
huǒ qián
  • snapdragon;fire-tongs;tongs;fire poker
火钳 [huǒ qián]
  • [fire-tongs] 见火剪

火钳[huǒ qián]
  1. 她用火钳再夹一些煤放进炉子里。

    She used tongs to put some more coal on the fire .

  2. 她用火钳往炉火添煤。

    She used the tongs to add coal to the fire .

  3. 埃文斯先生开始用火钳在冷却的炉灰中哐啷、哐啷地拨动。

    Mr Evans began clattering with his fire-irons among the cold ashes .

  4. 铗用火钳抓,拿住或操纵。

    To seize , hold , or manipulate with tongs .

  5. 她用火钳钩开了炉门。

    She hooked open the furnace door with a poker .

  6. 我要用我的火钳夹住他们的鼻子。

    I 'm going to pinch them in the nose with my pliers .

  7. 疯王叫人用烧红的火钳把他舌头给拔了。

    Since the Mad King had his tongue ripped out with hot pincers .

  8. 用这个火钳夹煤一点也不困难,顺手得很。

    It 's very convenient to use this pair of fire-tongs to hold coal .

  9. 啊,递给我火钳!

    Oh , give me the poker !

  10. 她用一把火钳往炉火上再加了一些煤。

    She used a pair of tongs to put some more coal on the fire .

  11. 他用火钳烙过

    He is burnt with tongs

  12. 我的衣裳是那样的破烂龌龊,就是叫你用火钳把我碰一下,你都不会乐意。

    I was so ragged and dirty that you wouldn 't have touched me with a pair of tongs .

  13. 火车经过时当地居民四处散开,用火钳拾起火车上抛下的余火未尽的煤块用以自己烧火。

    Residents rush out as the train passes , armed with tongs to pick up dropped embers for their stoves .

  14. 但是当我用火钳拨开一块地方时,这样的牺牲可真是太痛苦了。

    But when I proceeded to open a place with the poker , the sacrifice was too painful to be borne .

  15. 他一边说,一边捡起铁火钳,一发力把它又扳直了。

    As he spoke he picked up the steel poker and , with a sudden effort , straightened it out again .

  16. 梅格想弄几缕卷曲的刘海,乔便将的头发用纸片包起来,再用一把烧热的火钳夹祝。

    Meg wanted a few curls about her face , and Jo undertook to pinch the papered locks with a pair of hot tongs .

  17. 有一个撒拉弗飞到我面前,手里拿着烧红的炭,是用火钳从祭坛上取来的。

    Then one of the seraphs flew to me with a live coal in his hand , which he had taken with tongs from the altar .

  18. “好了,我把纸片拿开,你们就会看到一堆小鬈发了,”乔说着放下火钳。

    There , now I 'll take off the papers and you 'll see a cloud of little ringlets , 'said Jo , putting down the tongs .

  19. 莱昂一面尽力护着头、脸,一面退到壁炉边,拿起火钳还击。

    Lyon , protecting his head and face as well as he could , retreated to the fireplace , took up the fire tongs , and flailed back .

  20. 图姆纳斯先生蹲下去,用一把小巧的火钳,从火堆里夹出一块正在燃烧的木柴头,点亮了一盏灯。

    Then Mr Tumnus stooped and took a flaming piece of wood out of the fire with a neat little pair of tongs , and lit a lamp .

  21. 巨人在忙碌的时候,没一人敢说话。当他把头六条肥油多汁微焦的香肠从火钳上弄下来时,达利感到有点恐惧不安。

    Nobody said a thing while the giant was working , but as he slid the first six fat , juicy , slightly burnt sausages from the poker , Dudley fidgeted a little .

  22. 谁都知道有一大堆东西。床,锅,刀,叉,勺子,火钳,餐巾,胡桃钳以及其它等等,都是必不可少的日常用具。

    Every one knows what a multitude of things-beds , sauce-pans , knives and forks , shovels and tongs , napkins , nut-crackers , and what not , are indispensable to the business of housekeeping .

  23. 由盘盖、酒杯、圆酒瓶组成的宴席餐具通常散放在四柱的床架上,供它们的亲朋好友(如三、四副火钳和过道里的一盏灯)来享用。

    A banquet array of dish-covers , wine-glasses , and decanters was generally to be seen , spread forth upon the bosom of a four-post bedstead , for the entertainment of such genial company as half-a-dozen pokers , and a hall lamp .