
  • 网络spotty necrosis
  1. B组光镜下可见肝组织大量炎性细胞浸润,肝细胞点状坏死及出血;

    In group B , a large amount of inflammatory cell infiltration in liver tissues were noted and hepatic cells showed spotty necrosis and bleeding under the light microscope ;

  2. 肝细胞肿胀,胞质疏松,小叶内散在点状坏死,汇管区有炎症细胞浸润。

    Hepatocyte swelling , cytoplasm rarefaction , spotty necrosis scattering in hepatic lobule and inflammatory cell infiltrating in portal duct areas .

  3. 保存24h后,肝细胞出现肿胀、空泡变性及点状坏死,肝窦内皮细胞肿胀、变性,并开始向窦腔内脱落。

    After 24 hours , hepatic cells swelled and occurred vacuolar degeneration and punctiform necrosis .

  4. 脑缺血30min再灌注24h,脑损伤侧呈现点状坏死灶;

    After 30 minutes ischemia and 24 hours reperfusion , spotty necrosis infarction was found in the injured side ;

  5. 48h则多数肝细胞空泡状变性,肝组织小叶结构紊乱,点状坏死,炎症细胞浸润较前减少。

    At 48 h , vacuolar de-generation appeared in a majority of liver cells , and structural disorder of liver lobule and spot necrosis were observed .

  6. 肝脏肝细胞再生程度明显,存在点状坏死、间质炎性细胞浸润。

    Liver cells was regeneration , point necrosis and liver tissue inflammatory infiltration .

  7. 肝小叶界板完整,小叶内有点状坏死灶。

    Hepatic plate of lobule was integrated and the focal necrosis was seen in the lobules ;

  8. 病理检查高剂量组部分动物肝脏中度浊肿及水样变性和散在点状坏死,肺有散在性出血;

    But in median dose group only mild cloudy swelling in liver cells and focal haemorrhage in lung were observed .

  9. 只有3个创面出现散在点状坏死,经过2~3次换药愈合,有较明显的瘢痕。

    Sporadic dot necrosis appeared in the rest 3 patients , the wound healed with obvious scar after dressing changes ( 2-3 times ) .

  10. 并发症包括感染、肺和脑部的栓塞、器官点状坏死、神经损伤、皮肤的坏死等。

    Complications can include infection , clots that travel to the lung or brain , punctured organs , nerve damage and the destruction of skin through necrosis .

  11. 3∶1组栓塞剂主要分布在门静脉1~3级分支内,栓塞叶肝细胞浊肿及点状坏死。

    NBCA was mainly distributed in 1 ~ 3 branches of portal vein in administration of 3 ∶ 1 concentration which resulted in swelling and spotty necrosis in hepatocytes .

  12. 结果:化学性肝纤维化组,4周末肝脏呈点状坏死,贮脂细胞开始活化;

    Results : In the chemical liver fibrosis group , at the end of the 4th week , pathology showed point necrosis , and FSC began to be activated .

  13. 乙醇中剂量组肝索紊乱;高剂量组门管区结缔组织增生,肝实质区可见点状坏死。

    Hepatic cord arranged in disorder in middle dose ethanol group . Connective tissue hyperplasia in the liver portal area and spotty necrosis can be observed in high dose ethanol group .

  14. 连续6~18次扫描后,肝细胞逐渐由轻微或局限性浊肿变为弥漫性浊肿、水样变性或脂肪变性、肝窦狭窄或闭塞、点状肝细胞坏死和局部肝出血。

    After 6 ~ 18 times of continuous CT scanning , hepatocytes were slight swelling at first , followed by hydropic or fatty degeneration , constriction or emphraxis of hepatic sinuses , puncture necrosis of hepatocytes , and local hepatic hemorrhage ;

  15. 结果IHS主要病理特征以肝纤维结缔组织增生最常见,其他依次为肝细胞水变性、肝细胞点状、灶性坏死、碎片状坏死、淤胆、巨细胞形成、肝小叶结构紊乱等;

    Results The main histological features of IHS were hepatic fibrosis , followed by hepatocyte watery degeneration , punctuate , dotted and piecemeal necrosis , bile plugs , accumulation of macrophage , structure disorders of liver lobules .