
qū yù xìng jīn róng zhōng xīn
  • regional financial center
  1. 青岛建设区域性金融中心功能定位的SWOT分析

    Functional Location of Qingdao Building a Regional Financial Center : Based on SWOT Analysis

  2. 区域性金融中心形成机制初探

    A Preliminary Research on the Forming System of Regional Financial Center

  3. 区域性金融中心:厦门的金融定位和构建

    Regional Financial Center : Financial Position and Construction of Xiamen

  4. 打造南宁区域性金融中心的若干思考

    Several Thinking on Constructing Regional Financial Center of Nanning

  5. 五要加大力度建设区域性金融中心。

    Fifth , we must increase efforts to build a regional financial center .

  6. 区域性金融中心,甚至世界金融中心地位的争夺也日益激烈。

    The competition for being the regional financial center or the world financial center is increasingly fierce .

  7. 作为资金融通中心和资金的统一集聚地,区域性金融中心在一个地区的金融体系和经济发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。

    As the center of financing and fund , regional financial center plays a crucial role in regional financial system and the economic growth .

  8. 最后结合前面的分析,对南京构建区域性金融中心提出相应政策建议:以江苏为依托,立足长三角,是南京区域性金融中心构建的必要选择。

    This paper in the final part put forward the appropriate policy recommendations to build the regional financial center in Nanjing , combined the preceding analysis .

  9. 发展离岸金融市场是厦门实现区域性金融中心这一奋斗目标的关键和必由之路。

    It is the key and only way to realize the struggling goal of building regional financial center in Xiamen that we are developing offshore financial market .

  10. 自20世纪90年代后期以来,国内诸多城市纷纷将建立区域性金融中心作为城市发展的战略目标予以定位。

    Since the late 90s of 20th century , some domestic cities have located the strategic objective of the urban development that they would set up a regional financial center .

  11. 区域性金融中心,作为区域金融的重要组成部分以及地区金融资源的集聚点,更是在本地区的金融资源配置乃至经济发展的导向中占据重要地位。

    Regional financial center , as the important part of regional finance and regional financial resource accumulation , occupies the important position in the local financial resources and economic development direction .

  12. 2009年7月,国务院批准了《沿海经济带发展规划》,将大连区域性金融中心建设提高到了国家战略的高度。

    On July 2009 , the State Council approved the " The development plan of coastal economic zone " which made the construction of regional financial center in Dalian to the national strategic level .

  13. 介绍沈阳的金融发展情况,包括银行、证券、保险三大行业及沈阳金融市场现状,说明沈阳金融发展现状具备构建区域性金融中心的发展时机。

    Shenyang on the financial developments , including the banking , securities , and insurance industries and the financial market status Shenyang , the Shenyang Construction of the financial development of a regional financial center development opportunities .

  14. 大连要建立区域性金融中心,是必要在已有金融框架的基础上吸收更多的金融资源形成更高效更有竞争力的金融产业集群。

    To build a regional financial center in Dalian , it is necessary to form a more efficient and more competitive financial industry clusters based on the existing financial framework , absorbing more and more financial resources .

  15. 区域性金融中心对地区经济的发展有着至关重要的作用,中央政府对西南区域经济的中长期战略部署,客观上也要求西南五省市具备一个区域性金融中心。

    The regional financial center has the all-important effects on the regional economic development . The central government 's medium and long term strategic plan for southwest regional economy also requires that there should be a financial center in the southwestern region .

  16. 区域性金融中心带来的集聚和辐射等效应,一方面可以集中大量的金融资本和生产要素,另一方面会促进该区域的经济发展并辐射周边区域。

    The external effects of a regional financial centre consist of two aspects : centralize financial capital and production factors , and improve the local economic development then radiate to the surrounding areas , which will lead the integrated development of surrounding areas .

  17. 为此,要抓住机遇,扬长避短,加快金融机构、人才和市场的集聚,才能在日趋激烈的国际国内竞争面前掌握主动,赢得建设区域性金融中心的先机。

    Only by exerting advantages , avoiding disadvantages , and quickening the centralization of financial institutes , talents , and markets , can we gain the initiative in the increasingly fierce competitions home and abroad and grasp the opportunity to make Xiamen a regional financial centre .

  18. 在国家西部大开发战略下,长江上游地区作为西部地区的主要组成部分,其更需要建立一个区域性金融中心,带动长江上游流域的发展。

    In the countries of the western development strategy , the upper reaches of the Yangtze River as a major component part of western region , it requires the establishment of a regional financial center , promote the development of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River Basin .

  19. 在构建西南地区区域性金融中心的过程中,成都可借鉴北京金融街模式,实行分步实施、分层推进的战略部署;积极推进信息成都、诚信成都、金融成都的建设;

    In the process of constructing the regional financial center , Chengdu may use " the Beijing financial street pattern " for reference , then makes a strategic plan into practice gradually , and actively promotes " informational Chengdu "," sincere Chengdu " and " financial Chengdu " .

  20. 鉴于此,本文系统研究了海峡两岸区域性金融服务中心的构建问题。

    In view of this , the paper comprehensive studied on the construction problem of cross-strait regional financial services center .

  21. 海峡两岸区域性金融服务中心的建成将有效推进两岸金融的实质性合作,为两岸经贸往来的扩大和深化提供必要的金融服务。

    Strait regional financial services center will effectively promote the substantive cooperation in cross-strait financial which will provide the necessary financial services to expand and deepen cross-strait economic and trade exchanges .

  22. 首先,概述了金融中心的概念、特点、形成条件、积极效应及金融中心相关理论基础,全面梳理了两岸金融合作的历史变迁及发展现状,进而阐述了海峡两岸区域性金融服务中心的具体构想。

    First of all , the paper reviewed the theory about financial center and the process of the cross-strait financial cooperation , then described the specific ideas about cross-strait specific regional financial service center .

  23. 昆明区域性跨境人民币金融服务中心可以定位为云南金融商贸的聚集地。

    Kunming regional cross-border RMB financial services centre can positioning for Yunnan financial and commercial compounds .

  24. 如果印度真心希望孟买成为一个区域性乃至是全球金融中心,就必须确保正在进行的改革能行之有效。

    If India is serious about wanting Mumbai to become a regional and indeed a global financial centre , it must make sure the reforms under way have real teeth .

  25. 2020年,把西安市建设成国家重要的科技研发中心、区域性商贸物流会展中心、区域性金融中心、国际一流旅游目的地以及全国重要的高新技术产业和先进制造业基地。

    In 2020 , Xi ' an should become the important national science and technology R & D Center , regional business logistics convention and exhibition center , regional financial center , tourism destination of top international standard and important high-tech industries and advanced manufacturing base .

  26. 区域金融产业资本集聚会促成区域遵循区域性金融中心全国性金融中心世界性金融中心的发展趋势。

    The regional capital of the financial industry gathering will contribute to the region to follow the development trend of the regional financial center-a national financial center-the world financial center .