
qū yù hé zuò
  • regional cooperation
  1. 我们要秉持开放精神,积极借鉴其他地区发展经验,共享发展资源,推进区域合作。

    We should keep an open mind , draw upon development practices of other continents , share development resources and promote regional cooperation .

  2. 推动建设开放型经济新体制和区域合作构架,让亚太的大门始终向全世界敞开。

    Economies should " work for new economic institutions and regional cooperation architecture that are open , so that the door of the Asia-Pacific will always be open to the entire world .

  3. 随着综合国力上升,中国有能力、有意愿向亚太和全球提供更多公共产品,特别是为促进区域合作深入发展提出新倡议新设想。

    As its overall national strength grows , China will be both capable and willing to provide more public goods for the Asia-Pacific and the world , especially new initiatives and visions for enhancing regional cooperation .

  4. 充分利用WTO协议相关规范有利于我国进行区域合作的部分,扩大我国的区域经贸合作安排。

    We should enlarge the regional trade and economic cooperation by taking full advantages of the relevant regulation of WTO in favor of us .

  5. 最后以APEC为例来说明在东亚区域合作中为了降低交易费用而进行了必要的制度创新。

    At the end , it narrates that to lower the transaction cost , it is necessary to innovate institution as has shown in the example of APEC .

  6. 从现实性来考虑,可以借助APEC贸易投资自由化框架、次区域合作协定、区域内贸易的发展途径以及长期的经济合作基础和渠道来发展东亚区域内的投资合作。

    From practical considerations , we can improve investment cooperation in East Asia by drawing support from APEC trade and investment liberalization frame , and making use of the channels of sub-regional development cooperation , inner-region trade development and long-term economic cooperation .

  7. 主要是运用制度分析的方法对ASEAN、APEC和10+3这三种东亚区域合作中的主要合作模式进行深入的研究。

    With the help of institutional analysis , it gives thorough study of main modals of East Asia cooperation , that is , ASEAN , APEC and 10 + 3 . With regard to ASEAN , firstly , it is of intergovernmental summit and ministerial meetings ;

  8. 最后,本文从推进行政管理体制改革深化财税体制改、推进国l有企业和国有资产管理体制改革、建立区域合作与协调机制和加强法律体系建设五个方面给出消除区域于政垄断的政策建议。

    Finally , the author gives policy recommendations to eliminate regional administrative monopoly by pushing forward the reform of the administrative system , deepening fiscal and tax reform , promoting state-owned enterprises and state-owned assets management system , establishing the regional cooperation and coordination mechanism and strengthening the legal system .

  9. 大湘西旅游开发区域合作研究

    The research about region cooperation of tourism development in Xiangxi Region

  10. 21世纪东北亚区域合作的展望

    Prospects for the District Cooperation in Northeast Asia in 21st Century

  11. 随着电子东盟框架协议的签署以及亚洲区域合作的全面展开,消除数字鸿沟成为各方合作的目标之一。

    Crossing the digital divide is one of targets in e-ASEAN cooperation .

  12. 区域合作与发展已成为世界经济发展的主流。

    Inter-regional cooperation has been the main trend for global economic development .

  13. 合作收益分析框架可以为区域合作战略提供分析思路。

    Co-benefit analysis framework can provide analysis for regional cooperation strategy ideas .

  14. 第三,推进次区域合作和部分产业的合作。

    Third , encourage sub-regional cooperation and industry cooperation .

  15. 东北亚国家意识形态差异对区域合作的影响

    The Effects of Ideological Differences in Northeast Asian Countries on the Regional Cooperation

  16. 而此时的东亚区域合作却进程缓慢,尚属起步阶段。

    While East Asian regional cooperation but slow progress is the initial stage .

  17. 基于区域合作的徐连旅游带建设

    On tourism belt development of Xuzhou and Lianyungang cities based on regional cooperation

  18. 基于东北亚区域合作发展东北老工业基地

    Relation of the old industrial base and Northeast Asia

  19. 日本的东亚区域合作战略及其背景分析

    A Analyzing on the Strategy Background of East Asian Area Cooperation of Japan

  20. 加强区域合作促进经济一体化

    Strengthen the Regional Cooperation & Promote Economic Integration

  21. 加强区域合作,形成区域联盟;

    Strengthening regional cooperation to develop regional allies ;

  22. 泛珠三角区域合作中的利益冲突与政府协调

    Interest conflict and government coordination in " Pan pearl river delta " district cooperation

  23. 第二部分阐述了农业产业化区域合作的相关理论。

    The second part elaborated the related theories of the agricultural industrialization district cooperation .

  24. 东亚区域合作与第二轨道外交

    East Asian Regional Cooperation and Track-Two Diplomacy

  25. 交通设施互联互通是区域合作的优先领域和重要基础。

    Transport infrastructure connectivity is a priority area and important basis for enhancing regional cooperation .

  26. 论海洋开发与区域合作

    On Ocean Resource Exploitation and Regional Cooperation

  27. 10+3框架下的东北亚区域合作&兼谈对东北亚合作的几点新认识

    Regional Cooperation in the Northeast Asia under the Framework of " ten plus three "

  28. 西部资源跨区域合作开发模式研究

    On Transregional Collaborative Development of Western Resources

  29. 湘西南山地旅游开发的区域合作分析

    An analysis of the regional cooperation of tourist development in the mountains of southwestern Hunan

  30. 成立专门的区域合作组织;

    Establish specific regional cooperation organization ;