
  • 网络incense
  1. 此器型以莲花为腹,未点香,却似香已袭来。

    This shape in the lotus for abdominal , not some incense , but like perfume already by storm .

  2. 夏天他们通常点香驱蚊。

    In summer , they usually burn some coil incense to keep away the mosquitoes .

  3. 我们拿一点通心粉,加入一点香蒜沙司。

    Let 's take a little bit of macaroni add in a bit of pesto .

  4. 很多中国人家里点香,香的烟中已经发现有多环芳香族碳氢化合物。

    Incense is burnt in many Chinese homes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have been recovered from incense smoke .

  5. 他不鞠躬也不点香,只是站在那儿,大叫三声后调头就出来了。

    Without nodding and presenting incenses , he just stood there to utter three yells and then rushed out .

  6. 结果,我却拜倒在神龛前,点着香,恳请一位死去的男人给我自由。

    How did I end up kneeling before a shrine , burning incense and asking a dead man to set me free ?

  7. 靠近点你真香

    Move closer . You smell fantastic

  8. 加多一点油炒香豆瓣酱和蒜茸,下甜椒炒一会,加入馀下调味,凤尾虾回镬炒片刻,试味后上碟。

    Add some oil to saut é the sauce and garlic until fragrant , add peppers and seasonings , return shrimp to wok , mix well and cook till done , season to taste and serve .

  9. 通过对照样品的感官质量评价,认为工艺温度的变化是改善CO2膨胀烟丝综合品质的关键点,是致香物质变化的关键点。

    Through the sensory evaluation of control samples , the results showed . that the temperature process was the key point to improve the quality and aroma substances of expanded tobacco by CO2 .

  10. 闻香中,感觉有点近水楼台先得香意趣。

    Smells , you will feel a bit fragrant charm proximity basis .

  11. 在清新畅快的仙草风味中,带点淡雅的荔枝香习,既独特又馀韵无穷、回甘生津。

    The refreshing herb relish with light and elegant litchi scent , of unique flavor , and with aftertaste .

  12. 您点的是胭脂香鹅,芹菜加大蒜,连锅汤,对吗?

    So a carmine goose , a celery with garlic , a Lian Guo soup . Am I correct ?

  13. 他的母亲点了几支香,把它们插进灰里,前后晃动着脑袋,口中念念有词。

    His mother lit some sticks of incense , planted them in the ash pile and bobbed her head forward and back in prayer .

  14. 你可以做的大一点,薄一点,香脆可口一点。

    You can go bigger and thinner , lovely crispy and delicate .