
  1. 论中国文人的巫山神女情结

    On Mountain Wu Goddess Complex of Chinese Literati

  2. 巫山神女:巴楚民族历史文化融合的结晶

    Goddess of Wu Mountain : Crystallization of Merging of Historical Culture in Ba & Chu Nationalities

  3. 巫山神女:一种文学意象的地理渊源

    The Sorcery Goddess of the Mountain Wu : The Geographic Origin of a Sort of Literature Phenomena

  4. 在这三个版本中,文人版的巫山神女传说对《巫山高》系列诗歌产生的影响最大,但其他两个版本也各自有着自己独特的影响力。

    The scholar version of wushan goddess legend have a great impact on " wu shan gao " poetry series .

  5. 在第一章的第一节主要梳理了巫山神女传说的版本,有文人版、道教版、和民间版。

    The chapter combed wushan goddess version of the legend , that are scholars , Taoist version and the folk version .

  6. 禹出生地是北川;禹是历史的神话;禹治水的地域广阔,不仅有中原地区,还包括长江流域的一些地方,禹应到过重庆;禹与巫山神女无关。

    Yu was born in Beichuan . Yu is a historical myth . The flood area Yu control was broad , it include not only Huang River but also Chang River .

  7. 巫山神女神话是在漫长的历史上某些文化因素在偶然的情景中渐次综合而成的,整个神话的演变体现了历史文化与时代特征相结合的特点。

    This myth was synthesized by certain cultural factors in occasional situations in the long history . The evolution of whole myth embodies interaction between the characteristics of the historical culture and the features of The Times .

  8. 以巫山神女为代表的三峡地区神话在诗歌中逐渐被赋予原型的意义,对后世影响深远。

    As the representation of the myth in the Three Gorges district , the " Goddess of Wu Mountain " is gradually endowed with its original meanings in the poems , this has had a profound influence for the later generations .