
wēn chà diàn xiào yìng
  • thermoelectric effect
  1. 本文主要对碳纳米管膜的气敏、湿敏和温差电效应进行了研究。

    In this study , gas-sensitivity , humidity-sensitivity and thermoelectric effect of CNT films have been investigated .

  2. 温差电效应是半导体温差发电的理论基础,本论文对其基本原理进行了较详细的说明,尤其是对与塞贝克效应紧密联系的温差发电过程作了清晰的阐述。

    The thermoelectric effect which is the rationale of semiconductor TEG is carried on detailed showing in the thesis , specially the process .

  3. 边缘费米液体中的温差电效应

    The thermoelectric effect in a marginal Fermi liquid

  4. 温差电效应与超导能隙

    Thermoelectric Effects and Superconducting Energy Gap

  5. 讨论了温差电效应的起源和I类超导体不发生温差电效应的原因。

    The origin of thermoelectric effects and the cause of no thermoelectric effect in type-I superconductors were discussed .

  6. 并且样品在500℃的恒定温度下有稳定的电能输出,这种现象用现有的温差电效应和热(释)电效应理论都不能解释。

    And the samples can provide an electric energy output at a constant temperature of 500 ℃, which cannot be explained by the known thermoelectric or pyroelectric effect .

  7. 温差电量子效应及低维温差电材料

    Thermoelectric Quantum Effect and Low-dimensional Thermoelectric Materials

  8. 介绍了温差电的基本原理和影响温差电性能的因素以及低维温差电材料的量子效应和理论模型。

    This paper introduces the basic principles of thermoelectricity and the factors that can affect the thermoelectric efficiency , and also discusses the quantum effect and theoretical model of low-dimensional thermoelectric materials .