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  1. 赵峰表示,军营生活并不单调。

    According to Zhao , life in military campsites is not monotonous .

  2. 那是他第一次搬运尸体,赵峰被吓呆了。

    Zhao was struck dumb when he carried corpses for the first time .

  3. 赵峰:我之所以回来发展,其动力在于北京实验室中不乏有非常优秀的研究人员。

    Zhao : The main driver is the pool of very smart researchers in the Beijing lab.

  4. 但在过去的两年里,我与外界失去了联系。赵峰承认。

    But I have lost contact with the outside world in the past two years , Zhao admits .

  5. 赵峰和他的团队每天处理着各种各样的网友提问,从如何找到失散亲人,到怎样喂狗。

    Zhao and his team deal with all sorts of questions , from how to find a lost relative , to how to feed a dog .

  6. 24岁的赵峰(化名)在四川乐山军队服役期间曾参加过一次矿难的救援行动。

    Zhao Feng ( not his real name ), 24 , took part in a mine disaster relief when he served the army in Leshan , Sichuan .

  7. 经济史学家赵峰称,历史上中国人从不妄动头发,除非在特殊环境下才会这样做。

    The Chinese never used to mess with their locks , and when they did , it was in exceptional circumstances , says Zhao Feng , an economic historian .