
  • 网络Etihad;Etihad Airways
  1. 有些企业很快便成为家喻户晓的品牌:阿布扎比的阿提哈德航空(etihadairways)成立仅5年,但服务已经涉及全球45个目的地。

    Some have quickly become household names : Etihad Airways of Abu Dhabi started only five years ago but already serves 45 global destinations .

  2. 其余九大世界最安全航空公司为:新西兰航空、国泰航空、英国航空、阿联酋航空、阿提哈德航空、长荣航空、芬兰航空、汉莎航空和新加坡航空。

    The remainder of the top 10 in terms of the world 's safest airlines was Air New Zealand , British Airways , Cathay Pacific , Emirates , Etihad Airways , EVA Air , Finnair , Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines .

  3. 阿提哈德航空每周有24个航班往返于阿布扎比和澳大利亚。阿布扎比位于波斯湾(PersianGulf)。

    Etihad operates 24 flights a week between Abu Dhabi in the Persian Gulf and Australia .

  4. 据NPR新闻的西尔维亚·波焦利报道,这项交易使阿提哈德航空公司得以在欧洲市场立足。

    NPR 's Sylvia Poggioli reports the deal gives Etihad a foothold in European markets .

  5. 上个月,达美航空(DeltaAirLines)首席执行官理查德•安德森(RichardAnderson)指责阿联酋航空(Emirates)、阿提哈德航空(EtihadAirways)以及卡塔尔航空(QatarAirways)接受政府补贴。

    Last month , Richard Anderson , Delta Air Lines " chief executive , accused Emirates , Etihad and Qatar Airways of receiving state subsidies .

  6. 阿提哈德航空的发言人说,希望将对维珍澳大利亚航空的持股比例提高至最少10%。

    A spokesman for Etihad said it would like to raise its holding to at least 10 % .

  7. 阿提哈德航空公司以7.15亿美元的价格买进了意大利航空公司49%的股份,意大利航空公司在68年的历史中很少盈利。

    Etihad bought 49 % stake on Alitalia jetting 715 million dollars into their airline that rarely made a profit in its 68 years history .

  8. 阿提哈德航空公司首席执行官贺国健宣布了这项交易并表示,意大利航空公司是一家很强大的航空公司,但是其糟糕的财务状况需要得到改善。

    Announcing the deal , Etihad 's CEO James Hogan said Alitalia is a strong airline but a poor business financially did need to be turn around .

  9. 乘坐卡塔尔航空、阿联酋航空、阿提哈德航空或者约旦皇家航空的乘客也许要提前做好心理准备了,你的隔壁有可能坐着一位特殊的乘客——宠物鹰。

    Passengers flying on Qatar , Emirates , Etihad or Royal Jordanian Airlines , however , have a unique type of neighbor to worry about - the pet falcon .

  10. 折扣航空公司捷蓝航空表示,将与阿联酋国家航空公司阿提哈德航空公司形成合伙关系,在两家公司运行的航线运载乘客。

    Discount airline JetBlue says it is forming a partnership with National Airline of United Arab Emirates , Etihad airlines to fly passengers on routes operated by both carriers .

  11. 这个被称做“代码共享协议”,最初至少包含捷蓝航空在美国的40条航班,不过由于阿提哈德航空将于6月份增加洛杉矶航线,因此这个数字可能会上升。

    So-called codeshare agreement at least initially will involve 40 JetBlue routes in the US but the number could increase as Etihad airway begins daily flight to Los Angeles in June .