
ɡuō lú bào zhà
  • Boiler explosion;explosion of boiler
  1. 火焰检测系统是FSSS(FurnaceSafequardSupervisorySystem即炉膛安全监控系统)系统的重要组成部分,是保证锅炉安全,避免锅炉爆炸危险的重要部件。

    Digital Flame System ( DFS ) is an important part of Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System ( FSSS ) in a power plant , in order to ensure the safety of boiler and avoid the explosion of boiler .

  2. 他因锅炉爆炸而受伤。

    He was injured as the result of a boiler explosion .

  3. asaresultof由于…的结果他因锅炉爆炸而受伤。

    He was injured as a result of boiler explosion .

  4. 文中介绍了用TNT当量法近似计算锅炉爆炸事故危害半径的原理、计算方法和程序,最后进行了实例计算。

    The principle , arithmetic and procedure of approximate calculating the hazard radius with TNT equivalent weight method were introduced . An example of calculation was executed in the end .

  5. 如何避免蒸汽锅炉爆炸事故的发生

    How to Avoid the Happening of Explosion Accidents of Steam Boilers

  6. 一起常压热水锅炉爆炸事故技术分析

    Technological Analyses for the Burst of a Normal Pressure Hot-water Boiler

  7. 锅炉爆炸时许多人为蒸汽所伤。

    When the boiler exploded many people were hurt by the steam .

  8. 那个有毛病的锅炉爆炸时,那座楼被炸毁了。

    The building was destroyed when the defective boiler exploded .

  9. 锅炉爆炸,炸毁了整座房子。

    The boiler blew up , wrecking the whole house .

  10. 锅炉爆炸原因分析与事故后果模拟

    Analysis of the causes of boiler explosion and simulation of its consequence

  11. 一起非法自制的土锅炉爆炸事故分析

    An analysis of the explosion of a boiler illegally made

  12. 锅炉爆炸把她烫死了。

    She was scalded to death when the boiler exploded .

  13. 一起锅炉爆炸特大事故分析与思考

    Analysis and Thoughts on a Major Boiler Explosion Accident

  14. 锅炉爆炸事故危害半径的近似计算

    Approximate calculation of hazard radius of boiler explosion accident

  15. 锅炉爆炸了,随着而来的就是一场大火。

    The boiler exploded and a big fire ensued .

  16. 一起锅炉爆炸事故的分析

    The Fault Analysis on One Case of Boiler Bursting

  17. 八钢三起燃气锅炉爆炸事故浅析

    A Brief Analysis of Three Gas-Fired Boiler Explosion Accidents

  18. 为了避免锅炉爆炸事件的发生,炉内煤粉必须充分燃烧。

    To prevent the explosion of boilers , the coal must be completely burnt .

  19. 我国民用锅炉爆炸事故的预防对策

    The Management Policies and Precautionary Techniques for Explosion of Civil Boilers in Our Country

  20. 高炉煤气锅炉爆炸的原因分析和防范

    Cause Analysis and Prevention of BFG Boiler Bursting

  21. 蒸气的压力使锅炉爆炸了。

    Steam pressure exploded the boiler .

  22. 他冒着锅炉爆炸的危险,冲上去关掉了闸阀。

    Braving the explosion of the boiler , he rushed forward and turned off the sluice gate .

  23. 有些地方,斗争爆发为起义。一起非法自制的土锅炉爆炸事故分析

    Here and there the contest breaks out into riots . An analysis of the explosion of a boiler illegally made

  24. 在以色列期间,布鲁克林家里的锅炉爆炸了,烟殆引发的火灾烧掉了我们所有的财物。

    While I was there , the boiler in my house in Brooklyn exploded and a soot fire destroyed all our possessions .

  25. 通过对一起常压热水锅炉爆炸事故的技术分析,查找出事故原因,并强调了常压热水锅炉安装使用不当的危害性。

    This paper introduces a connecting device and means of control on a normal-pressure hot water boiler in an air conditioning system .

  26. 锅炉爆炸,烧毁旅馆,那个爸爸也被烧死了。

    Mine was by accident ! All right , the boiler explodes and destroys the hotel , and kills the dad . Eh .

  27. 据路透社报道,法国南部的马尔库尔核废料处理工厂12日发生锅炉爆炸事件,造成至少1人死亡,4人受伤。

    At least one person was killed and4 injured when a furnace exploded Monday at the Marcoule nuclear waste treatment site in southern France , Reuters reported .

  28. 通过宁夏石咀山矿务局银川住宅小区燃油锅炉爆炸事故,自行设计自动保护装置以确保锅炉安全运行

    Through the fuel boiler explosion accident that happened in the residential quarters of Yinchuan , Shizuishan Mining Bureau , design automatic protective equipment to make sure that boilers move safely

  29. 他突然意识到有大事发生了,这事比锅炉爆炸还要糟糕,比煤气爆燃还要糟糕,比以前发生过的任何事都要糟糕。

    He suddenly realized that something momentous had happened , something worse than the boiler blowing up , something worse than gas exploding , something worse than anything that had ever happened before .

  30. 破坏黑龙王龙头(在上图中崇拜的神像被塑造成类似人的样子)的人在一次工厂锅炉爆炸被炸掉了脑袋。

    The man who had broken off the head of the Black Dragon 's effigy ( the god is worshipped in a human-looking form , as shown in the picture above ) had his head blown off when a factory boiler exploded .