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wēn xù
  • warm
温煦 [wēn xù]
  • [warm] 和暖

温煦[wēn xù]
  1. 欧亚混血儿并非生来就沐浴于公众关心的温煦的光辉之中。

    Eurasians have not always basked in the warm glow of public attention .

  2. 他走进卧室,眯缝着眼睛,穿过温煦、黄色的微光,朝她那睡乱了的头走去。

    Entering the bedroom he halfclosed his eyes and walked through warm yellow twilight towards her tousled head .

  3. 另外益肾温煦法有促进排卵、健全黄体的作用。

    In addition , the kidney very inviting promote ovulation , improve the luteal .

  4. 认识杨锴是在广州的一个温煦的冬日,那是广州最好的季节。

    Understanding Yang Kai was in Guangzhou in a warming winter that is the best season in the city .

  5. “亲爱的,随你了,”艾德拉温煦说。“可是检查一下是值得考虑的。”

    " As you wish , dear ," Edna said gently . " But it is worth thinking about . "

  6. 如果是阴天,菲尔没有投下影子,就预示着天气温煦,春天早到。

    If Phil casts no shadow because the sky is overcast , the prognosis is for mild weather and an early spring .

  7. 斯蒂芬依然由于灵魂的呼唤而浑身发颤,听到了倾泻而下的温煦阳光以及背后的空气中那友善的话语。

    Stephen , still trembling at his soul 's Cry , heard warm running sunlight and in the air behind him friendly words .

  8. 津液的形成、布和排泄依赖气的运动和温煦、动和固摄功能。

    The formation , distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming , promoting and controlling functions .

  9. 假如我们有类似获胜希望那样的东西,那只能来自我们相信自己和他人的灵魂的无可替代性并将其温煦聚拢在一起。

    If we have something alike victory-winning thing , it must be originated from the warmth of the gathered unique souls of trusted ourselves and others .

  10. 人的体温,各脏腑、器官等一切组织进行生理活动的能量,都属于气的温煦作用。

    The temperature of the human body and the ability of the zang-fu organs and tissues to perform their physiological activities are dependent on the warming function of qi .

  11. 文章从分析《金匮要略》原文出发,提出恶寒的总病机为阳失温煦。

    From analysis the original text of " Synopsis of the Golden Chamber ", the authors put forward that pathogenesis of aversion to cold is deficiency of yang failing to warm .

  12. 在温和灸治疗时,患者温煦感和感传现象的出现往往是症状改善和血脂异常指标向愈的征兆。

    In mild moxibustion treatment , the patient a sense of warmth and a sense of mass phenomenon is often the symptoms and abnormal blood lipid indicators to more signs . 3 .

  13. 如果拒绝来自现实的新一轮考验,时时幻想温煦的常态,那么他从一开始就输给了生活。

    If he rejects the new round of test coming from reality , and fantasy about the balmy normal condition , then he has been defeated by life just from the very beginning .

  14. 在温和灸治疗中,出现包括局部强烈的温热感和灼痛感的温煦感乃至感传现象的灸感比其他类型的灸感治疗效果要好。

    Moxibustion in the treatment of mild , warm there , including a strong sense of local and burning sense of warmth and even a sense of feeling a sense of mass phenomena moxibustion sense than other types of moxibustion treatment is better .