
fàn měi
  • Pan-American;inter-American
  1. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。

    The first airplane timetable was published by Pan-American Airways in 1928 .

  2. 他要一些泛美航空公司客户档的资料。

    He would like some information on the Pan-American Airlines account .

  3. 泛美航空公司开通了第一条国际定期航班线路。

    Pan Am inaugurated the first scheduled international flight .

  4. 不过,未能脱手泛美能源股份,让bp不得不继续保留这项虽有价值、但不受欢迎的资产。

    The failure to sell Pan American , however , leaves BP clinging to a valuable but unwanted asset .

  5. 中海油今年以来遭遇了一些挫折,最近一个例子是出价35亿美元从英国石油(BP)手中收购阿根廷能源集团泛美能源(PanAmericanEnergy)部分股权的交易失败。

    Cnooc has encountered several setbacks this year , most recently the failure of its $ 3.5bn deal to buy a stake in Pan American Energy , the Argentinean energy group , from BP .

  6. 美国泛美航空公司(panam)在上世纪90年代破产,尽管该公司可能唤起许多美国人孩提时代的记忆,但振兴该公司的努力已经证明是失败的。

    While Pan am , the US flagship international airline that collapsed in the 1990s , may evoke childhood memories for many Americans , attempts to revive the brand have proved abortive .

  7. 美国泛美卫生组织是世界卫生组织的下属机构,这里的EnriqueVega医生专门从事老年保健工作,他说:

    Doctor Enrique Vega specializes in elder care at the Pan American Health Organization which is part of the WHO .

  8. 泛美开发银行的rafaelanta甚至更为谨慎:“我们对其影响知之甚少,又对商业模式一无所知。”

    Rafael Anta of the Inter-American Development Bank was even more cautious : " we know little about impact and nothing about business models . "

  9. 在纽约,天际线一直由催生了战后经济繁荣期的企业主导:利华大厦(LeverHouse)、西格拉姆大厦(SeagramBuilding)、泛美大楼(PanAmBuilding)以及美国电话电报公司大厦(AT&TTower)。

    In New York the skyline had been dominated by the corporations which fed the economic boom time of the postwar years : Lever House , the Seagram Building , the Pan Am Building , the AT & T Tower .

  10. 一份泛美卫生组织(PAHO)的研究显示2008年的某周四、周五、周六晚在墨西哥城大约有共200000人酒后驾车。

    PAHO study in2008 estimated that on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights in Mexico City a total of200,000 people drove while drunk .

  11. BP将要偿还Bridas为泛美能源交易支付的35亿美元押金(此外还将支付7亿美元,用于解决商业纠纷)。

    BP is to repay the $ 3.5bn deposit Bridas paid it as security for the Pan American transaction ( it will also hand over an extra $ 700m to settle outstanding commercial disputes ) .

  12. 这是泛美卫生组织的网站。

    This is the website of The Pan American Health Organization .

  13. 到那个时候,泛美航空会收购环球航空。

    By that time , Pan Am wiII have bought twa .

  14. 泛美002班机的登记手续在这办吗?

    Do I check in here for Pan am flight No.002 ?

  15. 有您的支持,泛美会做得更好!

    With your support , FIRMY will do a better job !

  16. 泛美卫生和教育基金会网站-英文

    Pan American Health and Education Foundation ( PAHEF ) web site

  17. 泛美航空公司有一架波音-747在上午九点三十分起飞。

    PAN AM has a Boeing 747 leaving at 9:30 AM .

  18. 我们单纯国内航班的收入就是泛美航空的两倍。

    Our domestic routes aione are worth more than twice pan am .

  19. 关于可持续人类发展方面的健康与环境问题的泛美会议

    Pan-American Conference on Health and Environment in Sustainable Human Development

  20. 泛美可持续发展中的健康和环境会议

    Pan-American Conference on Health and the Environment in Sustainable Development

  21. 嗯,泛美航空每个月都会给他们送支票吗?

    Uh , Pan Am sends them a checj every single month ?

  22. 有搭乘泛美002转机到旧金山的旅客吗?

    Any connecting passenger on Pan am Flight 002 to San Francisco ?

  23. 多伦多泛美运动会运动员帮助多伦多年轻的截肢者学习跑步

    Parapan Am athlete helps young Toronto amputees learn to run

  24. 成为一名泛美航空公司的真正的在职飞行员。

    Is to become a real Iive pilot for Pan American airways .

  25. 就是泛美航空被劫的那一笔?

    Also a match to the Pan am heist ?

  26. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。

    The first air timetable was published by Pan American Airways in 1928 .

  27. 后来,他成为了泛美航空公司专业的摄影师。

    Later , he became a professional photographer for Pan American World Airways .

  28. 他们自动会换到泛美去,别耽心。

    They will be automatically transfered to pan am . don 't worry .

  29. 这家伙从没坐过泛美的飞机。

    This guy doesn 't even fly pan am .

  30. 请帮我取消这班飞机的票,改成泛美航空的503次班机。

    Please cancel this flight and transfer me to Pan Am Flight 503 .