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  • 网络Iowa;State of Delaware
  1. 爱荷华州中西部的小山距离明尼苏达州的埃勒斯家大约250英里。

    It 's about 250 miles from the hills of west-central Iowa to Ehlers ' home in Minnesota .

  2. 我试了爱荷华州的另一家电台。

    I tried another radio station in Iowa .

  3. 特拉华州被称为第一州(FirstState),因为它是美国的第一个州——第一个通过新的美国宪法。

    Little Delaware is called the First State because it was the first state -- the first to approve the new United States Constitution .

  4. 在特拉华州提交的文件被VCExperts获悉,由《财富》(Fortune)率先报道。

    The Delaware filing , obtained by VC Experts , was first reported by Fortune .

  5. 八月底他们一起回到故乡爱荷华州参加一位好朋友的婚礼,在婚礼上他们伴着经典歌曲OldTimeRockAndRoll起舞。

    They returned to Iowa in August to attend the wedding of their close friends , where they danced to Old Time Rock And Roll .

  6. 巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)在爱荷华州和新罕布什尔州的大胜表明,随着选民越发了解他,他们也越来越喜欢他。

    Barack Obama 's surge in Iowa and New Hampshire shows voters grow to like him more the better they know him .

  7. 对AMD有利的先例,可能有助于该公司对英特尔提起的民事诉讼将于明年3月在特拉华州审理。

    Favourable precedent could help the company 's civil suit against Intel set for trial in Delaware next March .

  8. 爱荷华州州政府正式宣布爱荷华州有一例确诊的H1N1流感病例。

    also can tell you that Iowa 's governor has announced the first confirmed H1N1 flu case in that state .

  9. 而iPhone用户最少的新墨西哥、衣阿华和特拉华州大学毕业生也较少。

    Meanwhile , New Mexico , Iowa and Delaware have the lowest percentage of people who use iPhones , and a lower number of graduates .

  10. 例如,在爱荷华州(Iowa),利用无人机执行交通法规目前是违法的。

    In Iowa , for example , it 's now illegal for the state to usedrones to enforce traffic laws .

  11. 巴厘岛与美国德拉华州(Delaware)面积相当,是受人欢迎的观光胜地。

    This is an island approximately the size of Delaware and it 's a popular tourist destination .

  12. 罗姆尼在爱荷华州仅以领先新教保守派人士里克桑托勒姆(ricksantorum)8票的优势获胜。

    Mr Romney won in Iowa by just eight votes over Rick Santorum , the evangelical conservative .

  13. 该麦克风正是《牢狱的终结》的导演贝伦斯在爱荷华州监狱(theIowaStatePenitentiary)拍摄他这部奥斯卡提名影片时使用的那款。

    It 's what Mr. Barens , the director of ' Prison Terminal , ' used when shooting his Oscar-nominated film at the Iowa State Penitentiary .

  14. 但是爱荷华州民主党员AlanBohanan表示,他认为意见的分歧不会导致众议院的重大变化。

    But Iowa Democrat Alan Bohanan says he does not think that the deeply issue will lead to significant changes in the House of Representatives .

  15. 摩根士丹利向pbfenergy位于俄亥俄州的一家炼油厂供应原油,并向该公司位于特拉华州和新泽西州的另外两家炼油厂购买汽油、柴油和润滑油。

    Morgan Stanley delivers crude to an Ohio refinery owned by PBF energy and buys petrol , diesel and lubricants made by its two other refineries in Delaware and New Jersey .

  16. 周三,美国爱荷华州公共卫生部报道了第一例确诊的H1N1宠物,一只13岁大的短毛猫。

    On Wednesday , the Iowa Department of Public Health reported the first confirmed case of H1N1 in a house pet , a13-year-old domestic shorthaired cat .

  17. 爱荷华州大学园艺学专家CindyHaynes建议种子应埋在1.25公分的深度。

    Iowa State University horticulture specialist Cindy Haynes suggests planting the seeds one and one-quarter centimeters deep .

  18. 近几个月来,苹果公司在美国特拉华州和德国对宏达电公司(HTCCorp.)提起了专利诉讼。

    In recent months , Apple has sued HTC Corp. ( HTC , 2498 . TW ) in Delaware and Germany over one of those patents and others .

  19. 距离爱荷华州共和党总统候选人进行关键的投票还有几天的时间,VanPatten说,关于这次竞选活动的谈话几乎全部与经济有关。

    Just days ahead of a crucial poll in Iowa of Republican presidential candidates , Van Patten says talk on the campaign trail is almost exclusively related to the economy .

  20. 爱荷华州参议员ChuckGrassley称该条款已经被撤除,因为该条款可能会被错误地解释或执行。

    Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley says the provision now is off the table , because it could have been ed and ed incorrectly .

  21. NPR的克雷格·温德姆报道,今天最后一批提前投票的地区是俄亥俄州和爱荷华州。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports there has been a final flurry of early voting today in the battleground states of Ohio and Iowa .

  22. 2010年,该政府为爱荷华州埃姆斯的纽琳基因公司(NewLinkGenetics)发放VSV-EBOV疫苗许可。

    In 2010 , it licensed the vaccine , known as VSV-EBOV , to NewLink Genetics , in Ames , Iowa .

  23. 诺基亚向美国特拉华州联邦法院提起的上述诉讼,涉及10项专利。该公司表示,自2007年iPhone上市以来,苹果公司出厂的所有型号的iPhone手机都侵犯了这些专利。

    The legal complaint , filed in a US federal court in Delaware , involved 10 patents that Nokia said had been infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007 .

  24. 爱荷华大学Holden癌症研究中心是爱荷华州唯一的国家癌症研究院(NCI)-指定的癌症研究中心。

    Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at the UI is Iowa 's only National Cancer Institute ( NCI ) - designated comprehensive cancer center .

  25. 德克萨斯州拉雷多市的市长RaulSalinas,特拉华州维明顿市的JamesBaker和印第安纳州Elkhart市的DickMoore。

    The mayor of Laredo , Texas , Raul Salinas , also Mayor James Baker of Wilmington , Delaware and Elkhart , Indiana , Dick Moore joining us .

  26. 中西部,爱荷华州Sioux市的MorningsideCollege有1000多名学生,其中,今年有14个学生来自国外。

    In the Midwest , Morningside College in Sioux City , Iowa , has more than one thousand students . Fourteen of them this year are from other countries .

  27. 我在爱荷华州读m.f.a.写作硕士。

    I am currently in the m.f.a.writing program at iowa .

  28. 这位在爱荷华州仅获得微不足道的5%的支持率的茶叶党宠儿表示,她将支持最有希望击败巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)的人,但并未表态支持任何一位以前的对手。

    The Tea Party darling , who finished in sixth place in Iowa with a paltry 5 per cent , said she would rally behind the person best placed to defeat Barack Obama , but did not endorse any of her former rivals .

  29. 在餐厅工作六个月后,斯金纳离开爱荷华州,加入美国海军,在中途岛号(Midway)与奥里斯坎尼号(Oriskany)航母上服役。

    After six months behind the counter , he left Iowa behind for the Navy , serving on the aircraft carriers Midway and Oriskany .

  30. 降雨的缺乏以及灼热的高温正使东爱荷华州的农民RobbyEwolt蒙受损失。

    A lack of rain and scorching temperatures are taking a toll on Eastern Iowa Farmer Robby Ewolt .