
zào jiǎo
  • nigre;niger
皂脚[zào jiǎo]
  1. 棉籽油皂脚脂肪酸制备C(21)二元酸工艺的研究

    Study on Preparation Process about C_ ( 21 ) Dicarboxylic Acid from Soapstock Fatty Acid of Cottonseed Oil

  2. SnCl4/C催化高酸值皂脚制备乙酯生物柴油

    Preparation of Ethyl Biodiesel from High Acid Value Soapstock by SnCl_4 / C

  3. 采用PFS物化混凝破乳及PAC生物处理技术,对炼油、皂脚混合废水处理工艺进行了研究。

    Study on treating technology of mixing wastewater containing oil and soap residue has been conducted by using PFS coagulation demulsification and PAC biological treatment system .

  4. 得到的最佳工艺条件为:水解温度190℃,水解时间12h,水与油脚-皂脚体积比3∶1,黑脚醇解-皂解时间8h。

    Hydrolysis time , 12h ; volume ratio of water and oil foots soap foots , 3 ∶ 1 ; alcoholysis saponification time of hydrolysis foots , 8h .

  5. 一种用于从植物油皂脚提取的混合脂肪酸的加氢反应的新型催化剂已研制成功,定型为HS-1型催化剂。

    A new silica supported nickel catalyst , model HS - ⅰ , is prepared for hydrogenation of mixed fatty acids made from foots of vegetable oils .

  6. 植物油皂脚制备脂肪酸甲酯及甘油

    Prepare Fatty Acid Methoxycarbonyl and Glycerol from Chinese Honey Locust of Vegetable Oil

  7. 菜籽油皂脚制备生物柴油工艺的研究

    Study on the biodiesel preparation from rapeseed oil soapstocks

  8. 用皂脚和废机油制备环保型高效消泡剂

    The preparation of high effective anti-foam agent using soapstock and waste machine oil

  9. 棉籽油皂脚的综合利用

    Comprehensive Utilization of the Leftover-soap in Cottonseed Oil

  10. 从棉油皂脚提取棉油脂肪酸

    Extraction of fatty acids from cottonseed oil foots

  11. 菜籽油油脚-皂脚复合裂解清洁工艺研究

    Studies on Cleaner Process of Compound Splitting to Pape Oil Foots - Soap Foots

  12. 干性油皂脚酸的回收及其在油基树脂漆中的应用

    Recovery of drying oil soapstock acid and its usage in oil based resin paints

  13. 从米糠油二次皂脚中制取谷维素的研究

    The research of oryzanol was extracted from second soap stock of rice bran oil

  14. 动植物油、废弃食用油和植物油精炼皂脚都可以作为原料来制备生物柴油。

    Biodiesel can be prepared from natural oil , waste oil and vegetable oil soapstock .

  15. 皂脚废水的治理实践

    Treatment practice of saponification wastewater

  16. 对棉籽油生产中下脚料&皂脚的综合开发利用途径进行了阐述,主要对皂脚特性以及皂脚生产磷脂、生物柴油、脂肪酸等方面的现状及生产技术方法进行了分析。

    The characteristic of soapstock were described , its application in producing phosphatide , biodiesel fuel , fatty acid and so on were also discussed .

  17. 本文论述了从棉子油或棉子油皂脚中分离不饱和脂肪酸的可能性和必要性,以及脂肪酸分离的不同方法。

    The possibility and necessity of separating unsaturated fatty acids from cottonseed oil or its soapstock , and the different separating methods of fatty acids have been discussed .

  18. 菜籽油皂脚制备脂肪酸、生物柴油及甘油一种蜡质饱和脂肪酸,作为甘油脂广泛存在于动物和植物脂肪中。

    Preparation of Fatty Acids , Biodiesel and Glycerol from Rapeseed Oil Soapstock ; a waxy saturated fatty acid ; occurs widely as a glyceride in animal and vegetable fats .

  19. 我国是世界上棉籽产量最高的国家,如何有效、合理地利用棉籽油皂脚,是油脂加工厂关注的大问题。

    Our country has the biggest output of cottonseed in world . How to make the leftover-soap in cottonseed oil into the treasures effectively and reasonably is a large question for oil factory .

  20. 用大豆油皂脚制备酸化油,比较了直接酸化法和皂化酸解法两种工艺。生物基炭质催化剂催化大豆皂脚酸化油制备生物柴油

    When prepared the acidic oil from the soy oil soapstock , two processes that were direct acidification and acid hydrolysis after saponification were compared . Biodiesel production from acidified soapstocks using a biomass-based carbonaceous catalyst

  21. 棉籽毛油加入一定量碱液进行简易碱炼后,离心分离,脱除皂脚,以分离出的棉油制备生物柴油,借助单因素多水平实验及正交实验优化反应的工艺条件。

    Cottonseed oil through a easy alkali alkali refining , then centrifugal separation , removal of soap foot to obtain cottonseed oil can be used to producing biodiesel , through single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments , can get the level of reaction conditions .

  22. 本研究将日用化工厂碱性皂脚废水经预处理后,用泵打入工业锅炉湿式除尘系统进行烟气脱硫除尘,流出废水经动态微孔过滤后循环回用。

    The study is on utilizing the pretreated alkaline soapstock waste water of daily chemical plant to desulfurize flue gas . After pumping the waste water the wet type dust removal system of industrial boiler , the effluent can be reused after dynamic microporous filtration .