
nèi yī
  • underwear;shirt;underclothes;undies;smalls;skivvy;underwaist
内衣 [nèi yī]
  • (1) [underclothes]∶贴身的衣服

  • (2) [underwear] 〈方〉∶穿在外衣之内的衣服(如衬裙、紧身胸罩、男游泳裤)

内衣[nèi yī]
  1. 氨纶弹性针织品的发展与内衣卫生保健

    The development of lycra knitted fabric and the health protection of underclothes

  2. 他们给他换了新内衣和一套干净的工作服。

    They had given him new underclothes and a clean suit of overalls .

  3. 她把衣服脱得只剩下了内衣。

    She stripped down to her underwear .

  4. 她打行李时带了一套换洗的内衣。

    She packed one change of underwear .

  5. 他穿好内衣,然后穿上西装。

    He put on his underwear and got into his suit .

  6. 最新款的运动内衣是一种可外穿的彩色上装。

    The latest in sports bras are colorful tops designed as outerwear .

  7. 我可以告诉你我的内衣一直装衬垫的。

    I can tell you I always padded my bras .

  8. 不要直接加热烘干内衣,那样会损坏布料。

    Never dry underwear over direct heat ; it will weaken the fabric .

  9. 他的羊毛内衣总是使他发痒。

    His wool shirt always itches him .

  10. 她们靠当内衣模特谋生。

    They model underwear for a living .

  11. 比起无人机把一批新内衣扔到你家门口,苹果大获成功的实体零售店,以及亚马逊在这方面取得的进步,更会让传统零售商寝食难安。

    More than drones dropping a new supply of underwear on your doorstep , Apple 's massively successful brick-and-mortar-and-glass retail stores and Amazon 's small steps in the same direction are what should keep old-fashioned retailers awake at night .

  12. 长款内衣,也叫longjohns或thermalunderwear,是一种上下两件的带有长裤腿和长袖的内衣,通常在寒冷季节穿。

    Long underwear , also called long johns or thermal underwear , is a style of two-piece underwear with long legs and long sleeves that is normally worn during cold weather .

  13. 天气转暖的时候,他们不再穿羊毛内衣。

    They left off their woollen underwear when the weather got warm .

  14. 达不到要求的内衣不能在商店销售。

    Underwear not meeting the requirement was not to be sold in stores .

  15. “男版塑形内衣”是指专为男性设计,使其穿起来显瘦的内衣。

    Mirdle , or man girdle , refers to an undergarment designed to give a man a slimmer appearance .

  16. 但是多数高端蕾丝内衣的含棉量都不到4%,这意味着该法规实际上是在禁止穿蕾丝内衣。

    But most luxury lace undergarments have less than 4 percent cotton in them , meaning that the regulation is practically banning it .

  17. 这款“提升”内衣由一根橡胶带和一个固定框架构成,橡胶带绕至脑后将框架轻松固定在鼻梁上。

    The Hourei Lift Bra is a band that slides over the back of your head and then the frame fits easily onto your nose .

  18. 这家日本潮流商店正在出售一种叫做“脸部内衣”的仪器,据说可以帮助减少笑纹,这种皱纹会随着年龄增长愈发明显。

    Japan Trend Shop are selling a ' face bra ' that promises to help fight the smile lines that grow more prominently with age .

  19. Shapewear就是能够临时改变穿着者体型的内衣,比如让腹部显得平坦、让整个身材从外部看来更苗条、更有吸引力,也就是我们所说的“塑形内衣”。

    Shapewear is simply underwear which is designed to temporarily alter the shape of the wearer 's body , typically to flatten and / or upper body .

  20. 男版塑形内衣可抚平、收紧、束缚和隐藏坠于腰间、胸部和身上其他部位的赘肉。

    The mirdle is used to suck , bind , restrain and hide love handles , muffin tops , moobs and other fatty areas of your torso .

  21. 并不是只有在高中时代才会做那种来不及备考或穿着内衣出现在课堂上的梦。

    And those dreams you had about being unprepared for a test or showing up to class in your underwear aren 't limited to your high school days .

  22. 男版塑形内衣的出现暂时平息了“性别纷争”,至少在穿衣显瘦问题上确实如此。

    With the arrival of the male version of the girdle , the battle of the sexes just evened up -- at least when it comes to slimming shape wear .

  23. 不过,跟所有快速解决问题的方式一样,塑形内衣也有其不利之处。有些医疗专家表示,塑形内衣不是很健康,因为穿着时会积压内脏,并导致消化系统疾病。

    Like all quick fixes , however , shapewear has its downside , some medical experts suggesting that it may not be particularly healthy as it compresses internal organs and can cause digestive problems .

  24. 香港内衣制造商黛丽斯公司(TopForm)面临一个类似的问题。

    Top Form , a Hong Kong lingerie maker , faces a similar problem .

  25. 帕特森研究了高档百货商店里最畅销的男士内衣,分析其用料与设计,随后发现了超细莫代尔(micromodal)的优点。

    After researching fabrics and designs of the bestselling undershirts at high-end department stores , Patterson came across micro modal .

  26. 模特支持公司ModelAlliance发布声明,表示对Razek关于跨性别和大尺码内衣模特的言论非常失望。

    The Model Alliance , a model 's advocacy group , put out a statement saying it was disappointed by Razek 's comments about trans and plus-size models .

  27. Jeff尖叫着跳下床,只穿着内衣,暴跳如雷地沿着走廊跑向服务台。

    Screaming , he ran from his bed , clad only in his undies .

  28. 皮制大衣,AmericanApparel;内衣,VPLbyVictoriaBartlett;

    Parka , American Apparel ; bras , VPL by Victoria Bartlett ;

  29. 你觉得tina穿内衣很不正规吧?

    You think tina 's panties are regulation ?

  30. 采用CN型无碱活性染料,对无缝内衣产品进行一浴法染色。

    The CN type reactive dyes were used to multi-fiber seamless underwear dyeing in one bath .