
dànɡ dànɡ
  • Dangdang;pawn things
当当 [dāng dāng]
  • [pawn] 旧社会用实物作抵押向当铺借钱

  1. 塔楼上的钟当当地敲响了。

    Bells were clanging in the tower .

  2. 有人举报说他们正在从满满当当的卡车上卸洗劫来的家具。

    They were reported to be unloading trucks filled with looted furniture .

  3. 大量刚裂开的玻璃碎片叮叮当当地落到地板上。

    A fresh cascade of splintered glass tinkled to the floor

  4. 正如《圣经》所说,给我恩赐太多了,我的杯子已经满满当当了。说到杯子,我得去给你倒杯茶来。

    As it says in the Bible , my cup is running over . Talking of which , I must get you a cup of tea .

  5. 我为他满满当当斟了一杯酒。

    I 've fully brimmed a glass with wine for him .

  6. 碟子碗碰得丁丁当当的。

    The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter .

  7. 所有的事都铺排得停停当当。

    Everything was well arranged .

  8. 考虑到食宿价格高昂,学校与家之间距离又很近,他选择住在家里,每周工作30至40小时,同时还要完成排得满满当当的课程。

    Given the high price of room and board and the closeness of the school to his family , he chose to live at home and worked between 30 and 40 hours a week while taking a full class schedule .

  9. 难道你没有看到,每次我们总是空着被送下去,满满当当地送上来吗?

    Don 't you see that whenever we are sent down empty , we always come up full ?

  10. 她骨架很大,稳稳当当,从来不喜欢抛头露面

    She was a quiet woman , bigboned , and self-effacing .

  11. 正在这时,一声震耳欲聋的爆炸突然袭来,把窗玻璃震得当当地响。

    At that same instant , a deafening explosion set the windows rattling .

  12. 雨点把排气管敲得叮叮当当,把院子顶棚打得噼噼啪啪。

    Raindrops click jingly on the vent-pipes , beating cracklingly the roof of the yard .

  13. 盲人听了很高兴,回到家里,敲敲铜盘,发出叮叮当当的声音。

    The blind man was very glad to hear this . When he returned home , he struck2 the copper plate and heard a ding-dong sound .

  14. 接着,鯈和忽不管浑沌本人同意和不同意,一齐动手,一个拿把大凿子,一个抡起大铁锤,叮叮当当,在他头上每天凿一个孔。

    Then , regardless of whether Hun Dun would agree or not , Tiao and Hu began working on him . One took a big chisel3 and the other swung an iron hammer to bore one hole a day on Hun Dun 's head .

  15. 因此当当地金融发展水平较高时会促进和放大FDI溢出效应,而当地金融发展水平低于一定水平时,则会阻碍或缩小FDI溢出效应。

    SO a good local finance level will promote and enlarges the " FDI spillover ", and a bad one will hindrance or reduction it .

  16. 主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容ApplePay的最新版APP。

    Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer Dangdang.com have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users .

  17. 塞得满满当当的书架,就和路易莎·梅·奥尔科特(LouisaMayAlcott)笔下的“书海”一样令人憧憬,那是乔·马奇(JoMarch,《小妇人》[LittleWomen]的主人公——译注)的心灵港湾。

    Overflowing library shelves looked as enticing as Louisa May Alcott 's " wilderness of books , " where Jo March liked to retreat .

  18. 马克:好吧,我们回头再聊!习语短语Yoohoo!=当当当!

    Mark : Okay , we 'll catch up later !

  19. 作为电子商务最早的开垦者之一,中国首家电子商务网站BOL被当当、卓越甩在后面。

    E-commerce as one of the earliest cultivated , China 's first e-commerce site BOL was Dangdang , excellent left behind .

  20. 为此,我选择了电子商务公司当当(NYSE:DANG)来作为VIE结构的例子。

    I have selected E-Commerce Dangdang , Inc. ( NYSE : DANG ), which listed on the NYSE late in2010 , as an example of how the VIE structure is used .

  21. 他的真实防守正负值稳稳当当的排在ESPN的第一位(4.50),领先于乔治和安德托昆博。(以2.85并列第19名)

    He is comfortably No. 1 in ESPN 's defensive real plus-minus ( 4.50 ) , ahead of George and Antetokounmpo ( tied for 19th at 2.85 ) .

  22. 这也可以解释大爆炸理论里反复出现的场景,主角谢尔顿总是重复如下三次来骚扰他的邻居Penny:“(当当当)Penny,(当当当)Penny,(当当当)Penny!”

    This may also explain the recurring scenario in The Big Bang Theory that finds main character Sheldon harassing his neighbor Penny with the thrice repeated : " ( knock knock knock ) Penny ! ( knock knock knock ) Penny ! ( knock knock knock ) Penny ! "

  23. 围栏已经被几天捕获的一千条金枪鱼挤得满满当当,与“钱袋”围网排成直线,Galaz邀请我下水。

    As the pen , already brimming with a thousand bluefin caught in the days before , was aligned with the purse-seine net , Galaz invited me into the water .

  24. 鉴于京东的快递系统如此有效,刘强东打算在今年年底前将它打造成一个开放系统,允许任何其他公司付费使用此系统&包括京东在电子商务领域的主要竞争对手当当网(Dangdang)。

    The 360buy delivery system is so effective that by the end of the year , Liu is going to farm it out , allowing any company to use it for a fee & including e-commerce archrivals like Dangdang .

  25. 我们指望必要的设备能稳稳当当地运到那儿。

    We are relying on the safe delivery of essential equipment .

  26. 我们正稳稳当当驱车前进时,突然轮胎爆了。

    We were just bumming along nicely when the tyre burst .

  27. 我不知道为什么我们要把她叫做当当。

    I have no idea why we called her Jingle Bell .

  28. 生活中开始满满当当都是节日的踪影。

    Life is full to the brim festival began to trace .

  29. 你们今晚真是水当当。我可以和你共舞吗?

    Y 'll lookin " fine tonight.May I have this dance ?

  30. 海伦:哦,你今天的日程安排得满满当当啊。

    Helen : Okay , your schedule today is very busy .