
  • Fried Chicken Leg;fried chicken
  1. 我吃一个汉堡包,一个炸鸡腿。

    I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg ?

  2. 吃完这个火鸡后,接着吃那个炸鸡腿。

    Go on to eat the fried chicken leg after you finish this turkey .

  3. 花店送来的手花会是一个满天星花环和一张价值5美元的肯德基代金券,这样你就可以自己选择用哪种口味的炸鸡腿来搭配你的手花,有原味吮指鸡、劲脆鸡腿以及肯塔基烤鸡腿三种选择。

    The florist sends a corsage with baby 's breath and a $ 5 KFC gift check so you can choose a piece of Original Recipe , Extra Crispy or Kentucky Grilled Chicken for the corsage centerpiece . ( Source : latimes )

  4. 我要两个炸鸡腿和一杯可乐。

    I want two pieces of fried chicken and a glass of cola .

  5. 请告诉我你的通讯处,我想给你邮一个炸鸡腿。

    Please tell me your address , I want to mail a fried chicken leg to you .

  6. 我要了一个汉堡苞,一苞土豆条,几个炸鸡腿和一杯咖啡,真是可口的食品。

    I had ordered a hamburger , a bag of chips , fried chicken and a cup of coffee .

  7. 今天他给我们做了辣虾、炸鸡腿、蘑菇炒肉、清炒白菜、紫菜汤。

    Today he gave us spicy shrimp , Fried chicken legs , mushroom fry meat , stir-fried cabbage , laver soup .

  8. 这家快餐业巨头把这款汉堡加入到今年的夏季菜单,一同加入的还有另一款汉堡,是黑色面包片夹炸鸡腿肉。

    The fast food giant introduced the unusual new burger to its summer menu , along with another fried option wedged between black buns 。

  9. 最近供应的菜肴包括炸鸡腿配甘蓝(235克朗)、壮观的驯鹿肉排搭配烤榛子和冻奶油(295克朗)。

    Recent offerings included fried rooster thigh with kohlrabi ( 235 kronor ) and a spectacular reindeer steak with roasted hazelnuts and frozen butter ( 295 kronor ) .

  10. 肯德基推出的这款可以吃的时尚配饰已在官网销售,价格为20美元。手花由一个散发着香味的满天星花环和一块金色的炸鸡腿做成。

    The fast food chain 's edible fashion accessory - found at www.kfc.com/corsage for $ 20 - features one golden drumstick along with a wreath of sweet-smelling baby 's breath flowers .

  11. 面包糠是广泛使用的食品添加辅料,主要用于西餐炸牛排、鸡腿等油炸辅料。

    Crumb is mainly used for fried beefsteak and chicken as frying dressing .