
fàn chēng
  • general term
泛称 [fàn chēng]
  • [general term] 一般性的称呼

泛称[fàn chēng]
  1. 保护区是一个泛称,根据建立的目的和本身的特点可以划分不同的类型,以利于管理工作的开展。

    Protected area is a general term , it can be classified into different categories according to the establishment objective and their own characteristics for which it is being managed .

  2. 协同教学与合作教学的区别主要是合作教学是一个泛称,是一个复合性、多层面的概念,其基本类型包括三种:师生合作教学、生生合作教学、全员合作教学。

    Collaborative teaching and cooperation of the main difference teaching is cooperative learning is a general term actually , a multi-layered compound and concept , its basic types includes three kinds : the teachers and students , live cooperative teaching , cooperative teaching , common cooperation teaching .

  3. “全球化”是个泛称,用以描述增进了的国际贸易。

    Globalisation is a catch-all to describe increased international trade

  4. 任何昆虫、类爬虫或爬行的无脊椎动物的泛称。

    General term for any insect or similar creeping or crawling invertebrate .

  5. 诸多在“灯节”中表演的舞蹈形式,人们泛称之为“灯舞”。

    The " lantern dance " refers to those performed during the " lantern festival " .

  6. 文章介绍了当代中国社会关系称谓及其发展变化的轨迹和原因,按照社会关系称谓的语义语用范畴进行了分类论述,把它们分为:一、泛称社会关系称谓;

    This thesis introduces the appellation of social relations in contemporary China and it 's changes and cause .

  7. 重楼,是百合科重楼属植物的泛称,其在云南和四川分布最为集中。

    Paris polyphylla , a valuable medicinal plants mainly distributed in the Sichuan and Yunnan province of China .

  8. 但后来“秀才科”被废,秀才一词一度变成了读书人的泛称。

    But then ," scholar Division " was abolished scholar once the term has become a reader 's Pan said .

  9. 旁称代词是用来泛称说话人和听话人以外的人的词。

    Referral pronoun is the kind of words that refer to the person other than the speakers and listeners extensively .

  10. 巴有人骠勇,泛称白虎蛮、板木盾蛮,雄踞川东北上千年。

    They 're as valiant as Zong people , entrenched in the northeast of Sichuan for over a thousand years .

  11. 见于世界淡水或咸水的各种冷血脊椎动物的泛称。他对于嘉莉,只看到新见世面这一点。

    Any of various species of cold-Blooded vertebrates found worldwide in fresh and salt water . In Carrie he saw only the novice .

  12. 第八部分,三身代词以外的其他人称代词。包括泛称代词、反身代词等。

    Part eight , the other personal pronouns except from the pronouns of three person , includes the general pronoun and the reflexive pronoun .

  13. 传统的散文叙事,即口头流传的故事,通常泛称为民间故事,是民俗学中最庞杂的一部分。

    Traditional prose narratives that is , oral stories often loosely termed " folktales ," constitute one of the largest and most complex branches of folklore .

  14. 把相关的知识有系统地运用到经济活动或某一产业上,现在泛称为知识经济或知识产业。

    The systematic application of relevant knowledge to economy and industries makes what we now generally call " knowledge economy " or " knowledge industries " .

  15. 因此,人们普遍预测到,在联储11月会议(下周举行)的收官阶段,将会公布新一轮资产购买方案,即泛称为“第二次量化宽松”。

    The Fed is therefore expected to announce a new round of asset purchases , widely known as QE2 , at the end of its November meeting next week .

  16. 但是,从21世纪初期开始,常被泛称为“渡边太太”的日本家庭主妇们开始追求更高的回报。(渡边是日本一个常见姓氏)

    But from the early 2000s , the housewives - often referred to collectively as " Mrs Watanabe " , a common Japanese surname - began to hunt for higher returns .