
  • Home;Household items;HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS
  1. 总部位于波士顿的CSNStores是一家有着九年历史的家居用品零售网站,但在本月早些时候之前从未进行过外部融资。

    Boston-based CSN stores is a nine-year old online retailer of home goods , but had never raised outside funding until earlier this month .

  2. 至少,这是这家瑞典家具和家居用品巨头的前任CEO安德斯·达尔维格在其著作《宜家之道》(TheIkeaEdge)中试图传达的讯息。

    Or at least that 's the point Anders Dahlvig , the former CEO of the Swedish furniture and home goods giant , is trying to make in The Ikea Edge .

  3. 意大利时装品牌安普里奥·阿玛尼谨慎进入家居用品市场。

    Emporio Armani , the Italian fashion house , has made a discreet foray into furnishings .

  4. 使用BedBathBeyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元&谁知道呢?

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and & who knows ?

  5. 使用BedBath&Beyond(美国一家主营家居用品及饰品的连锁零售商)的20%折扣优惠券时,这个小工具的价格是40美元——谁知道呢?——

    With a 20-percent off coupon from Bed Bath & Beyond , this tool costs $ 40 and - who knows ? -

  6. 演员杰西卡•阿尔芭(JessicaAlba)创建了在线网站HonestCompany,主要销售环保家居用品和婴儿尿布。

    Actress Jessica Alba founded Honest Company , an online venture that sells household supplies and diapers which are eco-friendly .

  7. 家装用品零售商美国劳氏公司即将发布的一款应用程序可实现Phab2Pro手机用户用手机测量空间及测试家居用品和房内其他装饰的数字模型是否适合房间尺寸。

    Home improvement retailer Lowe 's is releasing an app that enables Phab2 Pro users to measure spaces with the phone and test how digital replicas of appliances and other decor would look around a house .

  8. Casachic家居用品店在一个三十年代FIAT的汽车展示厅里。

    In a thirty 's FIAT car showroom and garage is located CASACHIC furniture and home accessories shop .

  9. 他试验了不同的滚珠轴承后,带着自己的设计,去找了著名设计师特伦斯·康伦(TerenceConran)&伦敦家居用品店Habitat的创始人。

    After experimenting with different ball bearings , he took his design to Terence Conran , the founder of the London store Habitat .

  10. 根据北美的国际香料协会(InternationalFragranceAssociation)统计,全球香料市场的价值为80亿到100亿美元,其中日用香精占销售额的21%,个人护理产品占25%,家居用品占49%的市场份额。

    According to the international Fragrance Association of North America , the global fragrance market is worth between $ 8-10 million , with fine fragrances accounting for 21 % of sales , personal care products 25 % and household goods at 49 % of the market .

  11. 根据客户的需求,该公司后来扩大产品销售目录,销售产品包括录像带、DVD、电子产品、玩具、服装、软件、家居用品和食品等。

    Due to customer demand the company later expanded and added other products to its inventories , including videos , DVDs , electronics , toys , apparel1 , software , household items , and gourmet food .

  12. LasVentanas的别墅争取到了像加里・弗里德曼(GaryFriedman)这样的常客。弗里德曼是家具及家居用品企业RestorationHardware的董事长兼首席执行长,他与女友曾两次入住别墅,上一次是前不久的一次周末出游。

    The Las Ventanas villas won over frequent guest Gary Friedman , chairman and chief executive of Restoration Hardware , the furniture and housewares company . He and his girlfriend have stayed in one twice , the last time a weekend getaway recently .

  13. 亚伦公司是一家港资企业,专业从事电壁炉与家居用品的生产,为应对客户对产品质量要求的提高和自身品牌建设的发展需要,亚伦公司导入并推行了ISO9000国际质量体系。

    Allen Company is a HongKong-invested enterprise , specialized in production of the electric fireplace and household goods . In response to meet the requirements of the customer and the needs of their own brand construction development , Allen Company imported ISO9000 management system .

  14. 销售设计师家居用品的Fab.com和奢侈品销售商GiltGroupe都遭遇了消费者对Groupon风格的限时特惠网站的厌倦,这导致两家公司在过去6个月均出现裁员和管理层变动。

    Fab.com , which sells designer homewares , and Gilt Groupe , a luxury goods vendor , both suffered from consumer fatigue of Groupon-style flash sales sites , leading to staff cuts and management changes in the past six months .

  15. 谷歌去年以32亿美元的价格收购了流线型智能恒温器制造商NestLabs公司,这不仅对这家专注于家居用品的公司来说是一笔巨大的资金,对谷歌来说也是有史以来第二昂贵的收购项目。

    Last year , Nest Labs , maker of the sleekly styled smart thermostat , was purchased by Google for $ 3.2 billion . This was not just a staggering amount of money for a company that specializes in household objects ; it was Google 's second most expensive acquisition ever .

  16. 研究人员还说,父母光做到婴儿在场时不吸烟可能还不够,因为NNAL和尼古丁有可能会附着在灰尘和家居用品的表面。

    They also hypothesize that it might not be enough simply to stop smoking in the presence of babies , since NNAL and nicotine could potentially cling to dust and the surfaces of household objects .

  17. “竹韵新语”系列,竹家具和竹家居用品设计。

    Bamboo products design , Zhuyun series on funiture and furnishing .

  18. 巴西第五届家居用品设计竞赛颁奖

    Awards for Brazil 5 ~ ( th ) Household Articles Design Competition

  19. 现在即使是最简陋的家居用品在制造时也离不开微处理器。

    Now not even the humblest household object is made without a microprocessor .

  20. 家居用品、化妆品与包装产品已经开始以璀璨兰花紫示人。

    Housewares , cosmetics and packaging are already showing up in radiant orchid .

  21. 作为大卖场型的零售商,亚马逊除了流媒体服务以外还在其他家居用品上展开竞争,如今消费者的钱包也因此捉襟见肘。

    As a superstore retailer , Amazon competes on household items beyond streaming services .

  22. 衣服和家居用品大都是从慈善店买的。

    He gets his clothes and a lot of other things from charity shops .

  23. 爱巢大变身:家居用品穿夏装享受点点清凉!

    Great read financial clues love nest : household supplies wear little cool summer enjoyment !

  24. 家具、家居用品、电子产品、服装和鞋不在此列。

    The exceptions are furniture and household items , electronic goods , and clothing and shoes .

  25. 回收利用。轻松一下看看茶花爱好者的一些家居用品之循环利用。

    Recycling . A light-hearted look at some of the household materials used by camellia enthusiasts .

  26. 但政府监管机构不同意在个人护理和家居用品微量1,4-二恶烷会对人体有危害。

    But government regulators disagree on whether trace amounts of1,4-dioxane in personal-care and household products are dangerous .

  27. 中国人用竹子制作各种家居用品和武器,比如竹碗、竹箭。

    The Chinese used bamboo for making household articles and weapons , such as bows and arrows .

  28. 源恒家居用品有限公司是一家集设计研发、生产、销售、服务于一体的家居用品企业。

    Springhead devotes itself a long term especially on high quality bathroom products research , design and production .

  29. 宇坤是一个以设计为先导的现代家居用品公司,倡导自然环保的现代家居生活方式。

    Viken is a design-driven contemporary furniture company from China , which creates lifestyle furniture for world market .

  30. 然而,我们过去也设计了数百种不同的家居用品。

    However , there are also hundreds of different household items that we 've designed in the past .