
  1. 有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。

    A row of small windows jutted out from the roof .

  2. 方法将大鼠颈曲由下突位变为上突位,在手术显微镜下切开C3、C4间的黄韧带,横断颈髓外侧索;

    Methods After the thoracic curve was changed from inferior to superior , the yellow ligment between C3 and C4 and the lateral funiculus were transected under the operating microscope ;

  3. 除去活顶罩上突出来的残留的粘合胶。

    Remove raised adhesive residues from the convertible-top covering .

  4. 他的尖尖的鹰钩鼻子从那舞蹈演员的瘦削的脸上突出来(格雷厄姆格林)

    He had a sharp crooked nose jutting out of a lean dancer 's face ( Graham Greene )

  5. 网络出版非一类齐旧的出版业态,它反在很大火平上突立了传统出版的观念。

    Web publishing is a brand new publishing form which breaks through the traditional publishing in a great extent .

  6. 要用技巧把桥放在某一角度以便在构图上突出来,同时要收进一角小溪而避开桥入口处墙上那些乱刻的字。

    The trick would be to put the bridge at an angle for some compositional tension , get a little of the stream at the same time , and miss the graffiti on the walls near the entrance .

  7. 年日均值图显示,中期异常出现在震前11个月左右,表现为脉冲式向上突跳及阶跃式上升,最大异常量为日均正常上升速率的84倍;

    The figure of daily mean value in resent year showed : the medium term anomaly with impulse jumps appeared 11 months before the event , and the maximum of anomaly was 84 times of the normal rising rate ;

  8. 目的:探讨椎骨上关节突间距(IFD)与椎弓根间距(IPD)的内在规律,为诊断椎管狭窄提供参考值。

    Objective : To probe into the regularity of the distances between midial border of two superior articular processes ( IFD ) and two pedicles ( IPD ), to provide the theoretical data for diagnosing spinal stenosis .

  9. 1.00ng/ml组明显影响卵黄囊循环、头长、颅臀长、体节数、中脑、后脑、翻转、鳃弓和上下颌突等指标,与对照组比较P<0.05;

    1.00ng/ml group led to the significant decrease of scores of VYS circle , head length , crown rump length , number of somites , midbrain , hindbrain , trunk turning , branchial arch , maxillary process and mandibular processs ( P < 0.05 );

  10. 端脑横切面上髓突与额叶脑回的对应性研究

    Research of the corresponding between medullary processes and frontal gyri on horizontal sections

  11. 骶骨上关节突和外侧沟的形态及其临床意义

    Morphology of Superior Articular Processes and Lateral Grooves of the Sacrum and Its Clinical Significance

  12. 控制软土地基上沉井突沉和不均匀下沉的措施

    An Effective Method to Control the Sudden and Uneven Subsidence of the Caisson on Soft Clay Foundation

  13. 方法三可以用于为了获得9-30体节时期的小鼠第一腮弓或上下颌突的不含外胚上皮的组织或细胞的外胚间充质。

    The third method is recommended for the purpose to get mesenchymal tissue without any epithelial components .

  14. 结论随着年龄的增长,面部宽度、眶上嵴突及颅面深度有随之增加的趋势,而面部垂直高度有随之降低的趋势。

    Conclusion Facial width and depth and supraorbital projection tend to be increased and facial height decreased with ageing .

  15. 腰椎上关节突外缘与椎弓根中心关系的解剖学观测及其临床意义

    Applied anatomy and clinical significance of the relationship between the lateral margin of the superior facet and the pedicle center of lumbar vertebrae

  16. 方法:对100套成人干燥腰椎骨标本上关节突乳突的形态特点及其外缘切线与椎弓根外侧骨皮质及中心进行了观测。

    Methods : The lateral margin of the superior facet and the pedicle center are observed on 100 dry adult lumbar vertebrae specimens .

  17. 目的:探讨腰椎上关节突外缘的形态特点及其与椎弓根中心的关系。

    Objective : To study the quantitative relationship between the lateral margin of the superior facet and the pedicle center of lumbar vertebrae .

  18. 胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点为椎弓根进钉点的应用解剖

    An transpedicular entry point located at the outer one-third point of the bottom of the superior facet of thoracic vertebra : An applied anatomy study

  19. 结论:经根黄通道八边形游离整块切除胸椎上关节突及骨化黄韧带减压充分、相对安全和简便。

    Conclusion : En bloc resection of the superior facet process and ossified ligamentum flavum of thoracic spine via pedicle-flavum octagonal tunnel is safe and reliable .

  20. 方法:成人干燥腰椎骨100套,对上关节突关节面的形态特点及其后缘与椎弓根中心的关系进行了观测。

    Material and Methods : The distance from the medial margin of the superior articular process to the pedicle center was measured in 100 dry lumbar specimens .

  21. 目的:对骶骨螺钉上关节突关节面5点7点进钉方法进行相关的放射解剖学研究。

    Objective : To study the placement of inserting sacral screw through the five-seven o'clock point on the articular facet of the superior articular process by radiological anatomical means .

  22. 目的:探讨经根黄通道应用八边形游离整块切除胸椎上关节突及骨化黄韧带法治疗胸椎黄韧带骨化合并脊髓病的疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy of en bloc resection of the superior facet process and ossified ligamentum flavum of thoracic spine via pedicel-flavum tunnel ( PFT ) .

  23. 节段动脉静脉的后支在椎间孔的上方绕向后下方,走行于脊神经的下方和下位椎体上关节突的外方,分为内外2支,分布于腰部深层肌肉。

    The posterior branch of the segmental artery and vein in the thoracolumbar region rises laterally to the intervertebral foramen and run dorsocaudal inferior to superior articular process of the vertebral below .

  24. 结果26.0%(157/604)的螺钉和31.5%(46/143)的患者存在固定节段椎体的上关节突不同程度的破坏。

    Results CT scan showed that 26.0 % ( 157 / 604 ) of the screws and 31.5 % ( 46 / 143 ) of the patients had various degrees of facet joint violation .

  25. 目的:研究胸椎上关节突基底外1/3点与椎弓根的解剖关系,为胸椎椎弓根穿钉提供一种新的定位方法。

    Objective : To determine a new transpedicular localization point of thoracic vertebra through investigating the anatomical relationship of the outer one-third point of the bottom of the superior facet and the pedicle of vertebral arch .

  26. 目的通过X线平片分析关节突、横突及椎弓根间的相互关系,探讨上关节突作定位标志的临床价值。

    Objective To analyze the anatomical relationship between articular processes , transverse processes and vertebral pedicle with the use of xray films and discuss the clinical significance of superior articular processes to be the location point of pedicle screw fixation .

  27. 各节段下关节突关节面的面积均大于上关节突关节面的面积,但仅颈4~5和颈5~6节段有显著性差异。

    The area of the articular surface of the inferior articular process is larger than that of the superior articular process in every segment , but the significance of difference is only in C_ ( 4-5 ) and C_ ( 5-6 ) segments .

  28. 他朝他的兄弟吼叫,脖子上青筋暴突。

    He shouted at his brother , his neck veins bulging .

  29. 他利用键盘home键上的小突起来指引自己的手指。

    He uses the little bumps on his keyboard 's home keys to guide his fingers .

  30. 结论:牙CT扫描所提供的数据,可较精确地计算牙槽窝的体积,此法对临床上计算牙槽突裂缺损体积有重要意义。

    This method is of clinical value in calculating the bone defect volume in alveolar cleft .