exception handling
异常处理[yì cháng chǔ lǐ]
  1. 缺少对很多C特性的支持,像异常处理等

    Lack of support for many C # features like exception handling

  2. 以下原则将帮助您在一个BusinessProcessDefinition中集成高效的异常处理功能

    The following guidelines will help you to incorporate efficient exception handling in a Business Process Definition

  3. 了解JavaBridge如何进行类型强制转换和异常处理。

    Learned how the Java Bridge does type coercion and exception handling .

  4. 提出Web服务组合中基于有向图的异常处理机制。

    This paper proposes an exception handling mechanism of based on directed graph in Web service composition .

  5. Java字节码异常处理中信息流的分析

    Analysis of information flow in exception handling of Java bytecode

  6. 使用Java技术实现了工作流异常处理模块,包括异常处理、异常分析等功能。

    The exception handling module is implemented Using Java technique .

  7. Java程序设计中异常处理技术浅析

    Brief Analysis of Exceptions Handling Techniques in Java Programming Language

  8. 文章讨论了Windows的结构化异常处理机制。

    This paper discusses structured exception handling for Windows .

  9. Windows系统异常处理机制的研究及应用

    Research and Application of Windows System Exception Handling Mechanism

  10. Java语言中的异常处理机制

    Talking about the Exception Handling System of Java

  11. 基于Agent工作流系统中的异常处理

    Exception-handling in Agent-based Workflow

  12. 基于ARM核的嵌入式系统异常处理机制的设计

    Design of Exception Processing Mechanism Based on ARM Core in The Embedded System

  13. Java中的异常处理

    How to Handle the Exception in Java

  14. 基于Java的异常处理技术与应用

    Exception Processing and Application Based on Java

  15. 异常处理的策略作为Agent模型的功能实体由系统或用户定义并可根据需要重用和继承;

    Exception Handling as entities of Agent Model can be defined , reused and inherited by system and user .

  16. Windows的结构化异常处理

    Structured Exception Handling for Windows

  17. 研究过程中,首先要熟悉Windows运行机制、结构化异常处理机制和可执行文件的结构及装载过程。

    Firstly , be familiar with Windows mechanism , structure exception handle mechanism and executable file structure .

  18. Java中的异常处理技术

    Exception Handling in Java

  19. 它意味着Java代码中的异常处理程序工作正常,并且捕获到了一个异常。

    It means that your exception handlers in the Java code works , and it caught an exception .

  20. 探讨JAVAapplet程序访问和操作MicrosoftAccess数据库的方法及异常处理。

    This paper probes Java Applet programme visits into Microsoft Access database and processing exceptions .

  21. 对异常处理实现应用SOA原则,是SOA中一种优雅的异常处理解决方案。

    An elegant solution to exception handling in SOA is applying SOA principles to exception handling implementation .

  22. 本流程结合使用了web服务、异步消息传递和Coach,用于异常处理和升级呈报。

    A combination of web services , asynchronous messaging and Coaches for exception handling and escalation are used in this process .

  23. 与Java代码类似,JavaScript也具备异常处理,我们推荐使用它来进行错误处理。

    Like Java code , JavaScript does have exception handling , which we recommend using for your error handling .

  24. ECA规则中的异常处理动作Action由异常处理服务实现。

    The exception handling Action of the ECA rules is implemented by the exception handling services .

  25. 在PLC中编程实现了数据采集、数字量输出控制和模拟量PID控制等功能,并在仔细分析现场情况的基础上,制订了异常处理对策。

    Many functions are realized in PLC such as data collection , digital output , analogy PID control and so on .

  26. 调用日志:一个业务流程活动(通常是异常处理活动)激活一个日志API。

    Invoke the log : A business process activity ( generally the exception handler activity ) invokes a log API .

  27. 随着许多框架和API(包括Spring)赞成这种思维方式,这种异常处理策略已变得日益流行。

    This exception handling strategy has become increasingly popular with many frameworks and APIs subscribing to this way of thinking , including Spring .

  28. else语句,还实现Java语言的异常处理特性(try、catch、finally)。

    Else statements , as you would expect , and also implements the Java language 's exception handling features ( try , catch , finally ) .

  29. AspectJ中典型的joinpoint包括方法调用、对类成员的访问以及异常处理程序块的执行。

    Typical join points in AspectJ include method calls , access to class members , and the execution of exception handler blocks .

  30. 一种基于AOP技术的工作流异常处理策略

    A New AOP-based Exception-handling Strategy in Workflow System