
  • 网络Big-Picture Thinking
  1. 在与《财富》杂志(Fortune)的电话访谈中,他们互开玩笑,对彼此的全局观不吝溢美之词。

    In a telephone chat with fortune , they banter , each praising the other for his global perspective .

  2. 产品变型多样性的不断增加,需要一个有全局观的和柔性的PPS(生产计划和控制)系统,以适应现代制造技术提出的各项要求。

    The increasing multifariousness of product variants requires a surveyable and flexible PPS-System which meets all requirements of modern production technology .

  3. 你必须在负担能力和全局观之间进行权衡。

    You 've got to balance affordability and a holistic view .

  4. 棕榈科是独特的园林观赏植物。针对棕榈科植物应用的策略与方法,提出全局观、系统观、运动观和辩证观;

    Palms are unique landscape plants .

  5. 不要让广镜头促使你失去全局观。

    Don 't let the wide camera angles lull you into missing the physicality of it .

  6. 全局观教学主要体现在两个方面,分为显性影响和隐性影响。

    Global view of teaching is mainly reflected in two aspects , divided into explicit and implicit .

  7. 这也意味像李这样南方的将军们只能在没有战略全局观的条件下指挥作战

    It means Southern generals like Lee must plan their battles without that kind of strategic overview .

  8. 你倾向于做任何事都讲究细节,这可能会导致你失去全局观。

    Your need to put great detail into everything you do may cause you to miss the overall picture .

  9. 有些人立刻就能把握这一点,而有人永远无法掌握。员工能通过学习获得这种全局观吗?

    WSJ : Some people immediately grasp this and some never do , but is it something that can be taught ?

  10. 全局观是马克思主义哲学的唯物辩证法的全面性和整体性的要求,是各级领导干部必备的素质要求.初步起草了因宁片的质量标准。

    The overall viewpoint is all-round and integrative requirement of dialectical materialism in Marxist philosophy , is necessary quality of leading cadre at difference levels .

  11. 25岁以下的年轻人及工作1-3年的员工更加看重全局观及压力管理。

    Young people below 25 years old and staff for working between in one to three years pay more attention to macro view and stress management .

  12. 全局观教学对于职初教师的专业化成长的意义显而易见,于是对他们的全局观念的培养就尤为重要。

    Global view of teaching makes a obvious meaning of the professional growth of the occupational early teachers , so their overall concept of culture is particularly important .

  13. 迎评工作与二级学院班子的建设&谈新建本科院校二级学院领导班子的全局观

    The Work of Receiving Appraisal and the Construction of Leader Group of the Faculties & Talking the overall viewpoint of leader group of the faculties in new-built undergraduate college

  14. 实践人员可能要参加,但是可能并不能完成工作间中的一些练习,因为他们缺乏大视图下的全局观。

    Practitioners may be asked to attend , too , but they might not be able to complete some of the exercises in the workshop because they have limited visibility of the larger picture .

  15. 通过教育实习,在理解全局观的基础上,通过设计问卷调查和研究教学笔记,探索出相应的培养策略,希望能为职初教师的发展和尽快成熟提供可操作的理论指导。

    Educational practice , developed on the basis of understanding of the global concept of the training strategy as soon as possible for the post of teachers in the early development and mature operational and theoretical guidance .

  16. 本文从传播学视角切入,把语文教育过程作为一个传播系统,用动态的发展观和全局整体观审视语文教育中的师生关系。

    ( The author of ) this paper tries to regard Chinese teaching as a communication system and carefully examines the teacher & student relationship with the viewpoints of dynamic development and full-scale comprehension from the perspective of communication science .

  17. 摘要基于立足全局的系统观,应用模糊可变集合,建立水质评价模型,把水质评价由定性转化为定量。

    Under systematic view , a comprehensive evaluation model for water quality was established based on variable fuzzy sets method , and the water quality evaluation was converted from the qualitative assessment to a quantitative one .