
chú jù
  • Kitchenware;kitchen (or cooking) utensils
厨具 [chú jù]
  • [kitchen utensils and appliances] 做饭、做菜的用具,如锅、炒勺、菜刀等

  1. 主要用于合成三聚氰胺甲醛树脂,以制作复合板、塑料、涂料、商用过滤器、胶水或粘合剂以及餐具和厨具。

    Melamine mainly used for synthesis of melamine-formaldehyde resin to produce composite panels , plastic , paint , commercial filters , glues or adhesives , as well as tableware and kitchen utensils .

  2. 由于我国的饮食习惯跟欧美国家存在较大的差异,如锅、碗、勺等厨具的收纳并没有因为对西方整体橱柜设计的引入而得到很好的解决。

    As dietary habit is definitely different between China and the West , the storage problem of pot , bowl , spoon and other kitchen utensils could not be solved by the integrated kitchen cabinets .

  3. 这间茅屋里没有厨具和卫生设施。

    The hut had no cooking or sanitary facilities .

  4. 美国的厨具市场目前价值1700亿,是美国电影业的5倍。

    In America the kitchen market is now worth $ 170 billion , 5 times the country 's film industry .

  5. 截至2007年8月,瑞典家具连锁店宜家家居在世界范围售掉超过100万个厨具。

    In the year to August 2007 , IKEA , a Swedish furniture chain , sold over one million kitchens worldwide .

  6. 许多对于厨具设计的现代观点都可以追溯到另一个美国人克莉斯汀·弗雷德里克。她着眼于提高家庭主妇的效率。

    Many contemporary ideas about kitchen design can be traced back to another American , Christine Frederick , who set about enhancing the efficiency of the housewife .

  7. 微波炉是一种节约时间的厨具。

    Microwave is a time-saving cooker .

  8. 贝恩资本最终以17.5亿美元收购了美标卫浴及厨具业务部门,并将后者的亚洲和欧洲业务重新冠名为IdealStandard。

    Bain won the overall deal for $ 1.75 billion , and would rename the Asia and European business ideal standard .

  9. kitchenware:厨具在英国最受欢迎的两种美食就是中餐和印度餐。

    Where can we buy , as Chinese the seasoning , kitchen ware ? The top 2 cuisine , which are popular in UK , is Chinese food and Indian food .

  10. 天大、中医学院、海光寺附近日租、短租房。配有空调、电视、DVD、热水器、厨具、双人床、沙发、茶几,独立卫生间、厨房。

    Equipped with air-conditioning , TV , DVD , water heater , kitchen , double bed , sofa , coffee table , independent bathroom , kitchen .

  11. 厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自FracinoContempoCoffeeMachine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

    Copper accents include a set of pans , the knife block and Dualit toaster , while a £ 2700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks .

  12. 多年来,HelloKitty的授权产品涉及公仔、服装、饭盒、文具、厨具,还进入了纽约感恩节盛大游行,甚至台湾长荣航空的一辆空客上也有HelloKitty。

    In Japan and around the world , Hello Kitty has been licensed over the years for products that include dolls , clothes , lunch boxes , stationery , kitchenware , a Macy 's parade balloon and even an Airbus owned by Taiwanese airline EVA Airways .

  13. OpenSky是一个成立刚一年的网站,明星可以在该网站帮助宣传健康、美容、家居装饰和厨具商品。

    OpenSky is a year-old site where personalities like Molly Sims , Veronica Webb and others can help market health , beauty , decor and kitchen merchandise .

  14. 本厂专业生产不锈钢厨具系列产品。除生产厨房产品外还生产各式铁丝制品。

    Our factory specializes in producing series stainless steel kitchenware products .

  15. 《案例》:美的厨具用品制造有限公司&寻求发展之路

    Midea Kitchenware Manufacture Co. , Ltd. & In Search of Development

  16. 嗨,史蒂夫,你的厨具生意如何?

    Hi , Steve ! How 's the kitchen appliance business ?

  17. 支付的账单和厨具甚至不需要离开房间。

    Pay bills and cook a casserole without ever leaving the room .

  18. 本公司从事行业为:不锈钢厨具制造业;

    The Company engaged in the industry for Manufacturing stainless steel kitchen .

  19. 京都&做中国厨具行业中受尊敬的企业。

    Jingdu-Makes in the Chinese kitchenware profession the enterprise which 's respected .

  20. 他们下周会来安装新厨具。

    They 're coming to put the new kitchen in next week .

  21. 以粤菜为主,厨具、中国菜配料由组委会提供。

    Cooking utensils and ingredients will be provided by the Organizing Committee .

  22. 一些佩蒂尼的产品包含了重新发明的内嵌厨具布局。

    Some of Pedini collections includes nice re-invent of inline kitchen layouts .

  23. 厨具部门需要有人切乳酪。

    They need guys up in housewares to serve cheese .

  24. 因为那是我第一次用铝合金厨具。

    That was because it was my first experience with anodized aluminum .

  25. 厨具用不锈钢的表面化学着色

    Surface Chemical Coloring of Stainless Steel for Cooking Utensil

  26. 试论中西饮食文化差异及其对厨具设计的启示

    Differences Between Chinese and Western Dietetic Culture and Their Implications for Kitchenware Design

  27. 厨具桌面和厨房的所有地方都要消毒。

    Disinfect counter tops and the kitchen area well .

  28. 这些礼物会包括厨具或新衣。

    These could include cooking equipment or new clothing .

  29. 情趣化厨具设计已经得到大多数消费者的欢迎。

    The interesting design of kitchenware has already obtained welcome of the majority consumers .

  30. 桌子被推到两边,上面堆满了厨具。

    The tables had been pushed to the sides and were laden with kitchenware .