
  • 网络World Meteorological Day;World Meteorology Day;World Meteorologic Day
  1. 1961年以来,每年的世界气象日,世界气象组织(WMO)执行委员会都要选定一个主题进行宣传,以提高世界各地的公众对自己密切关注的气象问题的重要性的认识。

    In the World Meteorological Day ( WMD ), a topic is chosen by WMO every year since 1961 for the public in the world to enhance the understanding of the importance of the meteorological problem concerned .

  2. 气象与体育&1996年世界气象日主题

    Meteorology and Sports ── The World Meteorological Day in 1996

  3. 改进气象服务手段提高公众服务效益&纪念1995年世界气象日

    Improving Meteorological Service Means and Raising Public Service Benefits

  4. 防御和减轻气象灾害&2006年世界气象日主题

    Prevention and Mitigation of the Meteorological Disasters & The World Meteorological Day , 2006

  5. 值此2010年世界气象日之际,我们谨向他们致敬。

    To all of them we pay tribute on the occasion of the2010 World Meteorological Day .

  6. 2002年3月23日世界气象日的主题是减低天气和气候极端事件的脆弱性。

    The theme for World Meteorological Days ( WMD ), 2002 is " Reducing vulnerability to weather and climate extremes " .

  7. 今年的世界气象日主题是“致力于人类安全和福祉的六十年”。

    By the way , the theme of this year 's World Meteorological Day is " 60 years of service for your safety and well-being " .

  8. 天气、气候和我们呼吸的空气,由于今天这个世界气象日的题材,提醒我们他们之间的密切的关系。

    Weather , climate and the air we breathe , the theme of World Meteorological Day this year , reminds us of the close relationship between them .

  9. 昨日,正当人们在犹豫该佩戴什么衣物出门去上班时,寒流随着世界气象日走来横扫中国大部分土地。

    World Meteorological Day coincided with a cold that swept a large part of China yesterday and caused many to hesitate about what to wear before leaving their homes for work .

  10. 对2004年世界气象日主题的时代特征和现实意义进行了详尽的阐述,深刻地指出气象是一个高科技行业,它属于信息产业,气象部门是生产和提供信息的重要部门;

    This paper illustrated the time feature and importance of 2004 World Meteorological Day in detail , and directed that meteorology is a hi-tech profession belonging to IT industry , meteorological department is an important producer and provider of information ;

  11. 每年的3月23日,世界气象组织将庆祝世界气象日。

    Every year on the 23rd of March , the World Meteorological Organization ( WMO ) celebrates World Meteorological Day ( WMD ) .

  12. 世界气象组织的所有188个成员国都会参加世界气象日的活动。

    All 188 member states of the WMO participate in World Meteorological Day .