
zhì mìnɡ shānɡ
  • mortal wound;fatal wound;vulnerability;fatal trauma
致命伤 [zhì mìng shāng]
  • [a mortal wound] 致人于死亡的创伤,比喻导致失败的关键问题

  • 贪婪成了那些死于非命的皇帝的致命伤

  1. 她在那起罕见的事故中受了致命伤。

    She received a mortal wound in the freak accident .

  2. 他的头部负了致命伤。

    He received a mortal wound in the head .

  3. 他在设法逃跑的时候受了致命伤。

    He was fatally wounded as he tried to escape .

  4. 其中一名司机受了致命伤。

    One of the drivers was fatally injured .

  5. n.人类,凡人adj.凡人的;致死的战役开始不久他就受到了致命伤。

    mortal He received a mortal wound soon after the battle began .

  6. 如今,欧洲各国的ATM机首次吐出欧元纸币十年过后,这种身份认同感的缺失成了可能拖垮统一货币体系的致命伤。

    Now , a decade after euro notes first emerged from cash machines across the continent , this lack of a common identity is the fatal flaw that may sink the common currency .

  7. 然而,缺乏对完整Java平台的支持是一个潜在的致命伤,且GAE中的一些组件尚处于试验阶段而不是已经生产就绪。

    However , the lack of support for the complete Java platform is a potential deal breaker , and some of the components in GAE still feel experimental rather than production-ready .

  8. 你那两枪不是致命伤。

    Could be your two rounds weren 't the fatal one .

  9. 但所有这些都并非什么致命伤。

    But none of these necessarily caused the plant to die .

  10. 缺乏毅力就是他的致命伤。

    The short of fortitude is his heel of achilles .

  11. 他觉得自己受了致命伤,只好倚靠在墙上。

    He felt mortally wounded and had to lean against the wall .

  12. 传说狼人的咬伤是吸血鬼的致命伤

    Legend has it that a werewolf bite is fatal to vampires .

  13. 她敷膏药于自己的伤口。虚荣自负是他的致命伤。

    She plastered her wound . Vanity is his Achilles ' heel .

  14. 那你一定目睹过无数创伤,致命伤?

    Seen a lot of injuries then , violent deaths ?

  15. 危险品船:航运的致命伤

    Dangerous Goods , the Achilles ` Heel for Shipping

  16. 手腕的致命伤与自杀相一致。

    Fatal wound to the wrist consistent with suicide .

  17. 而那些却是我的致命伤。

    And that 's always been my weakest category .

  18. 1984年的安全文化有致命伤,领导做出。

    Clearly the safety culture by1984 has significant flaws .

  19. 出租车司机以及对方车辆的司机都没有遭受致命伤。

    Neither of the two drivers involved in the accident sustained life-threatening injuries .

  20. 对他来说,这一次休息却是一个致命伤。

    For him it was a fatal inaction .

  21. 我有两个致命伤。

    I had a double whammy against me .

  22. 那可是我的致命伤。

    That could be the death of me .

  23. 和死者的致命伤完全一样的复制。

    An exact replica of the fatal wound .

  24. 他跌倒地上,受了致命伤。

    He fell to the ground mortally wounded .

  25. 对致命伤后行为能力的研究

    Research on the Behavioural Capability after Mortal Wound

  26. 但没有一处是致命伤。

    None of them appear to be fatal .

  27. 又有三个非致命伤的受害者。

    3 more victims with nonfatal wounds .

  28. 虚荣自负是他的致命伤。

    Vanity is his Achilles ' heel .

  29. 这不是致命伤。

    This is not a fatal wound .

  30. 没想到这一停竟成了致命伤。

    But the layoff was fatal .