
My name is Liu jun.i live in shanghai .
Clinical experts from major hospitals and medical institutions will also join to develop the medicalbig data research platform , said Liu .
Liu Jun told their money back wounded , a cloudy day when it rains pain episodes , more than forecast also spiritual .
The collaboration will help develop talent who will play an important role in medical big dataresearch , medical informatics and related industries in China , he said .
Liu Jun proposes that the greatest characteristic of the Chinese civilization is its continuity and it is mainly embodied in the wisdom of the ecological ethic of Confucianism .
China has about 45,961.7 million rural labor force , which has surplus labor accounts for about 1 / 4 , in addition , an annual increase of labor force are more than 1,000 ( Liujun , 2003 ) .
According to Liu Jun , director of the Center for Statistical Science of Tsinghua University , who is also professor of statistics at Harvard University , the center 's research will focus on medical big data methodology development and applications .