
  • 网络schneider electric;Schneider Electric SA
  1. 这方面的需求推动了施耐德电气OEM技术和解决方案中心的发展。

    This need was the impetus for the development of the Schneider Electric OEM TASC .

  2. 我学会了如何与日本顾客交流,目前在东京施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)工作的克莱帕尔说。

    I learned how to speak to Japanese customers , said Mr. Kl é pal , who now works for Schneider Electric in Tokyo .

  3. SST直接应用施耐德电气的技术和工艺,并引进世界上最先进的生产和试验设备。

    SST have completely employed the technology of Schneider Electric and imported the best production equipment and test instrument in the world .

  4. 该新的动手实践演示中心将展示施耐德电气面向OEM和终端客户的全自动化和控制解决方案。

    The new hands-on demonstration center will showcase Schneider Electric 's total automation and control solutions for OEM and end-user customers .

  5. 法国施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)同意向一家中国公司支付2300万美元,以了结一起专利诉讼,这一和解金额创下中国知识产权案的最高纪录。

    France 's Schneider Electric has agreed to pay a Chinese company $ 23m to settle a patent lawsuit the largest recorded settlement in an intellectual property case in China .

  6. 去年,法国工业集团施耐德电气(schneiderelectric)将一些人力资源和战略部门主管派往香港,目的是在现有的美国和欧洲中心之外,创立一个亚洲管理中心。

    Last year French industrial group Schneider Electric sent its human resources and strategy chiefs to Hong Kong to create an Asian management hub , in addition to its existing US and European centres .

  7. IBS将极大扩充TAC的安装基地,提升其在北美和亚洲的销售能力,使施耐德电气的楼宇自动化平台达到一个新的高度。

    IBS will significantly enlarge TAC 's installed base , expand its distribution capability in North America and Asia and bring the Schneider Electric Building Automation platform to a new scale .

  8. Marisio公司的产品范围、市场以及分销商对施耐德电气的业务具有非常好的补充作用。

    Marisio 's product range , markets and distributors are very complementary to Schneider Electric 's.

  9. 起初以10万美元信用卡贷款白手起家创立这家公司的林麦克最近完成了新一轮融资,吸引到了法国电信公司Orange和能源管理公司施耐德电气(SchneiderElectric)这样的大型企业投资者。

    Lin , who initially shoe-stringed the company with $ 100,000 in credit card debt , recently concluded a new fundraising round , enticing major corporate investors like orange , the French Telecom , and Schneider Electric , an energy management firm .

  10. 施耐德电气预计此项交易将产生显著的协同效应,到2015年因协同效应而对EBITA的影响估计可达2500-3000万美元。

    Schneider Electric expects the transaction to be highly synergetic with estimated EBITA impact from synergies of USD25-30 million in2015 .

  11. 施耐德电气的新EEM技术通过向管理者提供一个强大的仪表板以了解效率、成本和可靠性背后真正的推动者,从而统一了业务和能源战略。

    Schneider Electric 's new EEM technology unites business and energy strategies by giving managers a powerful dashboard for understanding the true drivers behind efficiency , cost and reliability .

  12. 作为已经进入该市场的企业,施耐德电气将通过对Xantrex的收购增强其解决方案提供能力,更好地满足市场和客户在节能增效方面的需求。

    Already present in this market , Schneider Electric will reinforce its solution offering with the acquisition of Xantrex and will better meet market demand and customers'needs in Energy Efficiency .

  13. 吕埃马迈松5月13日消息&施耐德电气签署了一份协议,收购Marisio公司,一家生产和销售安装系统和控制元件的智利公司。

    Rueil Malmaison , France , May13,2008 – Schneider Electric has signed an agreement to acquire Marisio , a Chilean company that manufactures and sells Installation Systems & Control ( ISC ) components .

  14. 这次收购符合施耐德电气的资本回报率标准。

    This acquisition meets Schneider Electric 's Return on Capital Employed criteria .

  15. 案例研究:施耐德电气解决方案式营销策略

    Case Study : Schneider Electric 's Solution Marketing Strategy

  16. 施耐德电气(中国)投资有限公司楼宇自控部。

    Building Automation Unit , Schneider Electric ( China ) Investment Co. , Ltd.

  17. 利德华福还将提高施耐德电气集团为客户提供高级服务的能力。

    Leader & Harvest also improves the Group 's advanced service capability for its customers .

  18. 它将展示施耐德电气创造的创新、知识和业界领先的技术。

    It will showcase the innovation , knowledge and industry-leading technology that defines Schneider Electric .

  19. 施耐德电气在石油钻机电传动系统控制回路中的应用

    Application of Schneider electric products in the control circuit of oil-drilling rigs electric drive system

  20. 楼宇自动化和控制系统市场对施耐德电气的发展潜力有着重要意义。

    The market of Building Automation and Control systems represents significant growth potential for Schneider Electric .

  21. 这将在施耐德电气卓越的市场拓展模式之外,提供一个不同的盈利方式。

    It will offer a different value proposition from Schneider Electric with a distinct market approach .

  22. 最后对施耐德电气解决方案式营销的实施提出建议。

    Finally , Schneider Electric solutions for the implementation of the type of marketing to make recommendations .

  23. 施耐德电气还预期,通过将利德华福加入其在中国的业务平台,还可实现成本的协同效应。

    Schneider Electric also expects cost synergies by adding Leader & Harvest to its business platform in China .

  24. 凭借施耐德电气集团公司在中国多年的经验、强大的销售网络、完善的管理体系以及高素质的团队。

    With so many years experience and powerful distribution network in China , Schneider Electric is your reliable partner .

  25. 施耐德电气在创新、质量和效率方面有着宏伟的战略,同时积极开展合作和并购业务以拓宽自己的产业阵容。

    Schneider Electric has an ambitious strategy of innovation , quality and efficiency and actively pursues partnerships and acquisitions to broaden its line-up .

  26. 我们坚信,融合后的“施耐德电气”品牌在坚持提供高质量产品和服务的同时,将给您带来更大的商机和利益。

    We strongly believe a stronger Schneider Electric brand will bring you more business opportunity and commercial benefit with our persistent high quality product and services .

  27. 这一收购将是完善施耐德电气在新兴经济体目标市场的节能产品和解决方案的关键举措。

    The transaction will add another key brick to Schneider Electric 's product and solution offerings that provide energy efficiency to its key targeted end-markets in new economies .

  28. 本文详细地介绍了在某典型水厂工程项目中,应用施耐德电气自动化产品对水厂工艺设备实现监控的解决方案。

    This paper introduces the solution in detail that Automation products manufactured by Schneider Electric is used to monitor and control the process devices of a certain typical waterworks .

  29. 为了安装和维护该系统,大学的培训,而且,他们正在接受施耐德电气技术支持中心的支持。

    To install and maintain the system , SFIA electricians were trained by Schneider electric 's powerlogicuniversity , and they use Schneider electric 's technical support center for ongoing support .

  30. 该收购是施耐德电气进一步加强其在快速发展的新兴国家布局策略的又一举措,这些国家占施耐德电气2007年销售总额的32%。

    The acquisition is another step in Schneider Electric 's strategy to further boost its presence in the fast-growing emerging countries , that accounted for32 % of its sales in2007 .