
diǎn rán
  • ignite;light;kindle;light up;enkindle;set light to
点燃 [diǎn rán]
  • [light up;kindle;ignite]引着火,使燃烧

点燃[diǎn rán]
  1. 他笨拙地想用一只手点燃香烟。

    He fumbled his one-handed attempt to light his cigarette .

  2. 斯蒂芬弓着身子点燃一支烟。

    Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette

  3. 从火炉迸出的火星点燃了地毯。

    A spark from the fire had set light to a rug .

  4. 汽车发动机中的燃料由火花点燃。

    A spark ignites the fuel in a car engine .

  5. 这辆汽车被浇上汽油点燃了。

    The car was doused in petrol and set alight .

  6. 你得重新点燃长明火。

    You may need to reignite the pilot light .

  7. 烤炉的火如果吹灭了会自动再点燃。

    The oven burners reignite automatically if blown out .

  8. 一支香烟把干草点燃了。

    A cigarette set the dry grass alight .

  9. 黛安娜点燃一根香烟,试图掩饰她的焦躁不安。

    Diane lit a cigarette , trying to mask her agitation .

  10. 火柴点燃后在燃烧过程中释放能量。

    The energy is released by combustion on the application of a match

  11. 他们走上街头,用点燃的轮胎设置路障。

    They took to the streets , setting up roadblocks of burning tyres

  12. 查尔斯点燃了导火索,他们便赶紧四处躲避。

    Charles lit the fuses and they ran for cover .

  13. 点燃奥林匹克圣火的习俗可以追溯到几个世纪前。

    The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries

  14. 这种产品看起来和点燃后都与常见的香烟没什么两样。

    The product looks and burns like a regular cigarette

  15. 火药立即点燃,引发一连串爆炸。

    The powder immediately ignited and set off a chain reaction of explosions .

  16. 他点燃一支烟,轻踩刹车减速。

    He lit a cigarette and braked the car slightly

  17. 几百张卷紧的报纸在为数5万的人群中被点燃。

    Hundreds of tightly rolled newspapers were set aflame among the 50,000 crowd .

  18. 拉上窗帘后,她点燃了蜡烛。

    After drawing the curtains , she lit a candle

  19. 在那里看到日常医疗中广泛使用草药的时候,她的兴趣被重新点燃了。

    Her interest was rekindled when she saw herbs in everyday medicinal use there .

  20. 她撕掉包装纸,抽出一支烟,点燃了。

    She tore off the cellophane , pulled out a cigarette , and lit it .

  21. 伊恩点燃了一支烟,坐在桌子的一端,一条腿晃来晃去。

    Ian lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table , one leg swinging .

  22. 要是木炭确实着不了的话,使用一种特殊的液体喷剂,再用长木片将其点燃。

    If the charcoal does fail to light , use a special liquid spray and light it with a long taper .

  23. 他点燃香烟,然后吐出烟雾。

    He lit his cigarette and exhaled smoke .

  24. 他点燃雪茄,深吸了一口。

    He lit his cigar and inhaled deeply .

  25. 在干燥的天气里将点燃的香烟扔在树林里容易失火。

    A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may catch [ start ] a fire .

  26. 我已在火炉里放好木柴,作好了生火准备,你只要把它点燃就行了。

    I 've laid the fire in the hearth , all you have to do is to put a match to it .

  27. 一星光花足以点燃莉丽的全部想象力。

    A small spark was enough to kindle lily 's imagination .

  28. 将火柴放在煤气喷嘴上点燃煤气。

    Put a match to the jet to light the gas .

  29. 她点燃煤气时,响起了一声爆炸声。

    When she lit the gas , there was a loud explosion .

  30. 他点燃了烟花。

    He ignited the fireworks .